Enders Mid Life Crisis Build

Oooo that will be nice! How big?
It's ~6", I wanted to get something smaller since I feed the tank so much. I was going to wait for a purple base, but they were $100-200 more expensive for a smaller nem, not accounting for tentacle color. I may try a purple one when I've proven myself with this little guy :p
I'll share pics when he arrives next week.
Always Sunny Reaction GIF
Man, this stinks. I don't see a reason not to continue, but it's very demoralizing to have all of your content deleted...
How bout one last FTS for the road?
So it looks like your pics are hosted offsite. I just tested one myself and it looks like maybe they changed the ability to do that..

URL to an older image:

URL to the one working above:

My Testing a Remote Image on IMGUR:

Makes me wonder if either you or they were hosting them offsite before?