Enders Mid Life Crisis Build

I never even considered it to be green until you said that. Its technically purple with a yellow base and green tips, but when its not fully open it does look really green. I love the mags though, they really are the quintessential anemone for clown fish.
Oh, I see that now. The yellow bases are gorgeous!
I contacted Dr. Mac yesterday to see if he has any smaller pink base/tan tentacled mags, he said he would send pictures whenever he's back in the greenhouse. I'm very excited to obtain this animal :D
Hump day update

I redid the RO and new salt water piping, Im going with a single hose to fill everything rather than everything having its own valve. Its simpler and gives me way more space.


Now I have room to put the small BRS reactors I wanted to use. I also swapped the rusted metal stand feet to some plastic base ones. Then remembered I wanted to lift the stand up 2-3" to give me space to work on the rollers so I whipped up some high heels. Still need to add a lateral brace to connect the lifts but looking good.


Next step, hide the rainbow.


Now I need to make some panels and I dont have a truck to get a sheet of plywood. So the M5 and a saw will have to do.


Now we can get working. Laying out the pump controller panel.


Letting the boy play with scraps. Always remember safety third!


Main panel coming along nicely.


Up skirt shot, and thats just the EB8 and power strip wires!


Test mounting the panel and I realized my dyslexia has kicked me again and the power stuff needs to be up top. Not just because dosing stuff might drip, but also because the power strips are right at the top of the tank so splashing will be an issue.


Im really hoping to get this done so I can paint and install everything this weekend but my usual self added another delay. Remember to wear shoes in the shop kids!


I was just going to take the QT systems down for a cleaning and tidy up the stuff behind them. It was just gonna be a weekend project lol.

The main tank is running great, anemone is still figuring out where he wants to be but it seems to be staying on the stick. I got the halides working again. I had two PFO ballast offline for replacement so I was using 4 of my home made ballasts, one PFO and one electronic ballast. Every one of them got fried. I was able to order and replace the innards of my 4 home made ones so they are all working again. I transplanted parts to get two of my PFO ballasts running, and the last electronic ballast running the main display. Ill be hunting down a few more spares.

Must get QT system back online, urge to buy stuff is getting unbearable!
Monday update. What was just going to be a quick cleaning and cleaning up the last bits of old pipe and tubing behind the tank over the weekend.....had become 2 weeks of fully rewiring, redoing the tubing, repainting, new panels and on and on.

Thanks to the fun storm last week I had a few EB8s and most of my halide ballasts fried. So I spent the weekend making stuff work. Thankfully the QT system was down so I could use those EB8s on the main system. I have the last few replacements on the way.

Anyway the mag is still upside down but seems happy where he is.


So I got the panels mostly done and wiring is pretty much done.


Now for the tubing....


Ok its all laid out. Time to take it all apart again and paint everything. And now I start to realize how much crap I now have to operate two simple quarantine tanks.


Wall repaired and fresh coat of paint.


Stand frame stripped down.


Painting stuff.


Stuff going back up.


Just about done, still waiting on one EB8 to finish this up.


The dosing tube mains are done and ready to connect to.


Urge to buy stuff is keeping me motivated to finish this up this week.
Jeez can I hire you to finish my plumbing on my 580g? Very impressive work!
Boring Meeting update.

Got that pesky closed loop pipe painted and back in. Im still playing with bending some black PVC for new nozzles.


While I was up here, a nice shot of the nem showing the purpleness.


Back to the QT, getting more stuff in place. Hooked up the apex to get started on the programing.


Little paint here and there and we have a dry fit-up.


Water testing complete. They LIVE AGAIN.


Sumps are much cleaner, tubes are color coded and I now have much better access to work in there. Did I mention the light? I love the sump light! Gonna have to add some to the main tank now.


Pump controllers and ATO valve all easily accessible.


Dosing, AWC and electrical for both tanks now secure and in a much more accessible place.


While calibrating the mastertronic I found a satisfying fit. I measured for height but had to put it on a stud so this was pure magic.


I used water, snails, rock and bio media from the main tank so these are already good to go. I added some ammonia a few days ago to get the bacteria ready for a heavier bio load. It will be ready to go by this weekend because Im going shopping this weekend! I also need to start scheduling my raiding of random ARC members tanks.

My wallet realized whats about to happen and has run off to hide.
Doing any softies?

Yup. I have many zoas and a few leathers. Due to the low nutrient levels they are not doing all that great right now. So hopefully the next round of fish will help that. The SPS are exploding with growth though.

I think Im going to have to stock my tank in reverse with the corals. Ill have to add the SPS first and let it grow out so I have enough shade to put in the softies and LPS.

Speaking of fish. I stopped by Nemos and I no longer have room for fish in the QT.

It appears the snails are being all slutty in my tank.

I also found a pic I took on my honeymoon. Its a good indicator of why I like Magnifica nems.


Speaking of the nem, here he was as of Friday.


I finally started playing with the black outlets for the top closed loop pipe and the change in flow made him decide to go for a walk.




For reference the wavebox outlet hole is 3.5" in diameter. My mag is mega!

Ive been waiting for him to figure out where he wants to be before I add corals so this is actually good timing.

Now taking bets on where he ends up!
Yup. I have many zoas and a few leathers. Due to the low nutrient levels they are not doing all that great right now. So hopefully the next round of fish will help that. The SPS are exploding with growth though.

I think Im going to have to stock my tank in reverse with the corals. Ill have to add the SPS first and let it grow out so I have enough shade to put in the softies and LPS.

Speaking of fish. I stopped by Nemos and I no longer have room for fish in the QT.

It appears the snails are being all slutty in my tank.

I also found a pic I took on my honeymoon. Its a good indicator of why I like Magnifica nems.


Speaking of the nem, here he was as of Friday.


I finally started playing with the black outlets for the top closed loop pipe and the change in flow made him decide to go for a walk.




For reference the wavebox outlet hole is 3.5" in diameter. My mag is mega!

Ive been waiting for him to figure out where he wants to be before I add corals so this is actually good timing.

Now taking bets on where he ends up!
You lucky dog! I've been looking for a radiant wrasse for months. Hope it does well for you.
This tank is turning out to be a masterpiece, I'm very excited to watch it grow out!
Nemos had like 10 when I was there over the weekend. Its one of the fish I have been waiting for decades to be able to get, same with the vlamingi.

Just need Mr nem to decide where he wants to be so I can start planting stuff.