Enders Mid Life Crisis Build

The DCP pumps dont have any kind of control aside from the up down arrows on the controller. You can get a black box to control the smaller ones but its no rated to the 20,000 pumps. Im assuming due to the higher load.

Im not sure if I can use that thing in your link but it does give me an idea to us a PWM to control the pumps. Those can have 0-10v inputs and I already have a few 24v ones laying around from modding my kids power wheels.

Oh look another rabbit hole to get lost in.
I might have 2 of those adapters in my garage. I can check this afternoon when I get home. If you want to cover shipping, I can send them your way.
Awesome, thank you! If you can shoot me a picture of the connectors I can see if it will work first.

Oh I found those, but they are only good up to the 10,000 model. Im getting the 20,000 LPH version. Do they plug into the power cable or the pump cable? I might get one just to take apart and see how it works.

The pumps are apparently 3 phase and run on a sine wave generator. So thats about 4 electrical engineering classes above me.
The current plan is to use an Arduino to send the 0-10v signal and let it activate the buttons on the stock controller(Ill hardwire the switch inputs to a relay). It wont be able to do fast pulsing or anything like that but it will give the apex control over speed.

Testing out the Jebao against the Red Dragon and the Jebaos are working great. They are easily on par with each other in terms of flow and sound. Im going to make the switch after I get back from the beach.

So breakdown. Red dragon pumps are running around $1500 each and have a ONE year warranty. For reference the used pump I got with that small crack, a new volute for the pump is $450. The Jebaos run $230 off amazon and come with a one year warranty as well, but you can get an amazon warranty for 4 years for an extra $45. So Total cost $275 with a 4 year warranty. The only thing I lose is the ability to control flow from my APEX. The best part, it took all of 36 hours to get them. Ive been waiting 6 months for RD to just string me along.

Yeah I have to redo some pipes, but no more waiting. I can have my tank fully running while I get a friend to help me make a apex to jebao box.
Ive been very happy with the smaller ones I have running the QT systems. I took them out to clean at about the 9 month mark and they didn't need anything.

The 20000 has nearly identical stats with the Rd pressure pump and uses 50 watts less.

Honestly the only reason I went with the red dragons was that they came ready to interface with the apex and they had a good following.

I'll use the saved money to make my own control box for the jebaos.
Got home from the beach. Tank was left for 7 days and aside from needing a little more top off everything worked great. Even the glass was still clean!

I took the day off to do a mild cleaning of the fish Qt.


And a major cleaning of the coral Qt and all the frags.


While cleaning the frags I picked off some fun critters to toss in the fuge and display.


I was surprised at how many micro brittle stars there were. I also tossed the shrimp in the display.


And after a nearly eternal wait I have fish in the system. Meet the Frag tank tang gang, lead singer Ich Bait!


I'll give them a week or so to see if anything pops up and if all is well I'll put the rest of the fish in the display.

Almost there!
Just a water change and some light aquascaping.


What is it about liking fish that makes you spend dumb amounts of money on rocks?
Wonderful pond! If I ever have the land for it, I would love to tackle a project like that.

I for one have been a rock nerd my whole life, so getting into reefs has just given me an excuse to get even more, even weirder rocks :p
There's just something universally appealing about cool rocks.
Welp Ich bait remains clean so its on to the next steps.

First up pods, lots and lots of pods.



After dumping all that in, it was time for the main event. I have fish in my display tank!



Next up, cleaning and moving the corals over so I can take the QT systems down for a revamp.

Side Note #1. The 400 amp electrical service has been installed, and panels rewired.


Generator is in place and waiting for a final inspection of the gas lines before we can get it going. Hopefully that will be later today.

Side note #2. Phase 1 of the lake work is complete. Old dock ripped out, new dock installed, rocks around the shore line and a water change.

Old hazard and a full lake.


Hazard gone and rocks delivered. Unfortunatly the old dock decided to cling to some side walk so thats now missing. But the pump has started the water change, which needed to be done in order to plant the new footings.


Some progress on the rocks and the water level keeps going down.


Found a chair, and then a second, and then a net!


New dock frame done, and starting to refill the lake.


Refilling the lake was 3 straight days of pumping. We had to adjust the flow down because we were sucking the stream dry.


Dock and rocks are done.


We had to return the pump so the rain will have to fill the rest of the lake, and we are waiting on permits to start the rest of the landscaping.

I still need to install the second Jebao pump, fix a leaking closed loop pipe, move the corals and mess with the QT systems before I can start my buying spree.

At least now I can watch fish in my tank from the couch for the first time in over 4 years!
that's a lot of pods. the tank looks so bare, do you plan to dose phyto to keep up the pod population?

Yup and yup. Im putting in 2-300ml every day. Ill probably go for another week or two until the system starts showing some green.

The tank is actually producing algae but with the number of snails in there its it barely shows. Plus now with the tangs in there the tank is nearly spotless but the nutrients are starting to coming up.
My genius has betrayed me!

Having the closed loop intake buried behind the rocks is great for keeping stuff from building up back there....BUT my engineer goby is doing his thing back there. So my tank has been a snow storm for a week now. Ive turned off the wave box and closed loops for a bit, hopefully he will finish his excavations soon. Otherwise tank is doing great.



Here is proof the tank is actually dealing with the ugly stage. Fuge is all kinds of brown at the moment.


And I have started moving corals over!


I am LOVING the auto testers. Alk gets measured 4 times a day and I can make dosing adjustments to keep it in line. Everything else gets tested 3 times a week. Its been very interesting watching the nutrient levels spike and drop as the cycle adjusts.

I still have a ton to do, but for now Im just trying to get everything out of QT because I want to get a big magnifica ordered soon.
Decided to put some feelers out for a big anemone thinking it would take a few weeks to track down one....and it will be here Tuesday. Im gonna have to speed up the coral move so I can QT this thing.

I feel like Im gambling with this thing though. Ive always recommended tanks be at least a year old and stable before adding a nem, but I decided its safer for the 12" stingy thing to walk around and find its spot before the tank is full of corals.

Side note, Im now up to 4 ml/hr of soda ash and I think its time to startup the Kalk reactor. This will be a fun learning curve.