DIY denitrator - anyone build one?

grouper therapy;396269 wrote: What were your nitrates at when you started the sulpher?

I assume you're asking me.... Undetectable. But I had algae everywhere - hair algae, bryopsis, cyanobacteria, and some other "spongy" algae, so I knew I had something in the system. The reactor was an effort to strip the water even cleaner, but it didn't work for me.
mojo;396314 wrote: I assume you're asking me.... Undetectable. But I had algae everywhere - hair algae, bryopsis, cyanobacteria, and some other "spongy" algae, so I knew I had something in the system. The reactor was an effort to strip the water even cleaner, but it didn't work for me.
I'm sorry yes I was asking you Mojo. My understanding is it will only assist in the removal of nitrates so if you were undetectable probably couldn't work because there was nothing to remove or to feed the anerobic bacteria. I 'm pretty sure they do nothing to remove other algae causing nutrients like phosphate. silica etc. By chance did you happen to be running any type of phosphate removal media as well while running the sulpher?
October 3rd it is - I will be there to lend a hand, and the quality control of course LOL
grouper therapy;396317 wrote: I'm sorry yes I was asking you Mojo. My understanding is it will only assist in the removal of nitrates so if you were undetectable probably couldn't work because there was nothing to remove or to feed the anerobic bacteria. I 'm pretty sure they do nothing to remove other algae causing nutrients like phosphate. silica etc. By chance did you happen to be running any type of phosphate removal media as well while running the sulpher?

No, I know it doesn't do anything for phosphates or organics - I was just trying to get a leg up on the algae. I assumed that some level of anerobic bacteria would form in the reactor, removing the rest, and I did smell the hydrogen sulfide smell from time to time. I was also running GFO and carbon (about 1 gallon of each). I think it was just simple lack of water changes and poor maintenance on my part. Either way, I didn't suspect the denitrator to be causing my alkalinity problems until I took it offline....
mojo;396327 wrote: No, I know it doesn't do anything for phosphates or organics - I was just trying to get a leg up on the algae. I assumed that some level of anerobic bacteria would form in the reactor, removing the rest, and I did smell the hydrogen sulfide smell from time to time. I was also running GFO and carbon (about 1 gallon of each). I think it was just simple lack of water changes and poor maintenance on my part. Either way, I didn't suspect the denitrator to be causing my alkalinity problems until I took it offline....
That was the one two punch on your alk. It is diffilcult to setup and colonize one of these reactors with really really low nitrates because the flow through is so low that hydrogen sulfide builds up and is released. From the looks of your tank you need nothing but to enjoy beautiful tank by the way.
Are we still doing this on Saturday? Just so I can plan my weekend out. My son has a hockey game at 8:20 out in Duluth but I'm free afterward.
I can bring some media - got me a gallon which was a TAD bit a lot for my little one.
I can bring a commercial Korallin one for comparisons...
The supplies Grouper Therapy ordered are still at my shop. I sent him a PM on Monday asking if I should continue to hold them aside, he said he'd pick them up but he's been busy with helping flooded neighbors and he's been sick. He did say that the build should be a go, however.

The last I herd from him when at his house last week was it is still a go. I know he has been busy with some flood items and was building a cabinet out of some really nice wood when I showed up. I am assuming he will let us know if it is going to be put on hold.
Thanks Tuck I was calling Jenn while you were there so we will catch you in the morning.
As I told Grouper, I'm going to be late. My son has a hockey game out in Duluth tomorrow morning. I don't expect to be there until around 11 am.
I should have filterpads that can be cut to fit - hope I find them in my mess...