I think my yellow tang may have ick help!

I wouldn't worry about it unless you see more ick than fish a dozen spots on a hippo isn't a cause for concern. I probably wouldn't worry until it was REALLY bad. Few fish actually die from ick and honestly I think a lot of deaths come from people freaking out about it. My Hippo has had ick on it since I got it. Most of my other fish are clean most of the time, but that Hippo wakes up with it and goes to bed with it.

Keep an eye on it, try some medicated food (not sure a big believer myself but doesn't hurt either) and cleaner shrimp. You will probably be alright.
Does garlic guard actually have garlic? I believe it has the "active ingredient" from garlic but would that be the same if you were wanting fish to eat garlic to potentially help with a little ich?
get diced garlic (in the small jar) at the grocery store. I used that and the tangs loved it. I give it as a treat every once and while.
i assume "minced garlic" is the same? does yours have phosphoric acid in it as well? just making sure I do not introduce anything bad.
ChrisOzment;123618 wrote: i assume "minced garlic" is the same? does yours have phosphoric acid in it as well? just making sure I do not introduce anything bad.

you're right it's minced garlic, but look for it in the organic section.
Garlic in the tests I have seen has proven inconclusive to do anything at all. Doesn't mean it doesn't work, but I personally would try other remedies first or at least in conjunction with it.
Holy crap!! i'm here!! What did I miss? Im too lazy to read all the posts? Who should I be arguing against?
OK, Ive calmed down. Here is my take on this matter:

-As Cameron and Brandon fully know- I am of the opinion that only fish that need to be treated should be treated. Ingenius, huh? By this, I mean I steadfastly oppose the prophylactic treatment of fish, despite their gross health appearance. ALL treatments, no matter how safe, impair the body. That is my opinion, plain and simple.

-Formalin- No ifs, ands, or buts, about it, this stuff is nasty. It is the ULTIMATE antibiotic- meaning nothing can live in it. All those specimens they pickle things in- thats formalin. Now granted, the treatment dose for formalin is FAR more dilute than this, but it begs the question, if we weaken it to be safe, is it effective? When I have used formalin (which I have done successfully), it was very aggressive, and could easily do some significant harm. I would not classify it as a safe treatment.

-Garlic- useless as disease control.

-Cleaner shrimp'gobies- surprisingly also useluess in disease control (see below for more on this- what I just stated may be a little misleading). As far as I have educated myself, there has NEVER been an ick cyst found in the digestive system of a cleaner shrimp or goby. They do not eat this stuff.

-metronidazole- I have an issue feeding this to any animals where the gut flora and fauna are unknown and/or unstudied. This drug is relatively broad spectrum, and can easily obliterate any necessary microorganisms in the gut. It has its pruposes, but an external parasite is one I will not apply this drug for.

-higher temps- I run my tank at 79-80, so I dont think that would be a problem. In general, life speeds up when warmer (to a certain degree). Will this solve ick? No. WIll it help? maybe (see below).

-I am a believer in the fishes own defense system. I do not think this is necessarily a solution, but I know it is tehre. What can we do to maximize this? Provide the more accuarte and stable environment we can. This includes proper temp, salinity, parameters, diet. reducing stressors like bullies, providing cleaner shrimp, etc will all go a,ong ways to making the fish very comfortable, and fostering an environment for a healthy immune system. Will they cure ick? NO. Will they allow the fish to beat ick? Maybe. In ceratin cases, the immune system will be compromised, and treatment may be necessary. If I saw a heavily infested fish, I would say treat with hypo. If it was functionally compromised, maybe go more aggressive (copper/formalin/etc).

I doubt this helps, just another a-hole screaming out loud, but that is my opinion.
I never stated that garlic is a disease control. However, i believe that tangs get ich like humans get colds. Stress, lack of proper diet, etc. will cause them to develop ich. Garlic only entices tangs to eat and my fish have shown that if they eat a variety of food and constantly, they get over the ich quickly. This assumes that you have no other underlying issues, such has bad water quality, etc.

Basically I take minced garlic and spread it on a sheet of algae, roll it up and tie it to a piece of rock. I place it into the tank and watch them go wild in delight. I closely watch them over the next few days and make sure they are getting better.

This has worked for me, but each tank is different. I try to stick to a natural environment as much as possible. I've read too many horror stories when people start dosing other elements.

But this has worked for me. Do what works for you.
i got 2 cleaners lastnight from Tim, put them in and i dont know if they didnt anything or not over night, but my tang is looking better today... hardly any spots on his body.. just a few around the mouth...
omega one food fish the come now 2% garlic same ocean nutrition too garlic

you can used oil garlic capsule mixing in food.
natural garlic too. you not can used garlic canned food.
so it looks like my tang has finally giving in and let the cleaners do there job.. i was watching one of them clean his mouth out lastnight.. he still isnt too keen on letting them get on him and clean
Once he realizes they keep from itching as much he will likley give in. They remove dead tissue and such which can greatly improve the mood and health of a fish. It often takes some time however.
I also belive neon gobie and cleaner shrimp, i have both and it is pretty cool to watch them clean the fish