Ataptasia...file fish, peppermint, or Ataptasia X

hzheng33;1089753 wrote: you sure it's the peppermint shrimp? don't you have a dwarf angel? i have heard of dwarf angel nipping/eating the center/mouth of the lps.
I have not seen the dwarf angel in about a week and a half. I am pretty sure he is dead in the rock somewhere. I have moved a few rocks looking with plain light amd then with a flash light and cannot find him or the cleaner shrimp. I was able to find the dottyback that only comes out occassionally.

The shrimp were seen sticking their pincers into the corals at the places that are damaged. They were sinking their entire first segment of their pincers in the coral

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the shrimps clean up whatever they find. there are times when your corals are dying and the shrimps are simply cleaning up the half dead corals before the corals foul the water. it's really situation dependent and I can't make the call for you.
I am pretty sure all 3 of the corals were thriving. the acans were huge, the coral would get real puffy and open it's mouths especially when feeding. The plate was extending as far as ever. I am a newbie, so it is all new to me
I guess it is possible I do not recognize what is a thriving coral and what is dying

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I like the utility of having shrimp but if they are not fed... they will find food one way or the other. Mine often raided the gullets of LPS like acans or plates which is what it sounds like is going on.
I have been trying to keep my feedings light to keep my phosphates down. My algae blenny seems to rule the tank and eats most of the food before it reaches the tank floor. I suppose there may not be enough for the shrimp. Any suggeations on feeding practices?

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If that's the reason your feedings have been light then I would recommend you look at ways to increase your overall nutrient export. It looks like you are running a biocube... do you have a skimmer on there?
no skimmer yet but I do have a gallon of matrix. I have been looking at skimmers, just have not chose to buy one until I am sure it will help. I also have comsidered the InTank media and refugium kit that fits in the back chamber

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Well I do have a new skimmer for a bio cube 29 that you are welcome to try out. I wasn't planning on using it anyways. It wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. I'll be at the next meeting. If you are coming I'll bring it with me.
FutureInterest;1089832 wrote: Well I do have a new skimmer for a bio cube 29 that you are welcome to try out. I wasn't planning on using it anyways. It wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. I'll be at the next meeting. If you are coming I'll bring it with me.
That would be great! What kind is it?

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I honestly don't recall the brand name. I bought the entire setup years ago. I've been meaning to dig it out of my storage closet and will get you the brand name once I get back from vaca. I do remember it being the kind that you just drop in that middle chamber.
EnderG60;1083640 wrote: Tried almost everything. They are a nightmare.

-Peppermints didnt do the job. tried twice.
-aptasia-x and kalk paste arnt enough.
-Super glue and epoxy plugs work but you have to keep at it forever and you cant get them all.
-Just got some aptasia far they have only eaten my xenia. We'll see what happens when they finish it off.

I just put a pair of Aiptasia Filefish in my tank. How long did it take before did you notice that they were taking care of the Aiptasia? Did you do anything to encourage them?
FutureInterest;1089878 wrote: I honestly don't recall the brand name. I bought the entire setup years ago. I've been meaning to dig it out of my storage closet and will get you the brand name once I get back from vaca. I do remember it being the kind that you just drop in that middle chamber.
Ive been looking at the Hydor nano skim for nutrient removal. I have read the nano skim fits the first chamber of my biocube with very minor tank mods and takes water from the surface so the Biocube lid can close.

Since the nano Skim fits in the first chamber and therefore the water level is constant, I am not sure if I need an ATO for the skimmer to work properly. I add roughly 3 quarts a week, normaly over two top offs. When I miss a midweek water check, the salinity rises a little by the weekend. How much swing in salinity is acceptable?

If I need an ATO I am looking at the Tunze nano osmilator.

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Still no ataptasia even though the peppermints were moved to my QT a few days ago.

My corals seem to be coming back. The plate is extending with top "tentacles" fully extended, the bottom spreading a little and even appeared to make an attempt at openning it's mouth when I placed some soaked shrimp on it. The acans are plumping while the centers appear to be regrowing. The brain is puffing accross half It's body and one of it's mouths slightly openned. The other mouth did not swell, which is the area I saw the peppermint shrimp working.

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Having an ATO is not required for a biocube skimmer as you don't put the skimmer in the third chamber where the water volume changes. That being said it is wise to have one generally as it will help your tank from having large salinity swings. I always had good luck with the DIY topoffs that have at least 2 switches.

As for the skimmer it's a generic skimmer of some sort. Again, it just came with the used biocube I bought years ago... Its new and yours for free if you want it. It will fit in the biocube and you can close the lid. Let me know and I can bring it along.