Two different pairs of wrasse


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Well some of you remember my recent fish aggression issue which has me wanting to changes some thing around. The PBT is out permently and when I find a good home so is my little blue throat.

I have 5 wrasses all male except the Christmas wrasse which I am fairly sure is a female.

I have Flame super male, Yellow flanked super male, Lineatus super male, pink margin super male.

I am thinking of trading my Yellow Flanked and Lineatus for a couple females.

I was thinking of adding two female flames, and two female pink margin.
Question is it a bad Idea to have two different pairs in the same tank. Tank is a 156 Gal.

One thing I have noticed is their is light aggression between all the wrasse but everyone for the most part leaves the flame and Christmas wrasse alone. This what make me think this is possible. The Lineatus is the most aggressive but not bad at all till recently.

For those of you who say why get rid of the Lineatus well he is the most aggressive and my pink margin looks twice as nice. I could care less how rare/expensive a fish is just how it looks.

If I think this will not work I will just keep all the wrasses I have now.

I am looking for feed back from those with actually experience mixing wrasses especially pairs.

Thanks Joe
I don't think it will be a problem at all. My supermale flame has 2 females and the aggression is nil. The pink margins can get pretty nasty, but I think you'll be OK. You might have trouble finding PM females, though. Have you seen them anywhere?
I also think the reason you're having a problem with the lineatus is that the PM and lineatus look very similar. Flames and PM do not.
Yea I was concerned about mixing the Lineatus and Pink Margin. In reality the Lineatus is picking more on the yellow flanked then any one else. He used to be top dog in the tank but not anymore.

I can get some being sold as females right now. The only other pair I would try would be Lineatus but females are almost impossible to find. I have been watching for some time.

Yeah, I've only see lineatus females a few times, and they were almost as expensive as the males.
I concur. Two pairs wouldnt be that big an issue, if it werent lineatuses and pink margins. That would concen me.
jmaneyapanda;357439 wrote: I concur. Two pairs wouldnt be that big an issue, if it werent lineatuses and pink margins. That would concen me.

Thanks thats what I was hoping to hear.:) Yes the pink margin and Lineatus look to similar.

Right now in my 120G I have 1 male McCosker's Flasher Wrasse with 4 female McCosker's and 1 Long-finned Flasher Wrasse. I had a female Long-finned but it finally succumbed to not being able to swim upright for some reason and nothing I treated it with helped. I plan on adding one or two female Long-finned Wrasses in the near future.

When the white lights go out and with just the actinics the male McCosker's constantly flashes and goes after the females trying to get them to spawn. It is really cool to watch.
Thanks for input all I will let you guys know what I do and how it goes.

Barbara;357457 wrote: Good luck Joe. Anxious to hear any updates. I'm getting a female pylei on Tuesday, and I'm going to introduce the male and female in a 10G QT tank for a few days and then put them in the 90. I'll try to remember to post the behavior patterns when they go back in the display. I'm curious myself to see how the pylei acts towards the lubbocks when he goes in the 90. I always heard pyleis were kinda wimpy, but Jeremy told me they're pretty bold, and my one experience seems to match Jeremy's comments. The pylei seems poised to be one of the most aggressive I will have.

Not sure Barbara the one at Tim's store seems pretty aggressive.

If I do do this I would like to get all the females and introduce them all at once.

That would be adding 4 fish at once. The only problem is acquiring them all as well as quarantining them all.


I haven't have any aggression from my male flame towards other wrasses.

If you end up needing another female flame, you could probably talk me out of one.
I need female flames!!!! PM me if you have pics and price! The only thing Jowe needs is a punch in the mouth.
Well I just ordered one from Live aquaria divers den if I get his that will be two. :)

Yes I have always had great luck with fish from the divers den. Make sure to post some pic's.

jmaneyapanda;358498 wrote: I need female flames!!!! PM me if you have pics and price! The only thing Jowe needs is a punch in the mouth.

If Joe is willing to trade corals for punches then I'm sure we can work something out.
I have 3 pink margins at the store and need a Yellow flanked male for the house. Hmmm.
Ahh you guys are killing me I wanted to take slow. I may be paying you guys a visit this weekend. LOL
