Thinking big...


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So, the itch has bit me, again...

I'm thinking about a new tank.

I'm thinking that a 96" x 48" x 30" (LWH) tank would be a nice size for my living room.

600 Gallons - 4x my current 150 gallon display tank size.

Big enough to put on a steel tube stand, and all of the sump equipment underneath.

Might even build the stand myself - always wanted to relearn welding.

Of course, knowing me, this would be like a 3-year project!

Did you mean to say 30 years :lol2:; not 3 years? One of my favorite commercials:"></a> . Look forward to updates with pictures of course, especially cad pictures.

3 years, and 3000 posts later...

Of COURSE I'm going to CAD the snot out of it...

But realistically it would probably take me 2-3 years to build, anyway.
I'm a firm believer in "building in correctly the first time". That's why I've been planning a build for over 20 years :wow2: now and still counting the hours left to completion :eek: . And no, my build won't be as big as the Atlanta Aquarium or the Tennessee Aquarium. I still look forward to them CADD pictures, especially related to your Sump Room.

WannabeeaReefKeeper;1079910 wrote: I still look forward to them CADD pictures, especially related to your Sump Room.


Well, I'm hoping that with this design, I'll be able to put all the filtration in the stand.

My current method with the sump room 20' away works... But it's not as optimal as I would like.

PFCDeitz;1079911 wrote: Glad to see you back G we missed you


Maybe I'll even start attending meetings again...
jrhunter0000;1079917 wrote: Wow big aint the word. Of course im going to say JUST DO IT G!

Heh. Maybe I'll use my 150 as a frag tank... Probably move it to the basement.

Spike;1079922 wrote: Following, good luck with the build

Thanks, Glenn. It was good to see you at the Expo.

Just a forewarning - at the rate I progress, it'll be at least a year before any significant "building" happens. :)
Raz0945;1079927 wrote: Good to see you back!:yes:

My wife and I bought some coral from you at the Expo - a green leather, a green mushroom...

I don't know if you recognized me, I have a beard now. :)

PS, I heard you moved?
I did not recognize you, you should have said something! I hope they do well for you. Holley & Hal:yes:
Glad to see you back Giuliano! I've enjoyed your build thread and will enjoy again a new project from scratch!
I'll be pending and very interested in your actual tank when the time comes!
I had this conversation with my wife this morning:

Me: So, I've been thinking...

Her: That's dangerous!

Me: ...

Her: You want a 600-gallon tank, don't you?

Me: ... Yes.

Her: Called it!

I should note, I hadn't specifically mentioned 600 gallons to her before this.

So, I guess that's a green light. :)
joseayes;1079969 wrote: Glad to see you back Giuliano! I've enjoyed your build thread and will enjoy again a new project from scratch!

I'll be pending and very interested in your actual tank when the time comes!

Good to hear from you too, Antonio!
glad to see you back G. make sure to take this build really slow. im still not done with my 40b project yet and its coming up on 2 years since i started. cant have my build be slower than yours lol
Picoreefguy;1079984 wrote: glad to see you back G. make sure to take this build really slow. im still not done with my 40b project yet and its coming up on 2 years since i started. cant have my build be slower than yours lol

It's like you don't even know me... Lol.

Two years at a MINIMUM - more likely three years.

Jeremy @ SEA still asks me if I have water in my tank yet... About 2 years now, I think.
Jeremy @ SEA still asks me if I have water in my tank yet... About 2 years now, I think.

I believe that means you have to update your build thread!

Thanks to the thoughtful advice of my wife, I've decided on a location - right where the fireplace is.

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This spot has advantages:

It's on an outside wall.

Tank would be perpendicular to the joists.

I can reinforce the beams underneath with a support beam and posts in the garage.

The distance in between the window and door is exactly 10 feet, so an 8x4 tank footprint would be perfect.

Also being on an external wall means that I could build on an external fish room just on the other side of the garage wall, below.

Makes it nice and accessible for an external chiller, too.
The outer garage wall, underneath:

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It's already framed for an external door, so it would be very convenient to build a good sized fish room on the other side of the wall.

There's a stairway for the deck outside on the other side, but I needed to rebuild the deck anyway.