My 33gal build, NEWBIE so be easy?

^^^ LOL, just noticed the caption under your name, Cameron. The sad thing is he'd make a much better president than any of the bozos who are running.
Jeep- I dont know that i would add an acro to your tank yet... I would really sort out the water issue first imho. i would take the offending rock out if possible and scrub it with a toothbrush in a bucket of saltwater, rinse it out really well then put it into your tank. thats how i had to battle my hair algae with my first tank that i used tap water with.
I took that one piece out and scrubbed, no that i have done that it makes for a great place to start my frogspawn frags and acro frags, checked my DKH this moring and it is holding at a solid 12
If you can get your hands on a syringe, I would try injecting the majanos with lemon juice first. Try not to use a whole lot at once, or it could affect your pH. If that doesn't work you could try something else that actually costs money! I've never had much luck w/ peppermint shrimp, though.
so just try concentrated lemon juice first by taking them out of the water? i got a pretty nice kenyan tree coral on that rock it wont bother it will it?
Oh n by the way ordered copa pods for the mandrian and exchanged the sailfin for blue headed wrasse, and diamond goby? am i out of trouble now?
I've never taken a rock out before I injected it w/ lemon juice- I injected it right into it's body.
i still wouldnt add an acro yet. just because theres no algae in the tank doesnt mean the organics arent out. acros do better in sooper clean water or so it seems. my peppermints worked well for my aptasia, but yeah i dunno bout mojanos
That acro i gave you needs alot of light and alot of flow. Very good water quality and the Nitrate should be below 10ppm. Since your tank is new i would doubt you have problems with calcium and alk. But whether you use RO/Di water matters too.

And you told me you fill up your tank with distilled water from stores, The still they use to make the water might not be made of copper, but alot of times the return line from the still to the resovior is made of copper, you might want to use a different kind of water. Just get some from my house, i have over 100Gallons just sitting here.
Hey can i give u a call tomorrow n get some, i am going to inject those mojonos and then do a water swap, if u still gonna let me get some water outling? preciate all the help
not outling, thats a bit of a ugly name. remember those lowfat chips lays use to have but had to recall them because it caused anal leakage? Those chips name was Ohlean. Thats how you say my name, Ouling. Tomorrow is fine. You must be at my house before 2pm or after 10pm. Call me. How about i give you all the water you want, but you let me get some salt so i can do a water change? You got that discount at petco so maybe i can just buy some from you or trade some. i just ran out.
K got my copa-pods n, as soon as they hit the bottom the mandrian ate every one of them, very plump now, n the woman is on the way with the lemon juice for the majonoes so i will let all know how it goes
no but they are not alive, i am in the process of getting 150 live for 10bucks...Anyone up for a trade, got a diamond goby about 4inch long, would like a nice frag n trade
not frozen, it was those artic pods, unless they are alive in the 6oz bottle, ate the hell out of them though
ah okay cool, good to hear that stuff works well. How long do you think that bottle will last you? im tempted to buy a bottle myself