Donations to a Friend In Need


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This may be a bit of a stretch, but I never want to under estimate the generosity of this club, as you have greatly impressed me in the past. With that being said, here's the situation: (I'll try to keep this as short as possible)

In 2005, a good friend of mine, Heather, was diagnosed with a form of bone cancer, which rapidly spread to other regions of her body, including her lungs. At the time, the doctors gave her a mere 20% chance of survival, and she had to undergo multiple rounds of severely aggressive chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants, as well as numerous surgeries.

After spending months in the hospital, Heather was finally able to return home, but she needed to stay inside her house due to immunity concerns. It was during this time I decided to donate my 20 gallon tank, consisting of a skunk clownfish pair and their long-tentacle anemone, as well as a few other corals and misc inverts. I knew from personal experience (as I'm sure many of you do) the therapeutic effects of saltwater aquariums, and I desperately wanted to do something to help her, so I agreed to set up and maintain the tank for her on a regular basis.

Since then, Heather has made an amazing recovery, and the cancer was even thought to be in remission for a while (recent scans are bringing up some concern again, though). She has fallen in love with the clowns and is always so appreciative of the tank, but some problems with the system are arising. Mainly, the anemone has far outgrown the tank; its tentacles are getting stuck in the powerheads and filter intakes. Also, due to the tank's small size and lack of a skimmer (and frequent feeding, which I have advised to curtail), hair algae has accumulated on the live rock and refuses to leave, despite my installation of a HOB refuguim. To make a potentially long story short, she needs a bigger setup, which would include a larger tank, stand, live rock, skimmer, and potentially another light. Unfortunately, I just don't have the funds right now to buy her all of these items, so I was hoping this is where you can step in. If you have any spare equipment, tanks (larger than 20 gallons!), and especially</em> live rock, this would be a HUGE help to Heather and myself. I know this is asking a lot, as tanks and live rock aren't cheap, but I'm not sure what else I can do right now to help the situation.

or concerns. Thanks, and happy reefing to all! :fish:
Well Im new here,. but honestly I have felt the community allready. But sadly,.. I really dont think I have anything to offer. I have a old 100gl,.. with a big fat crack going down the long side of the back. I would be happy to part with it,.. other then that I really can't think of anyway to help. I have no cash,.. broke myself. But if you can think of anyway I can help please let me know.
I don't have any spare tanks or equipment to offer. I'd be glad to throw in some frags. Maybe we could get a collection together to buy a new tank for her?
Hmmm.....being a sponser I guess I could step up. I dont have much but I could do something. Im willing to fully match any donations up to 50 lbs of rock if someone wants to start up a fund (other than me) and present it to me I'll deliver and scape the rock out for free. I sell it for $5.99 hopefully that could help out.
I'd be glad to donate my old 29 gallon tank. Let me know if you can use it..
I'll Match Gwen's donation... $20.00

Running total - $40.00
How big of a set up are we talking here? (or, what's the ideal?)
I will bring 20.00 also. As for the Hair Algae I have a wonderful sea hare that has eaten all my hair algae. I let my friend borrow him and now he has eaten all of his hair algae. I can let you have him to eat her hair algae if need be. Just PM me and let me know so I can bring him to the next meeting.

PS he is the cutest thing!

Kevin 20.00
Gwen 20.00
Alan 20.00

Running Total 60.00
WOW! You guys (and gals) are awesome! As always, I'm very impressed by the generosity and support of this club!

As for the tank size, I think anything between 30 to 60 gallons would work, but it seems that the cost for everything else grows exponentially with the size of the tank. The more water volume, the better, so a sump would be a nice compromise. Bryan has offered to donate his 29 gallon, and I do have a 38 gallon (I just broke down my FW planted tank) that I would happily give Heather, but it needs a stand and better lighting. Piznac, I'll pass on the 100g, but I appreciate your offer!

Alan, I think she would love the sea hare, but I wouldn't want the anemone stinging him; that darn LTA engulfs the whole tank! How big is he?

Thank you <u>ALL</u> for your offers thus far! :)
I got to say, with the support I got for my charity tank that I have been setting up for the school for the Blind/Deaf, it really opened up my eyes to the group. I am still so greatful to the people who helped me out, and that I might call on in the future! That tank is almost ready (we are till working on approval to set it up and run it at the site). I have some spare parts that might be of use that I had before and do not need or that were given in the name of my project and I can not use right now. They are yours if you need/want them.

Lets see, I should have a spare Mag 2, A few pumps for that matter, Some 4 x 35W 36" PC lighting that needs a new external ballast, A Seacloan skimmer that needs a small venturi pump (maxi 900 or something), Some live rock that Sal and other gave to me that I might not use all of, About 100lbs of "live" sand that is re-curing as we speak, Plumbing supplies, and maybe some more stuff that I can not think of right now.

Maybe one of the "wood" people can build a stand!

Let me know what would be of help.
I got a used seaclone 150. Its a little beat up but if there isn't anything else its a little better then nothing. It would be best to use it in sump its got some cracks in the base. And I can throw in a Jackson.


Well i got the pump from the seaclone and it still works i'll have to clean it up and then that can take care of the skimmer part.
I have a Maxi 900 that would go with the Seaclone that Xyzpdq0121 was offering. i may have a few other small powerheads you can have if you need something to get you by until you get a chance to upgrade.
I'll bring $20 to the meeting next weeks as well.

Kevin 20.00
Gwen 20.00
Alan 20.00
Hoang 20.00

Running Total 80.00
I have a 55 Gallon with stand that I will donate. It's sitting idle and would definitely be better served with Heather! Just let me know where and when to bring it. (if someone could give me a hand moving it I would appreciate it)It's not drilled but is in great shape. I dont have a canopy for it but I do have a fluorescent that could go on it if you need it (wouldn't suffice for an anemone).
If you guys want, we can use the club's paypal account for donations. Just send $20 to"></a> via paypal and include the note "Heather Emery Donation". We'll cut a check back out to whomever it needs to go to at the end of a coupe of weeks.

I'll kick in $20 as well. Running total: $100
What are you going to use as a sump? I have a 20gallon I can bring as well to the meeting and some miscelaneous plumbing parts.

flyingarmy wrote: I have a 55 Gallon with stand that I will donate. It's sitting idle and would definitely be better served with Heather! Just let me know where and when to bring it. (if someone could give me a hand moving it I would appreciate it)It's not drilled but is in great shape. I dont have a canopy for it but I do have a fluorescent that could go on it if you need it (wouldn't suffice for an anemone).

If you need help moving it I will help. I can also drill it (I have the tools and have done several) and pop in a 1" bulkhead and "duroso" type of drain. This works great on a 55...
