Donations to a Friend In Need

Still need that cleanup crew? I'll still match 50% of all donations and throw in 10 Mexican Red Legs that I have left from the meeting.
Put your rock where your mouth is... You can match what is in my QT tank out there because that is going to the cause. (Bring your scale because I do not know how much that is.) ;)
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: Put your rock where your mouth is... You can match what is in my QT tank out there because that is going to the cause. (Bring your scale because I do not know how much that is.) ;)
I was under the impression (please correct me if I'm wrong, Stevhan) that he was saying that he's match each pound bought from him up to 50 pounds.

At least that's how commercial locations usually "match" things.
George wrote: I was under the impression (please correct me if I'm wrong, Stevhan) that he was saying that he's match each pound bought from him up to 50 pounds.

At least that's how commercial locations usually "match" things.

You've got it. But the red legs are still free.
Thanks for the clarification. :) If needed, we may use some of the $ donated to buy the live rock.

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OK, I'm trying to come up with the best plan of action for setting up Heather's new tank, and rather than coming up with multiple decisions with different people, I figured it would be most beneficial for me to post my ideas on here and get the opinions of you all as to the best way to proceed.

David (Big D) is donating the tank, and we've had a few offers from various people to do the plumbing. John has offered to drill and install a bulkhead, and Rob has donated a Mag 9.5 for the return. However, we were also hoping to install a closed loop with a spraybar for flow, which Brandon has offered to do. Which pump do you guys think we should use for the closed loop? We could use the mag 9.5, but then we'd need something for the return... as you can tell, I'm not the best with plumbing!

On one of my tanks, however, I run an Eheim canister filter that comes with a spraybar, and I've found this filter to be a great option for a closed loop. I put a sponge on the intake to prevent my BTA from commiting suicide, and no extra drilling was required, so buying an Eheim may be the ideal solution for this system. Also, Heather could store carbon and/or Purigen in the canister for added mechanical filtration.

Also, are you guys willing to meet up with David to do the drilling, or would you prefer to do it at Heather's house? David could drop off the tank in the garage and do the work there till it's ready to be filled with water. It's really up to what you all prefer. Also, from where should we get the tubing/pvc/etc. needed?

Thanks in advance!
I would use the mag as a return and look for something else as a closed loop. Generally, external pumps work better as closed loop pumps, due to noise, heat, and efficiency.

If you want while you are looking at putting together a closed loop I have 3 powerheads that will work for flow. 2 aquaclear 402's and an aquaclear 802.

Rhomer is correct. A basic closed loop can be run off another 9.5 on a 55 gal. It is only going to give you 300GPH out of three 1/2" outlets. A spray bar would be hard to do on that pump. I am fixing to get a Mag 18 or 24 for that task on my personal tank. That will give me 6 outlets and maybe a spraybar in back. (Spray is going to require the 24) The water will be taken from the tank and returned in a true closed loop. If you store the pump right behimd the overflow or bulkheads, you will have less headloss then if you put it in the sump like I do and have it pump back up.

Maybe we can find a cheaper 1800-2400gph pump on ebay or TFT or someplace.
Kayla, whatever help you need, just let me know. I do havee extra PVC pipe as well... 1" and 1/2"
I have a Kent Nautilus TE in sump skimmer, needs a pump, and an acrylic sump 17 gal. I think? It was made by Steve Frosti the AcrylicMan himself. Sump is in great shape.
My best friend's wife 31 years old was diagnosed with brain cancer, she fought it for years and finally left us. She left behind a beautiful little girl 6 years old and my best friend trying to cope. I would be glad to donate these if you are interested?
Left David (Big D) a PM. Haven't heard back... It could be me :)

I can drill the tank anywhere (just about anytime in the next week or so) All I need is access to a water hose, or someone to hold a 5 gallon bucket. It will only take 10 minutes or so."></a> will clue me in...

I'm on the norcross area during the day. Auburn/Winder evenings.
Flipturn88 wrote: Which pump do you guys think we should use for the closed loop? We could use the mag 9.5, but then we'd need something for the return... as you can tell, I'm not the best with plumbing!
If you're doing an in-sump skimmer, I would say use the 9.5 for the closed loop and get a cheaper, much less powerful return pump like a Mag 5 or even a 3.

I have gotten much, much better results skimming by using a slower pump to provide more dwell time for the sump water and the skimmer and using flow pumps for circulation in the tank. The old rule of tank "turnovers" for return pumps is, IMO, a vestige of an era without flow pumps like Seio, Hydor, and Tunze and before closed loops became popular.
<u></u>Thanks for all the suggestions and offers, everyone.

kh971, I appreciate your offer, but I think we are set with the sump and skimmer. My condolences to your friend's wife; cancer is devistating.

John, it's great that you're in the Norcross area during the day, as that's where we live. Maybe it would be easier for you to stop by once David has dropped off the tank to do the drilling? If you don't hear from him in the near future, I'll shoot him a PM.

I like your idea for the slower flow into the sump, George. I think we will give that a try, although I think we are going to use the HOB Remora skimmer from Sam (Aquabuys), which may defeat the purpose... haha.
Doug, that's so nice of you to offer an upgrade, but unfortunately I think we need to stick with flourescent lighting, mainly due to the power bill and potential heat issues in the summertime.

A T5 retro would be awesome, though. :)
Flipturn88 wrote: I like your idea for the slower flow into the sump, George. I think we will give that a try, although I think we are going to use the HOB Remora skimmer from Sam (Aquabuys), which may defeat the purpose... haha.
I guess Remora's can't be in-sump. Oh well. Still no need to buy another expensive, powerful pump.
George is right about a slower flow going through your sump. It allows for more contact time with your media and if you were to later on use an insump skimmer that would work more effeciently. Also you can try the mag 9.5 as a closed loop, if it isnt strong enough then you could consider replacing it. Best to work with what you've got first instead of buying more.
My shop is right around the corner from you guys. Im just inside the perimter so if you need miscellaneous plumbing fittings and such Ive probably got it. I could also help out with plumbing if need be.
Stevhan... What I was thinking is a closed loop kind of like I have on my tank, only less outlets since I need a Mag 18+ to drive mine. (Sigh) The great thing is you can put in more outlets at any time with a PVC cutter, a $.59 connection and a stronger pump.
Good news: Heather came home from a day at the doctor's to a 55g tank setup in front of her house. A HUGE thanks to David for delivering the tank! :thumbs: She is excited about setting it up, and I know the project is only going to get even more thrilling as the livestock are moved and added.

However, the tank is labeled as being tempered glass on all sides, which means that drilling it would probably be too risky, so I think we are going to have to buy a HOB overflow. Does anyone know where to get the best one (although I know that's a potentially subjective answer) at a fairly decent price?

As for those who offered to help with the plumbing, I have not forgotten about you, and I would still like to ask for your help with setting up the closed loop and/or return pump. Please let me know if you're still available... I will send you a PM when I have the chance.

Thanks again, and happy reefing to all!