Need advice on what else to put in the refugium.
This tank is 1 week old:
Here is my filtration system
Main display tank is 150 reef with 120lbs live sand, 200lbs rock (about 80 lbs is live, the rest dry rock)
Refugium has a bit of a miracle mud into and some dry rock and live chaeto.
Under skimmer marinepure bio balls and and marinepure block.
Before return pump, 3 bags of carbon
Parameters are:
Alkalinity: 9 dKH
Ph: 8.11
Ammonia: between 0 - 0.25ppm
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Phosphate: between 0- 0.25ppm
Temp: 77.9
Orp: 202
Magnesium: 1200 ppm
Salinity: 34ppt
Using seachem stability daily to speed up cycle
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This tank is 1 week old:
Here is my filtration system
Main display tank is 150 reef with 120lbs live sand, 200lbs rock (about 80 lbs is live, the rest dry rock)
Refugium has a bit of a miracle mud into and some dry rock and live chaeto.
Under skimmer marinepure bio balls and and marinepure block.
Before return pump, 3 bags of carbon
Parameters are:
Alkalinity: 9 dKH
Ph: 8.11
Ammonia: between 0 - 0.25ppm
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Phosphate: between 0- 0.25ppm
Temp: 77.9
Orp: 202
Magnesium: 1200 ppm
Salinity: 34ppt
Using seachem stability daily to speed up cycle

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