Well the construction portion of the project is nearing an end and the tank has cycled and we actually have some inhabitants. I am attaching a few pics. I was fortunate enough to be invited to Davids, (I think he had 13 tanks) and was blown away. Wow is all I can say. That was one of the most impressive things I had ever seen and David is incredible and very generous.
Only tweaking, details, and some minor plumbing left to go. I can not tell you how much I appreciate all the hard work, sweat, and time Chris (Fishscales) has put into this project. The pictures and my comments in the forum really do not do it or the job he has done justice. I have tried to help as much as possible along the way, but Chris has really taken this on as his own and been an unbelievable mentor and friend throughout this process.
For anyone that may be searching the web that is new to the hobby I would definetly recommend first joining this club, as it is a fountain of information and full of experienced members that will bend over backwards to share their knowledge in a moments notice. And secondly, find a mentor and someone as passionate about the hobby such as Chris who will ensure that you are given all the tools, information, and guidance to be as successful as possible. The craftsmanship he has put into my project has been incredible and I appreciate it every day.
Thanks everyone - Here are a few pics of the first real inhabitants and one of the refugium and controller.
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