Vodka dosing; the results speaks volumes

hhv00586;1109562 wrote: Jeff are you dosing anything else or just pure vodka?
Presume you are not using CaRx.

I might try this as it could save me a lot of space

Mark....I'm running a CaRX along with a Kalk Reactor and the Vodka dosing.
Odd I did vodka dosing for 6 months and never saw any difference.
Here's some pictures. The first one is of my red monti. It's hard to tell from the photo but there's about 3/16" of darker red around the edge which is new growth since vodka:

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Here's a picture of the RBTA's in full. The mother is in the back left. The first split is lower left at about 6 weeks old. The 2nd split is mid-right and is from 4 weeks ago.
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This next one, I don't remember the name of it but you can see all the encrusting at the edges. That's all new since vodka dosing:
alt="" /></a> yellow polyp cabbage leather coral. All of the "leafs" up against the glass are new in the past 3 weeks, since vodka dosing started.
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Do you know if the benefits from the vodka come from just the ethanol component or if the additives are important too? The reason I'm asking is if it is just the ethanol, then we could buy dilute lab grade ethanol and mix it with the water in your ATO.

I found that dosing through the ATO was a mistake because the dosing volume changed wildly from summer to winter, same reason why I don't use it for kalk anymore. Also, diluting the ethanol to a really low percentage might allow it to "spoil". I never tested I would think anything lower the 12-15 percent would allow it to break down.

I broke down the 120G tank that had setup and was dosing. But here is what I remember....

I believe that that the ethanol is the active food source for the bacteria. Diluting the ethanol down with RO/DI water works great. When I was Vodka dosing (well started with Vodka then switched to Everclear) that was diluted, I used the same solution for dosing and for sanitizing my yeast culturing containers (yeah, ex-hombrewer). However, I have the pleasure of living in a dry county, and it was a pain to drive across the mountain to get supplies. So I switched to vinegar dosing and it worked great, it's just another form of carbon. Also, it's available just about anywhere so.... no more driving 50 miles round trip to get stuff. The only caveat is that ethanol has more carbon (something like 8 times, I think) then vinegar, so vinegar is easier to dose accurately.

After awhile, I got board and thought I could tweak the system and make it better.I accidentally something that many reefers had known for long time adding lime (aka kalk) with vinegar works better! I believe the chemistry of it is lime plus vinegar equals acetate, there is a big long thread of it here somewhere.

Great article on "Carbon dosing""></a>

Vinegar Dosing

Short story made really long.... without a doubt I would use carbon dosing again (and will do it in the upgrade) for nutrient control.
That's AWESOME to hear & see Jeff!
For a while there, I was afraid you were going to give up & get out *_*

A personal experience I'd like to share due to the importance of over dosing when carbon dosing:

When vodka dosing my 55 & was out of town a friend (ARC member) checked on my tank. He accidentally dumped apx 1/2 cup of vodka in my 55 gallon. The container was marked "vodka" however he had stopped over after arriving home late on a long flight working.

I returned home late the next afternoon and came in through the back garage door. I could smell "literally smell" the vodka that had dissipated/evaporated in the air. I went to the front of the house (tank was set-up in my office) and saw the empty vodka container. All livestock in the tank appeared healthy and looked normal with NO evidence of effects, did water changes that week.

Over the next two months 3 Acan colonies withered away and died. The next 6 months coral had little to NO growth (Radion lighting). 7 months later moved into ready & waiting 75 gallon using new sand, additional LR, Radion + MH lighting....... coral exploded with grow!

Theory, the overdose stripped needed water/food components that couldn't replenish themselves even over months of time...


Keep us update please Jeff :yes:
I dosed vodka for over ten years without issue, and I dosed various other carbon sources before settling in on vodka which I found to be the most effective for my needs. As with anything you need to start slow and ramp up over a one or two month period while testing your trates weekly with an accurate test kit that can test minimal levels eventually. Also, again as with anything whether Alk, Calcium, Mag, Vodka, dosing needs to be consistent and just about anything that is over doesed could crash your system.

Great job Job Jeff!
This would be a great idea for my 60g cube, I don't have any more room in the living room.:D

blind1993;1109519 wrote: Do you know if the benefits from the vodka come from just the ethanol component or if the additives are important too? The reason I'm asking is if it is just the ethanol, then we could buy dilute lab grade ethanol and mix it with the water in your ATO.
So after reading this I decided to pull out a half bottle of Smirnoff I had and just started squirting 2ml in each morning to my 150

It has only been a a week and I did not tell my family I was doing it

Although no growth in the week, my kids did randomly say how clean my tank was looking.
The water and colors do seem significantly brighter.
Here's some additional pictures taken. These were taken this weekend so see if you can tell the difference from the before pics previously posted.

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Just be careful of a build up of bacteria, you can have a bloom if you don't go slow that will rob the tank of oxygen.
kzoo;1114686 wrote: Just be careful of a build up of bacteria, you can have a bloom if you don't go slow that will rob the tank of oxygen.

Very true. I'm dealing with some sort of bacterial/dino bloom right now from dosing Vibrant (a carbon source). It's a fine line to walk.