As Promised 180 build thread

<u>The Stand</u></em>

No not the book by Stephen King although this thing is a horror in its own right.

The base of this stand seems to be solid but the construction of the interior of the stand need's some serious re-engineering.

The exterior of the stand is covered in some type of laminate (not formica) and is a great idea by the builder however I deplore the color and will eventually reskin the stand, add some decorative mouldings and stain the whole thing.

Here is the beast:

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Typical three door stand. Nothing spectacular but that color sheeesh.

Here is an example of the interior construction. The gaps you see were everywhere inside the stand and this would not do.

I needed to make sure that if there was an overflow that at least some water would be held in the stand to help buy some time. As you can see, in this state water would just pour onto the floor." alt="" />
First item of business was to construct a "pan" that would hold some water so I nailed a 2 x 4 on edge across the back and the sides to form 3 sides of the pan.

Here you can see the back 2 x 4:
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I could not finish the pan using a 2 x 4 across the front because it would have interefered inside the door frames. Instead, I had to use the face frame of the cabinet as the front side of the pan.

This frame came up only 1" tall but there was no other solution.
The completed pan would now be 60" x 18" x 1" for a water volume of 4.68 gallons in an emergency.

I wrapped the front in shoemould, caulked the pan in with DAP Alex and painted it.

This is a shot of how it looked when it was completed:
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Next on the stand I added the fuge light.

I decided to use an exterior grade spotlight socket and cord like this:" alt="" />

As you can see, this has a stake that you would push into the ground.

Some high tech fabrication was in order so I ran the stake through my miter saw, drilled some holes and came up with a bracket that would work.

Here is the bulb that I decided on using for my fuge:
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This is a daylight bulb with a 6500K rating. It claims to use 16W but shine like a 65W.

After testing the bulb and socket I must say I was a little dissapointed with the output. It did get brighter over the course of a couple minutes though.

I attached the assembly to the stand and clamped the wire to the cross member.

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You can see the new super sleek high tech bracket I made with the miter saw.

I fired the bulb up to see how the light looked inside the stand. I'm not as unhappy with the output as I was before but I will monitor the growth of my macro and determine if I need to *** a second light in the future:

As seen in a previous shot, this is the light it produces:

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Clearance is at a premium under the stand so I wanted to make sure that all things adjusting were in easy reach.

The air valve on the skimmer was a main concern so I decided to take the air valve off of the Beckett and relocate it onto the stand within easy reach.

I was unsure if this would work so I asked the question in the MRC forum and they answered very quickly that it would so I attached it with a couple of brackets:

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I will connect this to the Beckett with a couple of fittings and some air line.

This is now easily accessible when I open the door.

In my current stand I kept my battery back up on the floor of the stand with my sump.

In this stand I wanted to ensure that the backup was above any flood the sump may have.

I used the upright 2 x 4 on the left side of the stand as a shelf base.
I measured and cut the shelf out of 3/4 plywood:
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I left room between the shelf and the cabinet so I would have a place to tuck cords.

Next I need to construct something for my Halide ballast's to reside.

Even though they are in waterproof boxes, I wanted them up and away from the water so I took 2 powder coated brackets I had laying around and constructed a second shelf above the battery backup:

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I cut the shelf and test fit one of ballast boxes:

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Then I test fit both to ensure that I had room for another ballast when I had the third halide to the canopy:
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The fit was good and I had room to spare for a third ballast box.

Notice that the capacitor that I had attached to the back of the water proof box is hidden, no wires can be seen and it is far away from water.

Next I painted it all for a nice clean look. At this point I went through the entire inside of the stand, caulked every gap and hole for aesthetics and gave everything another coat of paint:

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I mounted the battery backup, the ballasts and ran the wires:

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I called it a day here.
so where are the wires going to go once the tank
is there and blocking that?? out the back?
I mounted a power strip above the ballast boxes so I had plenty of outlets, loomed all the wires and clamped them out of the way.

Every build I have ever seen has a shot that shows the builder was swilling beer so not to be left out...............

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Since it is better to be safe then sorry I used a level to make sure the power supply was below where the stand would sit and it was indeed good.


I am currently working on the following today:

1. I am test fitting the plumbing. I intend to build a manifold that will fill from both drains. This will be a cool project.

2. A wall socket falls into the back of the stand and is very convenient but I don't want it to corrode so I will be putting it in a weatherproof cover.

3. all wires and hoses will be mounted where they go.

And lastly I have decided to raise the stand 3/4" more.

The goal today is when I am finished I only need to connect the tank drains to the mainfold, add sand, rock and water and fire this puppy up.

The kind fellow I bought the tank in threw in a 250 ballast and reflector so I went out today and bought a waterproof box and that will be completed today as well.

All of the good rock is out of the 125 and is brewing with heater and powerhead. Same goes for my refugium sand, rock and water.

Inverts have been moved to holding and this evening the remainder of the rock will come out and the three fish I have will go into holding.

Tank on the stand day is soon approaching...............
<u><span style="font-size: 14px">DISASTER!</span></u></em>
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I had a little setback today and I only have myself to blame.

After I raised the stand an additional 3/4, I went to work on building the manifold. As I leaned in to screw a clamp around the manifold I knocked the can of PVC cement.

Some went into the stand and is going to require a touch up with semi-gloss paint but must dumped right into the sump:mad2: :sick: :mad2:.

I use the blue 1 part rain or shine cement which sets up very quick so I wiped as much out as I could and waited for it to dry so I could clean it up with a razor.

It will not come off of the plexiglass baffle nor will it come off of any of the PVC fittings.

It's a mess not fatal but a mess.

I am concerned about the silicone.
Not sure if anyone is still following this lengthy build thread but here is an update on the progress just the same.

We picked up the tank on Sunday. This was not an easy thing.
The tank is an Oceanic and it is a quality tank. The glass is 1/2" and it's heavy.

After a struggle we finally got it into the truck.

Because of the gunk that had dried on the glass you can't tell but the back glass of this tank is black tinted from the factory.

It's a nice feature I had never seen before:" alt="" />

For those of you who don't know him, this is the "other" Loren.

Currently, the tank is 99% clean, should be 100% clean by the end of the day today and hopefully on the stand by this evening.

I needed to get back to work on the stand as my goal was to have as much done and in place as I could while I had room to work in the open stand.

Before I attacked it I built my third 250W ballast and mounted the third reflector in the canopy. Today I will terminate the ends, put the wires in looms and be done with the lighting. Total wattage will be 3 - 250W MH and 2 - 160W VHO for a total of 1070W of lighting.

With all of the little stuff done I completed as much as I could on the stand in preparation for the second big lift!

Here you can see the third ballast box, the left side of the manifold and my skimmer's barf bucket.

I was going to use the space where the collection bucket was to run a 17 gallon frag tank inline with the system but after fitting it I determined that a separate frag tank in the future was the way to go. I can now use this space for a couple of reactors and such.

Also, I dropped the 17 gallon acrylic tank and put a nice big hole in the bottom........DOH

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If you look closely, you can see that the end of the manifold is black.

Normally, I would have used a Tee here but this part was less expensive and gives it a cool, racy look!

Both ends have a union connection so I can take the manifold off if it ever need servicing. Also, I brought a leg down from the black part and capped it off so I can add additional water ports as needed later.

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Here you can see the manifold runs across the sump.

Currently it will feed the fuge with a 1" pipe controlled by a ball valve and the skimmer controlled by a 1-1/2" pipe and ball valve.

I still need to turn the fuge supply down. On the skimmer side I brought the supply down with spa flex.

I also connect the skimmer drain to the overflow bucket and tied up the line using zip ties.

Because the outlet of the skimmer was just a little above the sump lip, it was important to make sure there was positive flow from the skimmer to the barf bucket.

Here is the left side of the stand and the manifold:
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You can see the spa flex feeding the skimmer and the connection I made from the Beckett to the remote air valve.

Also, if you notice, I changed the drain from the refugium and turned it horizontal instead of vertical.

And finally, this is what it all looks like. There is not alot of room left in the stand but I feel like space is used correctly and it seems clean and tidy.

Not the cool blue racing stripe on the 90 in fuge where I spilled my glue:

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Today I need to cut a the 2 x 4 in the left corner or it will interfere with the drains of the tank and I need to mount my timers and cut a sheet of pink board to fit the top of the stand and the stand part of this will be complete.

Next up setting the tank.................................
This is turning to be a very nice build. What are the loc-lines on top of the skimmer?
Now I understand!

I understand the build is almost as much fun as the finished product.
AU it will stay this organized until I water test everything, discover a leak and rip everything out of there!

Hanin the lock line I had on top of the skimmer will be on the end of pipe feeding the refugium so I get nice water movement throughout the refugium.

Also you can relate to how heavy that tank is :D

So This morning I have completed the stand 100%!!!!!

Ive covered it with a sheet of 1/2" insulative sheathing.

Now I'm off to finish cleaning the tank and rinsing the new black sand!

I could have water in this thing by tommorow :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seedless Reefer;293947 wrote: Hanin the lock line I had on top of the skimmer will be on the end of pipe feeding the refugium so I get nice water movement throughout the refugium.
Oh, I thought it was part of the skimmer LOL. Never seen that before...

Seedless Reefer;293947 wrote:
Also you can relate to how heavy that tank is :D
I sure can. I still hurt from when we moved it to Loren's basement...
Stand is now officially complete!

Canopy has 10 more minutes and it is done.

Tank is 100% clean and is ready to be set!

I am on schedule.

Tank is in the house and on the stand.

I bought some fittings to hook it all up but I just can't muster the gumption to do anything today.
Seedless Reefer;295023 wrote: I bought some fittings to hook it all up but I just can't muster the gumption to do anything today.

translation: "Hangover"
