HELP, SWC skimmer motor not skimming


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Question , How can I tell if its the Motor block or the Pinwheel= Askoll max jet 1500 gph, Several months back my skimmer just shut off, I unplugged , re-plugged into outlet it starts working again. I took it apart cleaned it up well with vinegar , it started skimming again , then quit again a few times./ I finally kept unplugging it and re plugging it and it finally worked great for one week. NOW , the pump has suction in the intake but no bubbles?? and not skimming. So is it the pinwheel and shaft ?? why is it still sucking water in real strong but not skimming> no bubbles at all unless I put my hand over the intake it bubbles good but when I remove my hand it stops skimming :unsure:
yes , I have a air line from my soda lime reactor, I took it loose blowed thru it and the bubbles came back strong , then just went away again
Try to take it off from the lime soda reactor and see if it work. Sound like the air line is stuck. If not, I would take the whole air line tubing off and clean it out, then reconnect it without using the lime soda reactor first, see if that works then to the lime soda reactor
BLACK REEF;1065696 wrote: Try to take it off from the lime soda reactor and see if it work. Sound like the air line is stuck. If not, I would take the whole air line tubing off and clean it out, then reconnect it without using the lime soda reactor first, see if that works then to the lime soda reactor
, nope, sorry still did not work?? I wonder if the shaft and pinwheel is broken?? I may have to take it apart in the morning
If it is pumping water with no bubbles, your problem is the air supply. If you haven't, check to make sure the Venturi is completely clear. This is the spot where the hose connects.
porpoiseaquatics;1065728 wrote: I'm going to vote for a blocked venturi as the first culprit. If not that then impeller.

Thanks Guys , im taking it apart see whats up
well I cleaned everything up, put it back together, had to adjust the flow tube, it works great with level at top of skimmer bottleneck. Runs 5 to ten minutes then overflows the cup??? I adjust the tube again and get the same results after I run it 5 to 10 minutes???
so, if its the impeller, what is replacement for my 300-500 gal SWC 300 skimmer??
and can I just change out the impeller or buy the shaft and assembly
I would say let it soak in a good vinegar bath. Take everything apart and soak for several hours...

Just my $.02
If it's overflowing the skimmer then you need to dial it way back. My Reef Octopus does the same thing if I've not skimmed for a day or so (for various reasons). There's nothing wrong other than high nutrients in the water column. Dial it back to about half way in the body and let it foam really good for several hours (as much as a day) before making any adjustments. Sounds to me like it's going through another break-in.
nickg;1065752 wrote: I would say let it soak in a good vinegar bath. Take everything apart and soak for several hours...

Just my $.02
already soaked n cleaned Nickg
porpoiseaquatics;1065757 wrote: If it's overflowing the skimmer then you need to dial it way back. My Reef Octopus does the same thing if I've not skimmed for a day or so (for various reasons). There's nothing wrong other than high nutrients in the water column. Dial it back to about half way in the body and let it foam really good for several hours (as much as a day) before making any adjustments. Sounds to me like it's going through another break-in.

well I dialed it back , problem is , the skimmer bubbles come and go?? the bubbles look great for 2 minutes then it loses bubbles, then comes back?? is this the impeller ?? I cannot see any damage to it unless after years of operation it wears down the pins evenly??
Just checking... You are running the skimmer in salt water when you are testing it, right?
JBDreefs;1065812 wrote: Just checking... You are running the skimmer in salt water when you are testing it, right?

yes its in my sump, the skim bubbles are great for a few seconds , then it loses the bubbles and then gets them back">[IMG]" class="gc-images" title="DSC_6202.JPG" style="max-width:400px" /></a>

[IMG]">[IMG]" class="gc-images" title="DSC_6195.JPG" style="max-width:400px" /></a>