Whats up with cap bay?


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I am not tring to bash the store but I was there over the weekend and it just didnt look the same. The clam tank had almost no clams and the ones that were in the tank were seperated in small boxes. Also there were alot of stuff that was not for sale? And the worst part I bought some macro algae for my new fuge and it was loaded with flat worms. Glad its a new tank and there is no fish yet, so I guess the flat worms will die due to lack of food.What do you think should I just toss it?
Freshwater rinse and dip will make the flatworms jump off and die...Throw it in a bucket of RO water
Yes, otherwise they will go into hiding and come back to haunt you!
There is always a quiet before the storm.
Expect some new big things at CBA!

We are re arranging the store a bit.
*Soon to be carrying even more live rock (largest selection in USA) with new national live rock website [wink]. ...including ten types of Direct rock for $4.55 [to your door]. (Kaelini , Lalo , Slab, Branch , Fusion , Totoka, Eva , etc. ....A full dollar a pound cheaper then the Docs and the Depots.{it comes in the same box}
plus ten types of Indonesian live rock you cant even find on the web.

* Making room for more custom stands and canopies, [big sellers as of late]

We also have been working on a second facility {not open to the public} which houses Live rock and clams for the online stores.
The retail store will have a new batch of Maxima clams next week or so . They are farm grown , so its kinda up to the clams as to when they are of size to ship. Next batch is just now 2 inches give or take.
We are also, waiting for a friend of mine to start shipping fish out of Hawaii. so look for new Hawaii fish selection including Cross hatch triggers , Flame wrasses pairs and cheap tangs in a few.

sorry about the Algae... Can you tell me which tank it came from?
A customer just brought in a bucket full of Grape caulerpa as trade.
You most likely got his....Was your's pulled from the cleaner shrimp tanks?

Jeff CBA
I herd that Cap Bay had a batch of "bad" clams with a disease and it wiped out all of the ones they had?
Wait a second here guys. Cap Bay is one of the finest stores around. Without a doubt. This trash talking about them is getting out of hand. If anyone here can name me a store that hasnt had an issue with disease or parasites, let me know. EVERY STORE deals with these issues. And every stores customers deal with them too. When you bring in hundreds or thousands on pieces of livestock frequently, you will run into problems.

If flatworms are the issue here, either dont but the livestock, or buy it and treat for it. It is easy enough with products like flatworm exit, or FW dips, or even biological control.

I know I sound like a CB cheerleader, but it really has nothing to do with them, but more with this situation. Here is a very well run store that can provide top notch livestock, but all people seem to do is attack them when things aren't perfect.
Lets keep this thread on topic. Seems like Jeff, Bobby and Deb are doing great things there. I can't wait to see what happens.
jmaneyapanda;39643 wrote: Wait a second here guys. Cap Bay is one of the finest stores around. Without a doubt. This trash talking about them is getting out of hand. If anyone here can name me a store that hasnt had an issue with disease or parasites, let me know. EVERY STORE deals with these issues. And every stores customers deal with them too. When you bring in hundreds or thousands on pieces of livestock frequently, you will run into problems.

Yes, EVERY STORE runs into these issues... But I got to give MAD PROPS to Posiden's Reef here. They recently had a flat worm problem, they told EVERY customer about it and dipped every coral for you BEFORE they bagged it, plus educated you about how to do it. MAD PROPS THERE!!! It is the way a LFS should handle a situation. It should not always be "buyer beware"! But it is no secret on how I feel about how MOST LFS, including Cap Bay, conduct business, just plain unethical in my book. I think, when a LFS admits to a problem and is part of the solution, it reflects better on the LFS in the end.

I will keep this thread on topic (and honor Jeff while I "choose my words wisely"...), Cap Bay has not been lately what I also have expected them to be or thought they were in the past. I hope they get it together also, soon...
Kalkbreath;39598 wrote:

sorry about the Algae... Can you tell me which tank it came from?
A customer just brought in a bucket full of Grape caulerpa as trade.
You most likely got his....Was your's pulled from the cleaner shrimp tanks?

Jeff CBA

Clearly they knew nothing of this FW problem. I think it would've been nice if u had personally informed them of the issue before railing on em. I dunno if they woulda worked something out or not, but as a consumer I would've insisted on it. Most of all its obvious that in this situation they can't be like poseidon's reef and warn people about FW issues if they have no knowledge of it to begin with. So help them fix the issue by answering his question as to which tank it came from.
I have a quick question to pose to CBA, while this thread is here:

- Why are there SO MANY corals not for sale?

I've been in Cap Bay many times and bought alot of things from them. I think they are good people and have never had a problem using the ARC discount there. But in the last month or two, the majority of the corals they have are listed as not for sale. I can't tell you how many times I asked a price on a nice coral I wanted to buy, to only be told that it isn't for sale. Other times, I have been told that they want to grow it out alittle before they sell it.

That doesn't make much sense to me at all. I was just there the other day and they have 6 or more tanks full of nice coral that's listed not for sale. It's pretty frustrating to go in there and see nice stuff, then see a sign that says not for sale. Everything else that is for sale is the same stuff I see every time I come in.

As a side note, I totally agree with Brandon about the ethics of most fish stores. If you know you have a problem, you should be upfront and let consumers know. I would frequent a store more if they were honest with me from the get go, rather than me finding things out on my own. Or possibly losing my entire display, b/c someone was dishonest with me.

I too had a wonderful experience at Poseidon's Reef. Everyone there was honest and kind with me. If I lived closer, I would definitely support them more.

I want to support businesses that appreciate me and my business and won't try to hide things or not be upfront with me on things they are fully aware of. That's all I ask for in a good LFS.
Maveri9720;39668 wrote: I have a quick question to pose to CBA, while this thread is here:

- Why are there SO MANY corals not for sale?

I've been in Cap Bay many times and bought alot of things from them. I think they are good people and have never had a problem using the ARC discount there. But in the last month or two, the majority of the corals they have are listed as not for sale. I can't tell you how many times I asked a price on a nice coral I wanted to buy, to only be told that it isn't for sale. Other times, I have been told that they want to grow it out alittle before they sell it.

That doesn't make much sense to me at all. I was just there the other day and they have 6 or more tanks full of nice coral that's listed not for sale. It's pretty frustrating to go in there and see nice stuff, then see a sign that says not for sale. Everything else that is for sale is the same stuff I see every time I come in.

I asked Deb that very question several weeks back. The answer she gave me was they were trying to save the nice corals for the official launch of their website (which is probably taking longer than they anticipated).
Maveri9720;39668 wrote: I want to support businesses that appreciate me and my business and won't try to hide things or not be upfront with me on things they are fully aware of. That's all I ask for in a good LFS.

Amen brother! And a huge thankyou to Poseidon Reef for letting the customers be aware and dipping the corals, thats the above and beyond I love to see in a store!
Kalkbreath;39598 wrote:
sorry about the Algae... Can you tell me which tank it came from?
A customer just brought in a bucket full of Grape caulerpa as trade.
You most likely got his....Was your's pulled from the cleaner shrimp tanks?

Jeff CBA

Everyone here wants them to be like Poseidon's reef it seems... I'll have to check em out again. I wasn't too impressed the first time around.

Anyways, I think its completely unfair to bust CBA's balls over these flatworms and having a few people insinuating dishonesty on CBA's part. It's kinda hard to warn customers about an issue if you don't even know about it. That's the implication I draw from Kalk's post... it clearly appears this is the first time they've heard about it and are inquiring as to which tank so they can deal with it. Sometimes you have to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Erm, I know I'm the noob, and I don't follow this same advice, but er... People... If you're worried about pests and parasites and such, rather than complaining about something every LFS in history has had to deal with and then blaming your losses or troubles on the store, wouldn't it just make more sense to follow the best practices that we all know we should (and yet rarely do) and QT and FW dip EVERYTHING before you put it in your tank: Voila, no pest issues. An LFS can't afford to quarantine EVERYTHING it gets for 21 days, much less the stuff customers bring in for trade, but if you want your tank to remain healthy and pest/disease free, it doesn't cost you anything, really, besides a QT setup and 21 days of waiting. Better that, I think, than losing livestock and then blaming one of the better stores in the area for something they probably couldn't have done much about.

My place of work **** sure couldn't afford to hold every piece of hardware for 21 days before we sell it just to make sure it works - we'd go out of business, fast, and I'd bet the same would be true for any LFS.
CGill311;39677 wrote: I asked Deb that very question several weeks back. The answer she gave me was they were trying to save the nice corals for the official launch of their website (which is probably taking longer than they anticipated).

So does selling corals online now take precedent over people actually taking the time to come to their store and buy from them directly? Either way you are trying to sell the corals, whether online or in the store, so why deny one form for another?

The only thing I can think of, would be so they could charge more selling it online, than in the store. Very strange.

And I believe only 2 people commented on Poseidon's Reef, so I wouldn't classify that as everyone.

As far as shrugging total responsibility from the LFS's, I think that is bad business. If I went to a store and bought something and took it home and dipped it and found FW, or redbugs, or nudibranchs and no one at the store even mentioned anything about disease in their tanks, I probably wouldn't go back there again. Now if I bought something and the store told me upfront that they have a prob with "x", then I could go home and make sure I keep an eye out for "x" and make sure I take the proper precautions for treating "x" before it goes in my tank. I also would be pleased that the LFS told me about it and I would become a loyal customer, knowing the LFS appreciates me and my business and is upfront and honest with me in our transactions.

Side note, I do QT and dip livestock coming into my tank. As for corals, I only dip them in Lugol's and FW Exit. This doesn't cover redbugs, but basically everything else. To treat for them, you would have to dip for 6+ hrs with interceptor and then QT for like 5 days, dip again for 6+ hrs, wait like 5 days and then do a final dip before putting into your main tank. This isn't a process I plan to go through for each piece of coral I add to my tank, BUT if a LFS told me they have had a prob with them and I know it's a strong possibility ahead of time, then I will most certainly go through the process for this one coral.

Just an example of how open communication between LFS and customers can help out tremendously, rather than shrugging the responsibility off and keeping their mouths shut.

Second side note, I look at my tank MAYBE 30 - 60 mins a day and I know when I have disease. So it's very hard for me to accept 5-10 people, working 9 hrs - 10 hrs a day, staring at their coral and fish tanks and not realize they have some form of disease in there. I understand LFS's can't QT everything, but they should know when they have disease. LFS's will always go through battles of disease, b/c it isn't cost effective for them to QT everything properly, but when they do have disease, I feel it's their responsibility to tell any customer buying from an infected tank that there is a possibility their purchase may be infected also and to treat accordingly before putting into a display tank.
Maveri9720;39713 wrote: So does selling corals online now take precedent over people actually taking the time to come to their store and buy from them directly? Either way you are trying to sell the corals, whether online or in the store, so why deny one form for another?

I think they're just trying to stock up on some nice corals for a good "wow" factor for the website to keep people coming back. Just think if you saw an online coral dealer with plain zoos and leathers. Would you ever go back or recommend the site to someone else? I wouldn't.
So you're saying it's okay to screw the local customers who take the time to drive there and shop at their store and then tell them the corals they like and want to buy aren't for sale, so they can sell them online instead and keep online customers coming back? That sounds pretty bad to me!

This sounds like what everyone gets worked up about when people suggest buying online vs your LFS, except now, it's the LFS screwing over customers who actually decided to support them, over online websites.

More and more people shop online now, b/c of the poor selection and service they receive at many of their LFS's. So to take the time and effort to go and try to support your LFS, and then get shafted, b/c they want to sell their corals online instead is a HUGE slap in the face to the customers.

I think this will hurt their business tremendously if they keep this up and I feel sorry for the people who make longer drives than I do, just to see a bunch of tanks full of great coral, labeled "Not For Sale".
Watching this thread along with others steadily getting out of hand...

Just to make a comment on the people that are dropping bombs about clam health and CBA. <u>This was not an isolated event at CBA.</em></u> I've been in contact with another club, a clam distributor and other boards that have all been experiencing similar issues. Even at SWU, I spoke with Bob Fenner about the general clam heath across the country (and world) and we only started the conversation because he mentioned something about it in his presentation.
(this goes back to my original comment in the disastrous clam thread where I said that there was likely something going on that us non-scientists aren't seeing.)

Anyway... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep your comments in this thread respectful and reasonable. A business has the right to sell or not sell anything they choose. If they were in a black tank that you couldn't see in, would it still be a problem? I'm sure that if they had the space and resources, they would setup seperate systems somewhere else but they only have the room to house so much.

Also, please take in consideration how your comments are representative of the club...
tsciarini;39718 wrote: Watching this thread along with others steadily getting out of hand...

Just to make a comment on the people that are dropping bombs about clam health and CBA. <u>This was not an isolated event at CBA.</em></u> I've been in contact with another club, a clam distributor and other boards that have all been experiencing similar issues. Even at SWU, I spoke with Bob Fenner about the general clam heath across the country (and world) and we only started the conversation because he mentioned something about it in his presentation.
(this goes back to my original comment in the disastrous clam thread where I said that there was likely something going on that us non-scientists aren't seeing.)

Anyway... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep your comments in this thread respectful and reasonable. A business has the right to sell or not sell anything they choose. If they were in a black tank that you couldn't see in, would it still be a problem? I'm sure that if they had the space and resources, they would setup seperate systems somewhere else but they only have the room to house so much.

Also, please take in consideration how your comments are representative of the club...

Can you enlighten me as to who is "dropping bombs" about clam health at CBA??? One person asked a question about it and someone else commented on Lee's clams, but that's all the mention of clams.

I believe everyone here is being reasonable and fair. No one is going off the deep end or making outrageous comments. I am only making comments about how I feel LFS's should act and the reasoning behind which ones I frequent and support and the ones I won't. No one is saying Cap Bay is horrible and that they lie and no one should ever go back there. I'm speaking in generalizations, hence the use of the term "LFS".

You need to chill out and relax. No one is bashing anyone or any place in this thread. So far, it is civil and I see no evidence of this thread "getting out of hand".