GOLDEN DWARF MORAY is coming today!

Appaloosa1224;230284 wrote: very cool eel! Who do you ride with?
I used to ride with Danielle Ezell (she is the best trainer I have ever had!) but she moved to Tennesse along with the horse that I got really attached to and miss alot, Twist. She was an awsome horse. I wish my parents would let me lease her and board her down here. Now I ride with Ton Edwards. Do you event or do you do hunter? I event.
Ok here are some updates. This morning he decided he would hide in Sparky's (my fire fish goby) spot but Sparky didn't like that so Sparky pushed him out! My fire fish goby pushed an eel out of his hiding spot! Then Jee went and hid in my brittle starfish's spot and the same thing happended! My eel is a real push over. Atleast I don't have to worry about things getting eaten.
I changed my avatar. It's a bad pic, I know. It's really hard to take good pics of my tank with my crappy digital camera...I'll
Ya actually I feed it two bite size pieces of shrimp and it ate them today! I actually video taped it. If only I could figure out how to load it on to youtube or somthing. Its a pretty cool vid; I'm just not computar literate enough to figure out how to load videos.
if you want email it to me at
a> i will have it up by thursday.