What did you do to your tank today


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This will be a great thread that we can keep going. That way we can keep up with the small day to day tinkering of our members.
picked up my clam AGAIN from getting knocked over!! grrrrr What can I do to secure him???
Added 1/2 teaspoon of Reef Builder. Ph is good (8.2) but my Alk is low at 3.2. By Seachem's directions I could have added double that based on tank water volume but I try and do everything slow. Especially if it's not an emergency and an alkalinty of 3.2 doesn't constitute an emergency, right?
Well so far this morning I tweeked my skimmer (it's new and still breaking in) and I picked up frags that the snails knocked down, and wiped little fingerprints from my 2 yr old off of the glass:) I'll be doing more later I'm sure..
Just got finished removing the glass lenses on my MH pendants and cleaning them.
Great thread. Haven't done anything today, but yesterday I moved one of my K1's from the side to the back of the glass. They are now both pointing to the front of the glass for flow from different sides. Hoping that creates better overall flow.

Plus the power head was right over my frogspawn. It instantly grew out after I moved it.

Unfortunately now 2 of the my finger leathers arms are under the powerhead and they aren't coming out as much. Ugh?

I'm trying to keep my hands out of the tank. I'm always messing with it and pissing the zoas and baby plate off.
be sure to do a Prime/water bath to insure that all the bleach is gone and had been neutralized.
5 gallon WC last night, Checked calcium (too high) 490..hoping clam sucks some up
change timer on the lights for time change. empty skimate...checked Salinity 1.023, temp 79.9 and hasnt moved but .20 degrees in weeks...very pleased
Well I picked up the 2 frags the darn snails knocked down, moved some of the little leather babies to their designated pile of rubble, and fed everyone. The serpent star got his special treat (a piece of krill), and managed to defend himself from the blood shrimp who always tries to steal his food.

Anyone want a little leather? (No one with montipora; I'm quarantining against the nudis I had last month.)
trying to be patient and hoping that each time I check the water parameters that it shows up that I am done cycling
I looked at my tank last night after lights were out as usual. This morning adjusted my light timer b/c i didn't do it last night for daylight savings... plan on doing a water change either today or sometime after I get my new stand and tank up and running. to make the cycle shorter and ready for the clowns and corals for it. and finish building my new stand for the zoa only tank... that is it for me.
Nada so far. Might mag float the glass later if I can..

Quick question.. Does anyone know if they make a 36" scraper? I keep finding the 24" ones.. That's not long enough though..

And I hugged my denitrator this morning!
LilRobb;481629 wrote: http://www.finsdepot.com/product/ABBKENT-PROSCL35M">http://www.finsdepot.com/product/ABBKENT-PROSCL35M</a>

And I hugged my denitrator this morning![/QUOTE]

So I guess it is working? Either that or it's just sexy...
It's not leaking anymore - "Easy E" fixed it and now I am waiting to warch my nitrates drop like a stone *knocks on wood*
Watching and waiting...

Specifically, waiting for initial cycle in my ten-gallon to end. I've got a diatom bloom like whoah, some neon green stuff that is apparently a form of coralline, and one wee, tiny filament of what appears to be hair algae.

CUC will be shipping on Tuesday to replace the Ilynassa obsoletus</em> snails I bought without researching. D'oh! They seem to be thriving, despite the warmer water, but since they can turn predatory toward the rest of my CUC, they've gotta go.

Disappointed that I'm seeing no 'pods, day or night. I used dead rock, but live sand, so I was hoping...
If he would have hugged it last week he would have gotten wet...HAHA Found leak and repaired it Subnday so hopefully it holds.