DIY denitrator - anyone build one?

That's probably right - time to put that "everything" in a basement...
(you got plans for sunday? JK - let's talk tomorrow)
I will check my stock pile to see what I have and bring and if we can use it great if not that is OK also.

Robb no plans that I can't break let me know tomorrow.
Thanks Dave for hosting us and helping us out!! :thumbs:

It was nice to meet more ARC members and a good time building this. Rob took some pictures so hopefully we'll see some soon.
I also want to say thanks to Dave and everyone else that hellped with this. I now have a denitratorator and will destroy any nitrates that come my way.
First of all, thanks to Dave for offering his awesome shop and skills to the group.

Fellas, thought of a slight mod once I got home and filled with media. Added the pump intake screen to the Maxijet intake to keep the media out of it..see photo below...

A dab of pvc glue and its there.

Thankss to all that were there...and Rob the skimmer overflow is working great so far...I'll let you know when it fills up...if all is well I will post the parts list and is the teaser photo...less than $15 total..including 2 gallon bucket from HD.
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Once again great DIY build day at David's place. Nice meeting a couple of people I have not meet.

Good point Tuck didn't think about the suction sucking in the media and if anyone that was at Dave's needs an intake screen they are still at Dave's house in that box if you need one.

Tuck, I like the skimmer overflow and since you will be the first to get Denitrator online keep us informed on its performance.
Good idea Tuck!! It was a very pleasant day and really nice to meet Rob(lilRob) and Terry(oil fan) finally and get to know Rawn(Roundman) We had fun and got alot of work done. And as always hanging out with Tuck and Eric B is always fun. Great day. Extra thank you to Jenn at Imagine Ocean for taking care of us on the pumps and media:thumbs:
grouper therapy;399328 wrote: Good idea Tuck!! It was a very pleasant day and really nice to meet Rob(lilRob) and Terry(oil fan) finally and get to know Rawn(Roundman) We had fun and got alot of work done. And as always hanging out with Tuck and Eric B is always fun. Great day. Extra thank you to Jenn at Imagine Ocean for taking care of us on the pumps and media:thumbs:

Many thanks as always David and hopefully Robb can find out what's wrong with IE on your computer.
I downloaded Firefox and all is well now. It was probably a setting on the other browser, So far I like this Firefox way better!
grouper therapy;399333 wrote: So fat I like this Firefox way better!

"Fat" fingers maybe??? ;)

Everybody loves a fat Firefox!

LOL :) It's just an ID-10-T error.

And I just couldn't resist! (sorry)...

I'm mad I had to miss this one!! Hope everyone had a good time! Dave, I might have to enlist your help to get one of these built on the side.
Rob sent me the pics via email today. I just finally got a chance to look at them and run them through Photoshop. are the pics!!

Me, Eric and Roundman (he's with the drill)

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My denitratefier under construction...

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It's either some piece for his overflow box that Tuckdaway was also making...or the latest Motley Crue CD. Not sure which....

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More progress....

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Roundman and Eric continuing work.

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Yes...the proud group of DIY'ers

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And to give you all an idea as to the size of these things...

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I built one this weekend. Used an older Maxijet 1200 I had lying around. However, it's leaking where the pump connects to the removable nozzle. There's an o-ring there. Maybe I need to replace it?