Trey's New 115g

I would pull as much water as you can out first so it's not full of nitrates from stirring things up. I'm also planning a tank switch for Sunday and I'm going to try and reuse about 50 gallons. Luckily I only have about 100lbs of rock and can lower my water level to about half the current tank's height before anything is exposed to air. I've been moving corals over to my nano over the past week so I should only have to worry about a few of the larger pieces (softball sized GSP that I'm not worried about, a few hammers, a large frogspawn, and a bubble coral. The rest are frags and will be no problem in the nano for a day. I'm going to move them over in the morning so I can acclimate them).

I've also got a few vials of BioDigest on hand in case there's any spikes I can dump a vial in. I'm also probably going to scrub some HA off a few rocks. Other than that, your plan looks about the same as mine.
See, I knew I was forgetting something! I guess I should insert "pull old water out" into the plan at some point! :) I'm hoping to salvage 80 gallons or so, and I have one 30G trash can I forgot to list that I can use just for holding old tank water. We'll see!
Yup, I've got a 45 gallon Rubbermaid container and I'm gonna drain from the tank through a filter sock into that, pull more water into an 18 gallon tote, and take all the rock out and somehow squeeze it in there.

Quick question, anyone know if pistol shrimps can hurt out of water? I've got to find mine and don't want him to come snapping out of a rock, which I would drop and break the tank...
My not so incredible picture taking abilities. Pics of the completed tank assembly tommorow and a free frag for someone to take a good picture before this guy gets picked up. Next week I am building Ralphs 75.
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I'll bring my camera on Saturday, Chris...don't worry! :) Just hold that Superman frag for me and we'll be good. I'll even photoshop out all the silicone smears...

Wow, I'm jealous already...and it's MY TANK! :) Things are looking pretty sweet so far, Chris. I'm working on my plumbing schematic tonight. I'm sure THAT won't change at all! Riiiighht!
This tank has been a blast to design and build for you. Hopefully the next one will be a real challenge.
Fish Scales2;353893 wrote: This tank has been a blast to design and build for you. Hopefully the next one will be a real challenge.

MY next tank or the one you're building next week?!?

Hopefully, I'm done for a little while...but if you need a REAL challenge, I can help you design a "spec" tank.
No, the next one I design and build. Hopefully this tank will serve you well for many years.:yes:
I'm sure it will. I hope the design inspires some to get creative and realize that custom tanks are nothing to be afraid of...IF you have a good builder. They are also very comparable as far as price. So guys, don't let the word "custom" deter you from exploring this option.
Fish Scales2;353893 wrote: This tank has been a blast to design and build for you. Hopefully the next one will be a real challenge.

If you need a REAL challenge, it's not too late for me to change up some dimensions is it?:tongue2: Maybe we can move the holes for my returns a 1/4" to the left and right respectively.
Sweet, I need that back glass in Starphire as well now. I know it's silly since we're painting it. I just WANT it that way...

Make it so...

Late on this thread, but, where are the "low" returns? Nice check valve, or not, I would never have the "kiwis" to rely o a check valve. If I understand correctly, you will have two, but even still. I would own a zero edge tank, if they werent reliant on the same thing.
jmaneyapanda;354029 wrote: Late on this thread, but, where are the "low" returns? Nice check valve, or not, I would never have the "kiwis" to rely o a check valve. If I understand correctly, you will have two, but even still. I would own a zero edge tank, if they werent reliant on the same thing.

If you check out the bottom picture on post #24 you can see the hole in the middle of the tank. Connect all the holes and you would have a triangle, there's only one return down low.

As for the check valves, I'm with you somewhat. This was not a place to skimp on equipment cost, so I spent $50 on the two I have. One will be just on that low return line and one will be for the entire return section. I think...

The wye check valve is super easy to clean out. I think with regular attention paid to it, I'll be fine. What are the chances of BOTH failing if I keep up with cleaning them out?:eek:
Chris, if you're following today, can you measure the inside dimensions of my top glass? I want to see if the screen I have will fit, or if I need to make another one tonight.
15"x42" You could make one 14 3/4" x 41 3/4 to be held just inside the bracing by 1"x9" 1/4 acrylic siliconed to top glass.

I love change orders!!! JK
Fish Scales2;354152 wrote: 15"x42" You could make one 14 3/4" x 41 3/4 to be held just inside the bracing by 1"x9" 1/4 acrylic siliconed to top glass.

I love change orders!!! JK

Hmmm, that way it would sit down flush. I like it, but I might not use 1"x9", I might use two or three smaller tabs. Follow?