GOLDEN DWARF MORAY is coming today!


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I'm picking up my golden dwarf moray today!:yay: I'll try to put pictures of him/her up when I get back. If anyone owns one, advice would help alot. Don't worry, I've done my research, I just would like to know other peoples experieces with these guys.
Thanks, Diane
I got him/her from mako0321 (a member here) He knows were to get them strait from Hawaii for only $150 which is a really good deal because at most places they sell them for $250-$350. I'll ask him the name of the place and if they have a website I'll post it on this forum
I want one so bad..Just curious. How are you gonna cover the top of the tank? Have you made a mesh cover for it. Even with mesh, you still risk it escaping. Since you have that ORB halide hanging, you dont' want to reduce the pars to the anemone.
purpleGORILLA;227653 wrote: I want one so bad..Just curious. How are you gonna cover the top of the tank? Have you made a mesh cover for it. Even with mesh, you still risk it escaping. Since you have that ORB halide hanging, you dont' want to reduce the pars to the anemone.

I have a top that is locked on that I used to use on my tortioses tank. But seeing as tortoises don't climb and that it fit the fishtank I just put it on the fishtank. The top is not mesh it is some other strong substance that is supposed to be used to keep snakes, frogs, lizards, and geckos from getting out of the tank so I'm sure the eel will be fine. The best thing is that it doesn't block the light!
One thing I would recommend is to keep your lights off while acclimating. I left mine on when he was temp. acclimating and he curled up to cover his eyes. He was much more relaxed when I turned the lights off. It had been so long since I got any livestock straight from the mail that I had forgotten to take light into consideration. But congrats on the good deal! Keep us posted.
Don't panic if he doesn't eat right away. Although mine is a glutton and ate on the first day it may not happen for yah.
Turns out I won't be picking the golden dwarf moray for a couple more hours so everyone has to wait for pics:aww: . I'm really starting to get excited now!
Are you gonna drip it?

If I was dripping I might only drip for 30-60 minutes, but generally the best way to drip is to test your water then the bag water. Drip him, and periodically test the bag water. Once the bag water becomes pretty close to the same parameters as the tank, then he is probably acclimated enough. But that is the complex way.

I would probably just do a medium drip for 30 minutes in a dark bucket, then put him in with lights off. Leave them off for today, or at least a few hours until he hides and finds a 'safe' spot.

But for what they cost, you might do it the complex way.
corvettecris;227791 wrote: Are you gonna drip it?

If I was dripping I might only drip for 30-60 minutes, but generally the best way to drip is to test your water then the bag water. Drip him, and periodically test the bag water. Once the bag water becomes pretty close to the same parameters as the tank, then he is probably acclimated enough. But that is the complex way.

I would probably just do a medium drip for 30 minutes in a dark bucket, then put him in with lights off. Leave them off for today, or at least a few hours until he hides and finds a 'safe' spot.

But for what they cost, you might do it the complex way.
Ok, thanks. This is my first eel so this is a learning prosses.
You can also do a google search on dripping for several different options on how to drip. You might also want to look up how to drip eels specifically, as there may be some special things to keep in mind. For example, I never drip anthias anymore. I had a problem with it killing them, and after doing some reading I decided that they simply do better if just temp acclimated. Apparently they use up the o2 in the water really rapidly, so dripping sometimes is too slow. Since then I just float for 15 min an throw tham in and they have been fine.
The guy I'm getting the eel from has not called me to meet him and it's 8:05!!! I have a feeling I'm not getting my eel today!:mad2:
The eel is doing fine. I was moving my 90 gallon take today and to be honest, my back is killing me. I had to move it from the basement to the 2nd story and hand carry the live rock upstairs. I am exhausted!

Diane: It would be best if you could make arrangements to come to my house to pick the GDM eel up. Let me know what your day is going to be like.

did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?did you get her?