Donations to a Friend In Need

A tuxedo urchin might be a perfect match for the hair algae problem.

I have a Seio 620 flow pump that would be much more gentle for the anemone when you get the larger tank set up. I also have a Red Sea Berlin skimmer (older, non-turbo). It's complete, but I don't have a pump for it and I'm not sure if it can be HoB.
Sending $20 via paypal to the fund now.

Running Total: $140
gwen_o_lyn wrote: I'll bring $20 to the next meeting for her next setup.

I'll take that... :tongue: (sorry, but Gwen and I have unfinished business.) :shades:
The original paypal address I noted was wrong (sorry!). I've updated it to the correct one -
I have a 29g w/ stand w/ PC lighting I can donate. I bought it off of another member awhile back and planned on selling it but it's just been sitting in my garage. It comes with a heater and cover too. Let me know.
I have an Amaricle sump that I am not using that I can throw in. I used it for my 75 gal and it was fine. I don't have the overflow box anymore though. It is full of bioballs. Basically just needs an overflow box and a return pump with return hose. Probably a mag 5 or mag 7 would be perfect for the return pump. Let me know if you could use this.

Thanks Chris
Big D wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">I've got a 55 with a stand, hood and HOB filter and heater, nothing fancy, but it looks OK... It's not drilled so we would need an overflow, it was setup as a freshwater, hasn't had any treatments except for the aquasafe to remove the chlorine from the tap water... It's also got the stock T8 lights with some better than stock bulbs... I think we could get some T5's in the hood, it's not real tall so halides would be out... Anyone got any T5 stuff laying around?... Let me dig around and see what else I've got...</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Here's a pic:</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">
alt="" /></span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>

i have a drilled 55 that need on of the small side replaced that i can part with you could eather take out the overflow and drill this one or replace the side with one from this one just an idea let me know
o and i think i can get some mh lights for it let me know how many wats you want and i have vhos
WOW... oh wow! My jaw is on the floor! You all are some really special people! I talked to Heather and her family today, and she is more than excited about the apparent generosity of the club. She is one of the most grateful people I've met, so your offers will be much appreciated. I do want to find out which setup (size, etc.) she is the most interested in before saying 'yay' or 'nay' to anyone just yet, as you've offered such awesome possibilities, but you ALL have my utmost respect.

I plan to invite her to the ARC meeting on Tuesday so she can hopefully meet some of you and learn more about this awesome club - and hobby! I will keep in touch and contact you when I find out more.

MUCH thanks again!
Sam (aquabuys) - again, you've managed to impress me! :) I own Remora myself, and I know it will work really well for Heather's tank. Thanks!

I sat down with Heather last night and we discussed what she wants to do. She is thrilled about getting a bigger tank (and SO thankful to you all), and it sounds like the 55g is her favorite size (we discussed dimensions). Because of your graciousness, I think you have donated almost everything we'll need to give her an awesome system; there may be just a few random things we need to wrap it up (overflow box, Mag pump for return, etc.), but that's what your generous $ donation is for as well! <u>Hopefully</u> she'll be able to come with me to the meeting on Tuesday; we are trying to make it work for her schedule.

I will contact you all later this evening about when/where we can meet up and the tank drilling process. Thanks again to everyone for stepping up to the plate so generously, and happy reefing!
Kayla, I MIGHT have a mag 7 for the return as well, I know I have about 10 lbs of rock, would be willing to construct a closed loop circulation but a pump would be needed and everything else stated above. PM me when you are ready.
Heather WILL be coming to the meeting Tuesday night, and she is very</em> excited to meet everyone and learn more about this hobby.

As for all of your donations, I will be PMing you each individually in the near future so we can work out the details. If I don't send you a message, please don't take it personally; all of your offers are exceptional and very generous, and we are grateful for every one. You've just offered more than we need, which is so awesome.

Brandon - Plumbing help would be great! I'm absolutely horrible with that kind of stuff.

Sally - Thank you as well!
<span style="font-size: 14px;">For those of you have said they will donate $$, there will a collection bucket for Heather at the Raffle ticket/SaltwaterU Table once inside the room</span>
Wow... You guys are amazingly generous. In the same spirit, I'll donate 20 as well. The only thing I can help with on the equipment front is a spare kit that I'll happily donate and bring to the meeting.
FishyBusiness wrote: Hmmm.....being a sponser I guess I could step up. I dont have much but I could do something. Im willing to fully match any donations up to 50 lbs of rock if someone wants to start up a fund (other than me) and present it to me I'll deliver and scape the rock out for free. I sell it for $5.99 hopefully that could help out.

You are really a very cool guy, Stevhan!
I love this group. Everyone is so wonderful!!

Kayla, I have a Mag 9.5 that I could donate, but I won't be at the meeting. I have the flu. PM me if you need the pump, and I'll let you know when I can get it to you.
WOW, thanks again to everyone at the meeting who contributed to Heather's fund and gave her such wonderful equipment and frags! You all</em> made her night! She was very excited to become an ARC member, and I'll help her set up a screen name if she's interested.

Ms. K - I'm sorry you're sick! Hope you're feel better, and I sent you a PM.

Thanks again, and happy reefing to all!
PM Sent, Let me know how you want me to get the pump to you. I'm also pretty good with the plumbing so if you need help with that let me know.
