It was about principle? Then why did you even ask for a discount? Typically " regular", " good" customers don't ask for discounts. I, only shop at one store. Why? well it is convenient for me, being just a half mile from work(If that). But it is also because I love the company and the time I have when I am in Bills store. His store is like "The good ole' boys store" to me. I never ask him for a discount... Because I genuinely care about his business and his family. Even though he always hooks me upon stuff. I remember when I worked with Chris H in his store, we would have people come in for their first time ever, wanting a big discount on an item. And all it was, was someone trying to get something for nothing and never to be seen again. I remember people everyday would come in saying " Man I want to trade jobs with you" or " It must be awesome owning a store" Most of them do not have the first clue as to what goes into running a store.Just my two cents.
Chris c