Help Me Spend $500.00 Wife Doesnt Know About!

Linda Lee;155405 wrote: Remember when we did the T.o.T. and you had the ARC forum projected up onto that huge screen in your living room?

I should sneak over and put this thread up on your wall.



Now that's just mean Linda!!!!! (I'd place flyers on her car with a copy of this thread)
WILLIAM1;155343 wrote: Heres a sump diagram to make a 29 gallon but it gives you the basic idea...Were to put the chambers. Just get some plexi glass cut to fit into a walmart tank..
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I used this same compartment and baffle design, but I used a 20g long tank and it worked great. Just make sure that the center baffles are not to far off the bottom of the tank or it will not stop micro bubbles.
LOL. Sue knows its an expensive hobby and that quality equip is a must. I tell her 50 and she knows its more... she trusts me not to make stupid purchases... well at least to keep them to a minimum :).
Basscyn, You are more then welcome to come on over and take a look at my tanks to get a few ideas. I am in Lawrenceville also and my door is almost always open.

IMHO, I think Big D is right, a proper sump/fuge and a new skimmer is hard to beat. Good news is the sump can be build for pretty cheap and the skimmer can be found used for a good deal on these boards. You will need better lights but your tank is going to be hard to fit anything that is not a retro-kit. Again, parts can be found pretty cheap on here from time to time and whatever you can not find used here, you can buy new. My splurge item would be a $300 controller like the RK-II or the AJjr. IMHO, it makes things so much easier.

Again, shoot me a PM if you want to stop by and get a few ideas.
FutureInterest;155412 wrote: LOL. Sue knows its an expensive hobby and that quality equip is a must. I tell her 50 and she knows its more... she trusts me not to make stupid purchases... well at least to keep them to a minimum :).

Jin, you need to teach a workshop on "How to Avoid Stupid Purchases</em>." I'd sign up in a heartbeat.

flyingarmy;155387 wrote: How about you give me $250 for not telling your wife you have the $?:shades:

Definitely a skimmer, like everyone has stated. You can pick up a inexpensive one here or ARC if you keep your eye out. Consider upgraded lighting so that you can keep any type of coral. If the wife asks just tell her you got a great deal or someone donated it to you since you are a newby!

Thanks Mark.
The only stipulation I have with this purchase is it has to be an on-line purchase from a store. So It will likely have to be a new skimmer. I have been doing a bit of research. Still not real sure which to get. How important is the gallon rating. I see a lot of them that are for like 250 gallon tanks etc...there huge!
Barbara;155430 wrote: I think you would come out a little cheaper if you bought a tank and the plexi-glass from HD and built it yourself. You said you were handy. Plus it would give you a few more options. I saw that Einstein Aquatics has a "clearance sale" going on right now and has some 20G, 29G and 30G tanks on clearance for pretty cheap. Get one of those, get some plexi-glass and silicone from HD, and you're in business. Make sure you figure your protein skimmer out first so you make that chamber big enough. Here's a pic of my sump before I moved it into the new stand. (new stand's doors don't open up wide enough to take pics.)

Yes! I think that is what I am going to do. I can spend my own bucks on that.
There are plenty of nice smaller skimmers out there that will do the trick. Here are a few suggestions:

[B]ASM G-2:[/B] [IMG]"></a>

There are tons of others so as and look around but always go a bit bigger than you need(because as reefers we always want a bigger tank)
Xyzpdq0121;155433 wrote: Basscyn, You are more then welcome to come on over and take a look at my tanks to get a few ideas. I am in Lawrenceville also and my door is almost always open.

IMHO, I think Big D is right, a proper sump/fuge and a new skimmer is hard to beat. Good news is the sump can be build for pretty cheap and the skimmer can be found used for a good deal on these boards. You will need better lights but your tank is going to be hard to fit anything that is not a retro-kit. Again, parts can be found pretty cheap on here from time to time and whatever you can not find used here, you can buy new. My splurge item would be a $300 controller like the RK-II or the AJjr. IMHO, it makes things so much easier.

Again, shoot me a PM if you want to stop by and get a few ideas.

Thanks for the offer. I may take you up on that. I can read about this stuff all day long. But seeing it in action will pull it all together for me.

What does this controller...control?
Depending on which controller it can monitor certain water parameters such as PH, Temp, & ORP. It can also control devices such as CO2 dosers, chillers, heater, lights, fans, in conjunction with the monitoring to keep them at a certain range. Basically it automates your system to a point. Definitely a plus but IMHO your money would be well spent on a few upgrades like the skimmer & lights.
WILLIAM1;155343 wrote: Heres a sump diagram to make a 29 gallon but it gives you the basic idea...Were to put the chambers. Just get some plexi glass cut to fit into a walmart tank..
alt="" /></a>

Thats a huge help. Thanks! I can do problem.I have read where acrylic is best if I can find it. What do you think?
flyingarmy;155562 wrote: There are plenty of nice smaller skimmers out there that will do the trick. Here are a few suggestions:

[B]ASM G-2:[/B] [IMG]"></a>

There are tons of others so as and look around but always go a bit bigger than you need(because as reefers we always want a bigger tank)[/QUOTE]

Thanks! So the AGM for example is rated for a 200 gallon tank. I have a 75.

Overkill is not a bad work when it comes to skimmers?
With equipment I have always baught things rated highter. First because I don't always trust those numbers and second because I know I am always going to upgrade my system.
flyingarmy;155579 wrote: Depending on which controller it can monitor certain water parameters such as PH, Temp, & ORP. It can also control devices such as CO2 dosers, chillers, heater, lights, fans, in conjunction with the monitoring to keep them at a certain range. Basically it automates your system to a point. Definitely a plus but IMHO your money would be well spent on a few upgrades like the skimmer & lights.

Thanks Mark! That certainly sounds like a wise investment. Maybe more of a luxury than nessesity though right?

And please be patient...what is IMHO?
LiveRock27;155807 wrote: With equipment I have always baught things rated highter. First because I don't always trust those numbers and second because I know I am always going to upgrade my system.

Pretty optomistic Drew! So high do I go? 150?200?250?
Do i get the biggest one I can fit?
I went from a 20g to a 29g to a 55g to a 150g. When I moved I broke down my 150g and now just have a 14g, but I have started putting together everything to setup a new 29g tank.
BASSCYN;155806 wrote: Thanks! So the AGM for example is rated for a 200 gallon tank. I have a 75.

Overkill is not a bad work when it comes to skimmers?

Rule of thumb is to take a skimmers "rating" and cut it in half. So if it says it is rated upto 150gal then it mights handle a 75 gallon. Some are better about the rating then others but most are not... By the biggest you can afford to a point. You sould be looking at a skimmer that is about $300 +/- new...
Barbara;155911 wrote: I had the ASM g-2 on my 55G. I recently upgraded to a 90 and am still using the g-2. If you go with an ASM, the g-2 would be a great choice for you.

And IMHO stands for "<u>I</u>n <u>M</u>y <u>H</u>umble/<u>H</u>onest <u>O</u>pinion".

Great, Thanks Barbara. I see G-2's on ebay new for around $250.00. There is a used one for $175.00. Thas' a good price point for me on the skimmer. I will do some more looking around for ASM products.
I have the ASM g3 on my 240 gallon. I love it. If you do get the G2, I can show you how to do mesh mod and gate valve. If your sump has enough space.