Teaching Marine Biology HELP!!!:)


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<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">I am a middle school science teacher. I normally teach Physical Science, but my school has started a service learning program in which teachers get to choose a topic they would like to “teach” for one period a day. Students can choose a class in which they have interest. I chose to investigate Marine Biology. Please keep in mind that I have ZERO expertise on this topic, just an interest. The purpose of this class is to research and learn about marine life and pass on what we learn to others through a museum night. This is a student lead endeavor. Our interests are ocean and reef conservation, sustainable fishing, endangered species, and responsible aquarium keeping. My school has been willing to invest some money (which is gone now<font size="3" data-gcupd="font-3"><!-- gcu-updated -->:bash2:)</span></span> into starting up a reef tank. We now have a 72 gallon bow front with a ~50 gallon refugium tank below. We have some live rock, a small cleaner crew, a Lawnmower Blenny, and unfortunately, too much hair algae. Both tanks are visible. Thanks to Chris at Fish Scales, we have received a wonderful education about this hobby. I am hoping to continue to utilize you experts to help my students and I have a successful tank. I also envision having my students post questions to this knowledgeable forum. Any information, advice, and/or cautions you could give would be greatly appreciated.</font><!-- gcu-updated SIZE -->

<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Thank you for your time!</span></span>
Welcome aboard!

Do you have any specific questions we can help with?

As far as hair algae goes I do believe that emerald crabs eat the stuff and run somewhere around 5$ do you have any now? What kind of lights do you have? Also I can probably help and donate halls first corals for the tank. Thank you for teaching our children.
I teach Microbiology and AP Biology at a high school in Gwinnett. I have 4 tanks in my classroom, including one saltwater. I use my tanks to help teach many different aspects of biology. These would include:

1. Biogeochemical cycles (specifically the nitrogen cycle)
2. Symbiotic relationships
3. Aquatic dissolved oxygen content
4. Aquatic microscopy
5. Animal behavior
6. Taxonomy

Good luck with your endeavour! If you have questions please feel free to ask.

Welcome to the ARC!
stacy22;604749 said:
I teach Microbiology and AP Biology at a high school in Gwinnett. I have 4 tanks in my classroom, including one saltwater.

What school?? I may have Gone there
Ah ok. I went to Shiloh. WE never had a teacher that would do this kinda stuff : (
Wow!!! I am feeling so encouraged and excited about this oportunity. Let me tell you a little about our tank...

Wave Point light- High output T5 Fluorescent 4 Lamp Lighting System
One power head, but I don't know the details (I need to check with Fish Scales)
Protein skimmer- Current ph1200

I don't have an emerald crab, but it sounds like a good investment!
I really need to get an RO/DI.

I am attaching some photos of our tank. I have to admit that I am a little embarrassed by my lack of knowledge. I truly appreciate your time and expertise! I will be back with some specific questions. I'll introduce you to my class tomorrow. If anyone has donations of frags or other organisms, they would be enjoyed immensely. I am hoping this interactive opportunity will excite my students as much as it excites me.

Thanks again!
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If you have no coral presently in the tank, you can get live bait shrimp and put in the tank they will wipe it out fast, down side is they will eat your corals if you have them
now thats what this hobby is all about helping with education and sparking interest to fuel new interest in the reef keepers of tommorrow
I guess dosing with vodka would be "out of the question".....

hair algae....a couple of nice turbo snails would do ya....I can donate you some.....I have a few other things, too.......

unfortunately, none of my corals would be good for you....they are all stony......

actually, I do have an extra seio power head for water flow you can have....
i have of 5" mat of Gold Star Polyps you can have.....they started growing on my overflow.....and i have some mushrooms i can also give you.....and also some zoas....oh and a purple birdnest frag.....it seems to do well under my wavepoint fixture.....(its on opposite side of tank from the halide....

also on the lighting....if the bulbs are the ones which came in the fixture(wavepoint bulbs)....you should be fine on spectrum....unless the bulbs replaced in a while..they lose spectrum after a while(usually 7-9 months....maybe 9-12...just depends)..so its a big possibility that its your source water that is contributing the the hair algae.....not saying it is....but good chance....

you may want to run carbon to help with filtration....get a filter bag and enough carbon for the water volume and toss it in the drain side with the LR....make sure to rinse the carbon first in RO water though....and also maybe put some cheatomorpha algae in the fuge area.....that will also help with nitrates some.....can also add some mangrove stalks in the fuge....just stick them down in the sandbed.....they filter nitrates like crazy(just need quite a few....and the fuge needs to have some type of lighting...
I will donate a water change and some macros for the fuge. Let me see if I have a light for the fuge as well.

What is your current fish list?
I've got some Hammers, zoas, and mint Paly's to donate that would do well with that lighting. I've got Halimeda if we get a light for the fuge. I can contribute some GFO and carbon as well, but don't have a spare reactor.
RaisedOnNintendo;604743 wrote: As far as hair algae goes I do believe that emerald crabs eat the stuff and run somewhere around 5$ do you have any now? What kind of lights do you have? Also I can probably help and donate halls first corals for the tank. Thank you for teaching our children.

Thank you! It is my honor to work with middle school students. I told my students about this forum and they are even more excited. I think that the emerald crab is a good idea. My students were already looking them up on the net. It is so kind of you to offer to help with some corals! I am taking all the help that I can get.

I probably wouldn't go with a firefish- clownfish combo. Just because firefish are small and skittish. Maby a yellow tang your tank is big enough and they are algae eaters also you could keep them with the clowns and lawnmower. Also alot of blueleg crabs would keep the sand turned and they eat just about anything. Oh just about forgot do you have a magnetic glass cleaner yet? Makes life easy and the kids could help with cleaning.
I am honestly blown away by the response from this forum!!!!!! You are so generous with your ideas and offers of help. I want to reply to each individual, but right now my planning time here at school is up, so it will have to be later. If you have offered to let us have something, I am extremely grateful and will try to make arrangements as soon as possible.

I am so thankful!!
Another thing I have my students do is research the organisms and try to identify them by scientific name.
Barbara;605169 wrote: What's your name teach? It's really great to see so many ARC members working with you on your tank. I'm smiling just reading all the comments!

I'm smiling too! My name is Audra Whitaker and I teach at Chestatee Academy (formerly Chestatee Middle School) in Hall County.