the nitrate nightmare.


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ok heres how it all started.

i bought a 50gal tank, used from a LFS. got a good deal on it.
so i was taking my time with reading stuff on the web, you know, trying to do it right. wasnt gonna set it up until i had a general idea on how things go. whats what if you will.
i get a call from a friend one night, "hey you want a saltwtaer fowlr tank" he asked. chris i aint got any cash right now. "who said anything about cash" he said. ok i'll come get it in a few days i told him.
"nope i need it gone tonight, im headed to the army in the morning" he said. ok im off and running down town to go pick up a tank i had never seen. i got there and there it set, all packed up.
fish in one bucket, sand in another, live rock yet in another.
ok i got the camry all packed up and headed back to roswell.
no instructions no nothing.
man that tank stunk to high heavens.
took some serious cleaning to get it ready.
ok so in goes the sand, next the live rock. everything settles. next the fish. ok here i am looking at my new to me 30gal bow front, protein skimmer, and hang on the back biowheel plus filter. the lights are
glo t5 ho. ok, everybody looks scared to death but they will adjust.
a few hours later i do a test on all the parm's. everything looks "ok" but not exactly the way im told they should be.
the nitrates are blood red. way off the charts. so i call the LFS i got my bigger aquarium from. off i go to buy water. 50% WC and the nitrates were still off the charts. how can this be? so again the next day
a solid 50 change again. still nitrates are off the charts. 3 more times over a 6 day period 50% each time. nitrates are like 120 or something.
a call back to the LFS and im told i should have cleaned the sand
before i reused it. ok heres my pooertunity to get rid of all that blk/white sand and get the nice off white substrate. remove everything from the tank into buckets. clean new sand and drop it in. weight out the rock and find that im 30lbs under. go buy cured rock. in it goes. everything settles and back in go the fish. didnt realize the cycle that might need to be done. ok nitrates are down to 40. not the best but not what they were.
ok time goes on and the nitrates dont go down, but they dont rise either.
fish seem happy. the one mushroom coral opens up and looks killer.
test after test week after week nitrates are still 40.
everything else looks good though. fish seem healthy and coral looks fantastic. ok so i figure that the test kit (api) is old and i go buy a new one. still all the same readings. sample of water to the LFS shows my kit to be reading correctly. ok so its suggested that i beef up my cleanup crew, so i go buy some crabs and snails. a month later the nitrates are still at 40. ok im getting mad and dont know what to do.
bigger water changes and less feeding. so i do 20% 3x a week for 3 weeks. no change in nitrates. continue water changes but feed only twice a week. no changes.
so then i hear that the bio wheel could be the problem. i remove it.
nitrates go up to 60 and stay there for a month or so. back goes the bio wheel and nitrates drop to again 40. :shout:
ok so maybe i need to change the filter more often in the hang on back. so i change it twice a month for two months and add stability with changes of filter and water. nope still at 40. :doh:
ok i get the oppertunity to go out of town for a week. my first paid vacation since 1996, im going. my LFS said the fish would be ok for a week w/o feeding. heres a chance to see what will happen while im gone.
8days later i come home. i test, 80. :eek::shout:
nobody dead everybody alive and hungry. so i do a couple water changes over the next 4 days and im back at 40. how in sams cain............
so this is how it has gone since that one quiet evening in december of last year when i got that phone call " hey ya want a saltwater aquarium" rick?
my LFS is clueless. i am too. they say my bioload is ok but suggest to not add any more fish. my fish are as follows:
1 clown
2 humbug damsels
1 engineer goby
1 blue devil damsel
1 cortez damsel.
few crabs and snails.
so now my tank is bouncing between 40 and 60.
what gives here? anybody have any suggestions?
im thinking for doing a sump/refug with mac alge. thing is, theres no room under the stand so its gonna have to set on the floor beside the tank, which im ok with. ive heard some bad stories about those hang on the back overflows. so im a little scared about this. with the skimmer and the biowheel/filter already on the back, something will have to go.
im open to suggestions here folks, i really need the help.
ask questions, offer suggestions, please i need help with this. i still have a sweet 50gal that i need to set up but want to get my first problem squared away before i start another.
IMO the sand should have been replaced. Too hard to get it clean without lots of time...

When you stir up an old sand bed you can release all SORTS of funk into the water. The good thing is, the worst is over and with enough water changes and good maintenance habits you'll get there.

Good luck!
AndyMan;389422 wrote: how long was the live rock physically out of water when you originally ppicked it up?
Did you grab as much original saltwater as possible to minimize cycle?
how long are we talking about start till now?


live rock was packed in 2 buckets full of original water.
at first i used all original water except like 3 gallons of which i bought.
start til now? i got the tank back in dec of last year. (i think thats what you mean)
cr500_af;389423 wrote: IMO the sand should have been replaced. Too hard to get it clean without lots of time...

When you stir up an old sand bed you can release all SORTS of funk into the water. The good thing is, the worst is over and with enough water changes and good maintenance habits you'll get there.

Good luck!

this is new sand.

" a call back to the LFS and im told i should have cleaned the sand
before i reused it. ok heres my pooertunity to get rid of all that blk/white sand and get the nice off white substrate. remove everything from the tank into buckets. clean new sand and drop it in."
Yeah but if you added the other sand back in first before you replaced it then the stuff from the sand is now in the water and not in the sand anymore.. Removing it after it was stirred was too little too late at that point..
OK, sorry... I read the first part and somehow missed the next bit. Now that stumps me a little (not that that's hard). However, the most elementary articles on water params will say that nitrates are removed through skimming and water changes. At least keep doing that. You do need to find the source, though. I don't see the LR being the problem unless it was way off temp for too long, inducing die-off... but from what you stated I don't think that happened.

Plus what the good Doctor said... was thinking that but I wasn't confident enough in it to say so.
yeah but his tank has been up and running for about a year now. when you change water are you cleaning the sand or no? what kind of skimmer?
Here's my guess... original sand bed is disturbed, causing huge spike. New sand was put in, but 'trates already in the water. Bonus nitrate points if the new sand was that bagged wet "live" sand.

Now the heavy nitrate load is taking a long time to get down, which would only be exacerbated by the HOB skimmer (of which many don't do a good job; we don't know the model here yet). If the OP is feeding heavy all this time (again just a guess), then there could be some more going in to partly replace what is coming out, making it take a long time to deal with it. The HOB filter biowheel was probably hurting things too while it was there.

If it's more complicated than that then I'm over my head. :)
barry that sounds about right, maybe he needs to get in on the sulfur denitrator build
IMHO, I read all this and if all that's off with the tank is your test readings and the tank has been up for almost a year and If the tank and inhabitants look happy, continue to keep an eye on it but i wouldn't worry about it too much. If the tank is out of whack the inhabitants will let you know.
ok guys, the original sand was replaced within the first 3 weeks of owning the tank. the sand in the tank is 8months old.
everything else seems fine. i did buy a frag of zoa's sunday. first night they opened up like there was no tomorrow. since then they havent opened. dont know why. my mushroom plant is open and huge.
the biowheel was added back to the tank because the nitrates were lower with the old one running before i thew it out. only thing new added to the tank in 6months at least is the pep shrimp. live rock totals about 60lbs.
tgray3;389441 wrote: IMHO, I read all this and if all that's off with the tank is your test readings and the tank has been up for almost a year and If the tank and inhabitants look happy, continue to keep an eye on it but i wouldn't worry about it too much. If the tank is out of whack the inhabitants will let you know.

this is what i have been doing. thing is, im starting to want coral frags, soft to be exact, and need to get things into check.
the fish size was questioned.
1clown 1.5 best
2 humbugs 1.25 ea
the cortez is 3inches
the blue devil is 1in
the goby, which is my g.friends fav, about 5in

im feeding everyother day. thinking to cutting back to once or twice a week. prime reef flake food and mysis shrimp.
the skimmer brand was questioned. its a coralife.
do you guys think a phos ban reactor would work? do you gotta refill these things very often? are they expensive to keep running. its my thinking that a 30gal shouldnt be costing me this much to run. yeah theres a expense but man ive sunk a ton of money in this dang 30gal.
roughly $500 the first month i got it. with all the sand changes and water changes,chemicals all in the name of nitrates.
both actually. i have a API test kit. (yeah ive heard) and my LFS is also testing with me. we are pretty much the same on readings.
i've never had any problem with API tests myself, they are certainly more than adequate.

hmmm.... have you tested your source water?
I don't see how a phos reactor would really hurt.. Although I don't know how it would lower nitrate either..
ive heard horror stories about API.
yes i do trust my water. its bought from my LFS.
i trust these folks.

man i hope you guys can help my solve this problem. tried this on another forum and didnt get much out of anybody. the few lost interest actually.
theres got to be something im doing wrong but what?
it was suggested above to dose with prime. ive used it but nitrates still show up on tests. so how do you really know if its doing any good?