DIY denitrator - anyone build one?


Count me in too...let me know what I need to bring...Jenn is right by me so I could pick up some things...
I may show up also... mainly to meet some of y'all and to watch the madness..

I'm going to have to play with the room I've got in order to create something that will both FIT and WORK...

plus, I want to see the results that all of you have before I start buying parts :D
(so make sure that you take NO3 readings for the next couple weeks so that you have a baseline before DeNitrator)..
Another stupid question in my quest to continue to learn.....since I'm going to use a CA Reactor for my denitrator...what media goes in it?
LSM (Live Sulfur Media) and ARM (Aragonite Reactor Media).

Dunno - haven't heard of it (don't see it in my distributor's offerings either) - it might be relatively new.

Jenn....I just checked J & L Auqatics and they have it. "NO-NO3 includes aragonite to help neutralize acid and supply calcium ions as a by-product of the neutralization reaction."
I can't make it this Saturday as it turns out. Something has come up and the best I could do is Sunday or another weekend. :doh:
I think all things considered we better wait one more week and let everyone kinda regroup this flood thing put me behind a few days with work. I was not expecting to push water for two days!lol col

New date Oct 3
The next weekend should work for me too if it's earlier in the day. Just let me know. Thanks!
I haven't been following this thread, but wanted to add my two cents.

I converted a MRC CR-1 calcium reactor into a sulfur denitrator about 6 months ago. In that 6 months, I've been fighting issues in my tank, including chronically low alkalinity - around 3-4 dKH, no matter how much I seemed to dose.

I never really saw a difference otherwise. I took it offline about two weeks ago. Since then, my corals look better and my alk has returned to ~10 dKH.

I'm not saying that a denitrator will cause your corals to die, but just wanted to share my experience. Good luck with it... I won't try it again...
mojo;396255 wrote: I haven't been following this thread, but wanted to add my two cents.

I converted a MRC CR-1 calcium reactor into a sulfur denitrator about 6 months ago. In that 6 months, I've been fighting issues in my tank, including chronically low alkalinity - around 3-4 dKH, no matter how much I seemed to dose.

I never really saw a difference otherwise. I took it offline about two weeks ago. Since then, my corals look better and my alk has returned to ~10 dKH.

I'm not saying that a denitrator will cause your corals to die, but just wanted to share my experience. Good luck with it... I won't try it again...
Strange never heard of one pulling the Alk down that much. 1 to 2 dkh at the most. I have ran one for 2 1/2 years without any problems. I drip kalkwasser 24/7 and run a calcium reactor as well so my alk stays around 11dkh
Possibly it was the lack of a kalk reactor that caused my problems; I stopped running one after the second time I had a tank crash.
That is why I drip mine 24/7 at a slow drip without a controller ato or anything. It is a 50 gallon tank with a pump that can stay on and never dump "milk" in the tank. I guess the two needle valves could malfunction some how but they usually clog instead of increase. The drip rate is just under my lowest evap rate.
Still Chris
even without kalk I wouldn't think it would pull it down that much. Strange how different a method work here and not there.