Wats wrong with Kole Tang

It sure looks like there could be Dyno's on the sand, hard to tell from the pic. Bristletooth tangs are constant peckers eating all day. If, and big IF here, if those are Dyno's and the fish ate enough of them it could kill it. It's just too hard to say at this point and trying to figure it out isn't going to do any good unless the other fish are showing symptoms.

It's really hard to figure out these type of problems with a limited amount of data to go off of. We don't know the history of the system, like how old it is, and with partially answered questions it gets kinda frustrating for us as much as it is for the person that lost an animal. I can say most of us here hate to see someone lose any livestock.

What is dyno and can I get rid of it?

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Anytime. We’re happy to help!

Could you share with us the tank parameters, and how you measure them?
1) Temperature:
2) Salinity:
3) Ammonia:
4) Nitrate:
Dyno is short for Dinoflagellates. A type of microorganism that can be found in our tanks.

As for whether or not you can get rid of them, that would depend on who you ask. Lol. But generally, yes, you can remove/diminish them to the point at which they no longer cause an issue.

Edit: It could be Dinos, but I don’t suspect so.
Right now I’m not home,
1. Temp: 76-78
2. Salinity: 1.023-1.025

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Ok, how do you measure temperature? Do you use a glass thermometer, digital, a thermometer built-in into your heater, or perhaps a sensor connected to a tank controller?

Same for Salinity; how are you measuring it?
Measuring are digital and are connected to apex, but yesterday apex was disconnected and has been having issues

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Right now I’ve been busy but after last night I am going to spend some time calibrating and seeing if I could get it back online

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Oftentimes, it’s lots of little stresses that add up and lead to livestock dying.

We wish you the best of luck, and are here for support! Shoot us any numbers, photos, or other hard evidence, and we’ll do what we can to help!
In addition to what Andrew has asked it would be good to know how long the tank has been setup and running along with your full stock list. I don't think you have Dyno's but a good set of pics of the tank under normal lighting will help. I know you're on your phone so seeing all the questions we've asked may not be the easiest to get to. Are any other fish acting/looking strange?
In addition to what Andrew has asked it would be good to know how long the tank has been setup and running along with your full stock list. I don't think you have Dyno's but a good set of pics of the tank under normal lighting will help. I know you're on your phone so seeing all the questions we've asked may not be the easiest to get to. Are any other fish acting/looking strange?

Okay so the tank has been running for 4 months
Full stock list:
1 sailfin Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 bird wrasse
1 dragon Wrasse
1 Melanarus Wrasse
1 Bristletooth Tang
1 FoxFace

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Hmmm... a less important question, but may open up some opportunities for solutions: Do you have any corals, anemones, or other invertebrates in the tank? Or is this a Fish Only tank?
Hmmm... a less important question, but may open up some opportunities for solutions: Do you have any corals, anemones, or other invertebrates in the tank? Or is this a Fish Only tank?

I have some coral and recently added an anemone from petco

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Being a 4 month old 125 Dyno's are a bigger possibility but we'd need pics. With newer tanks it doesn't hurt to check for Ammonia occasionally.

Tangs can be very aggressive and it gets worse after another one is added. with 4 tangs in a 125 my gut is saying there was some fighting. If the Kole got sliced a few times it's very possible that it picked up a bacterial infection which ultimately did it in.

I have some coral and recently added an anemone from petco

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Now that you say Nem it's also possible that it got stung. If the tangs chase each other around aggressively they are more likely to dart into a newly place nem.

Petco's tanks are notorious for having parasites. QT'ing livestock bought there is even more important than normal.

yeah, the stress of all the aggressive fish, open wounds, new tank Dino’s/cyano/microbes, and potentially high nutrients from feeding flakes and pellets... this is all starting to paint a highly probable picture.
Being a 4 month old 125 Dyno's are a bigger possibility but we'd need pics.

With newer tanks it doesn't hurt to check for Ammonia occasionally. Tangs can be very aggressive and it gets worse after another one is added. with 4 tangs in a 125 my gut is saying there was some fighting. If the Kole got sliced a few times it's very possible that it picked up a bacterial infection which ultimately did it in.

I agree with you 100% but I don’t know why it happened to the kole cuz when introducing the sailfin the yellow tang was aggressive towards the sailfin but after a day the yellow stopped, but he still had aggression towards other but before this he never was aggressive towards my other tangs (Bristle, and Kole)

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That’s a ton of fish, and big fish too, for such a new tank.

Im interested in the parameters when @Beastvo gets home. Regardless, my recommendation is going to be to take 10 steps back and slow down.
Generally tangs are mostly aggressive towards each other (1), even more aggressive towards others of the similar species(2), even more aggressive to others of the same species (3), and even more aggressive towards others of the same size as them (4).

Given that Sailfins and Yellows are both zebrosoma, that puts them at (2). But just because they are fighting because of (2) doesn’t mean they won’t fight with others because of (1).