What salt do you use? Why?

i remember reading a article but i don't remember where it happens but some where it happens naturaly from waves crashing at hightide and when lowtide hits you can see the the layers of salt left on the rock.
mojo;48187 wrote: So.... it IS possible that companies can get their salt from this technique.

You're missing the point :). I don't care what technique was used. I had umbrage with the claim that evaporated aquarium salt was superior to other forms and I still do. It's just salt.
FutureInterest;48208 wrote: You're missing the point :). I don't care what technique was used. I had umbrage with the claim that evaporated aquarium salt was superior to other forms and I still do. It's just salt.

Oh - I agree 100% with you. Sodium Chloride is the same whether it comes from the ocean or from a lab. I will argue that there are differences between salt brands and natural sea salt with the trace elements, but until someone can positively say that a particular trace element is needed, how much, etc, then there's no point in trying to argue on salt brands.

I was just showing that not only is it economically feasible to harvest salt from the ocean, but it's done. I wasn't saying anything about it's use in the aquarium, other than it's within the realm of possibility. :) Besides, I use Kent salt b/c it's cheapest... :)
Chris, the only reason I'll disagree is because that picture you showed is not Oceanic aquarium company. Some companies may do this to make salt for consumption, environmental use, etc, but I doubt Oceanic would go on an endevour like that to create a product for the aquarium trade. I am just speculating though.
jmaneyapanda;48212 wrote: Chris, the only reason I'll disagree is because that picture you showed is not Oceanic aquarium company. Some companies may do this to make salt for consumption, environmental use, etc, but I doubt Oceanic would go on an endevour like that to create a product for the aquarium trade. I am just speculating though.

Disagree with what? I haven't made any statements that can be disagreed with! :)

Several people made the comment that it's infeasible or economically unviable to extract salt from the ocean because of the amount of energy used, etc. I was only showing that it is indeed done. Now... I'm not sure where that salt goes. I seem to remember that most of it goes to cities for putting on icy roads, and some of it is refined into table salt. My own guess is that exactly 0% of it goes into Oceanic salt bucket, but I have no data either way.

Again, I was only showing that it was possible, not that it was likely or even happens.
I think the biggest problem everyone is having in this thread is that none of us really know... Everyone has given examples of what "could" or seems logical, but none have given any actual information <u>and</u></em> references (except for Matt, but that was a general overview of salt mining methods, not necessarily for aquarium use).
The whole reason I haven't made an opinion at this point is because I just really don't know.
Just to throw in my two cents, which ocean do they use to evaporate? The oceans vary in salt content and specific gravity. Plus, I don't think that I would want salt that was evaporated from sea water near the mouth of the Mississippi. I like artificial in this case...maybe I am just too much the engineer.
tsciarini;48217 wrote: I think the biggest problem everyone is having in this thread is that none of us really know... Everyone has given examples of what "could" or seems logical, but none have given any actual information <u>and</u></em> references (except for Matt, but that was a general overview of salt mining methods, not necessarily for aquarium use).
The whole reason I haven't made an opinion at this point is because I just really don't know.

Tony- youre absolutely right. I knida brought this up in my post #45, but unless a slat manufacturer wants to comment, were all rank amateurs speculating our a$$es off.

And Chris- I just wanted to disagree with you- I really didnt care what you said.:doh: Hardy friggin har! No, I was one of the people that doubted the process, and I am aware that this is how a lot of salt is acquired. When I was in India, I saw ridiculously vast salt flats also, from the same ventures. I was not contending that it is impossible, but instead not economical for a marine hobbyist company. So there!
Stanfill Reef;48225 wrote: Just to throw in my two cents, which ocean do they use to evaporate? The oceans vary in salt content and specific gravity. Plus, I don't think that I would want salt that was evaporated from sea water near the mouth of the Mississippi. I like artificial in this case...maybe I am just too much the engineer.

You know... when the salt water is evaporated and the salt poured into a bucket.... it really doesn't matter if it came from 1.020 water or 1.030 water... 5 lbs of salt is 5 lbs... it just takes a little more water. :)

Now, impurities are a different story...