What is your favorite fish?


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Personally, I would have a tough time picking just one fish. But my top three would be the Emperor Angel, Naso Tang, and Queen Angel.

IMO, Angelfish and Tangs are the most beautiful fish in the ocean.

What are your favorite fish? Do you have one in your tank?

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Blue spotted jawfish. Vibrant colors and tons of personality. I'll admit, I've never had a tank big enough to truly enjoy a tang.
NO question!

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i love dragonettes! obviously the mandarin but also the ruby red dragonette as well. i plan on have at least one but hopefully both if i can get them trained on pellets
I'd love to get a Regal Angel but I'm super nervous to drop that kind of money of a difficult fish. I also like 8-Line flasher wrasses and diamond tail flasher wrasses.
Many favourites but the most unique I've ever kept were Fingered Dragonettes. I sourced a pair for Tom Wyatt way back when. Took me 3 years to source them for him.

They were unlike any other dragonette I'd seen, they ate prepared foods, they burrowed in the sand and they were so different from everything else, I almost didn't want to part with them. I kept them for him for a few months until he could come and get them.

I wanted to get some more... but never did find any again.

I have always loved percula clowns, and had them in all my reef tanks, but some other fish that I think are amazing are the Austalian Harlequin Tusk, Chevron tang, Flame Angel, and Achilles Tang.
Butterfly and black tang.

Ralph ATL, I have a question for you. I had a Mel wrasse and I haven't seen it for a couple months. Some say that they come out after a couple months and some say it died. I've had it since 2012.