So like I said I was off work all day yesterday, and got started first thing on setting it up.
I did just as Chrisjet instructed, First I removed and Disposed of all the old sand. I also Gave all the Liverock a Good Scrub down, found a few worms that looked like Red wigglers in a couple pieces, Not sure if they were safe so I took the safe route and removed them.
I added 20Lbs of Caribsea Live sand and Filled the tank with pre mixed water. I put one sponge in the first compartment and put a handful of filter floss on top of that. Put about 1lb. of Liverock ruble in the Second compartment and a Small bag of seachem surgel on top of that , my LFS was out of the packets of purigen so I have to wait a couple days before I can get that in there.
In the Third Compartment I upgraded the pump to a Maxijet 1200 and put in the Heater and Temp Gauge. You were right Chris Jet, The flow is amazing. I actually came up with a great idea to go with this but you'll have to stay tuned to see if it works out.
Well I waited a little while and let the sand storm calm down, and then added some of the Liverock. I didn't use all of the Rock, because I was pretty pleased with what I came up with. Here's where we are as of Last Night."></a>
I wanted to post these pics the way most of you do, where a smaller image is shown and when you click on it the size goes up but don't know how to do that.
Please let me know what you guys think.