My Dream: 160 Oceanic Cube Build!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, thats awesome! If you dont want to drill the LR, you could always buy predrilled ones or make it yourself.
Stroid;98791 wrote: drill away buddy nothing wrong with that

So mining on Zoanthid Island is the concensus? If I strike oil I'm not moving to Beverly, Hills that is!
Do It!
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Made some changes in coral and clam locations. Some corals were not liking where they were placed and the croacea and squamosa wanted to be switched. I also finally recieved the educators, these things are bigger than I thought but they deliver a great flow patten. Here are a few shots of the tank and some close-ups!
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awesome man, lookin good! Yeah those clams look a lot happier now. Hey hoe are those zoos doing?
dawgdude;100340 wrote: What difference in growth have you noticed with the VHO/Halide combo in relation to the other lighting you have tried?

Not for sure yet, time will tell. But I know the corals are a lot happier now! Everything is much bigger than they were in the 30 Cube or frag tank!
I am redesigning my return. I am going to use a Little Giant 3-MDQSC (700GPH) for my return to the frag tank and refug. I'll split off the return and use a ball valve to send around 200GPH to the refug and around 500GPH to the frag tank. I am going to use a Little Giant 4-MDQX-SC (1325GPH) for my return to the 160 Cube. I am hoping with that the increased pressure will really make the educators push some water! I am also going to take the overflow from the frag & refug and plumb them into the overflow for the 160 Cube. I need to make one more trip, fingers crossed, to Lowes for the rest of the build items. Here is a picture of the return pump section, grey disk are quick disconnects and red boxes are ball valves.
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Are you coming by this weekend with Loren? I don't know if I'll have it done by this sunday or not, but possibly so. I know my refug is not ready to be put on the system yet, still need to rid it of bubble algae.
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Yes, I’m planning to. I might bring my son with me and teach him the “green emerald” game, see who can pick up more bubble algae.:D</span></span>
haninja;100976 wrote: <span style="font-family: Tahoma;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Yes, I’m planning to. I might bring my son with me and teach him the “green emerald” game, see who can pick up more bubble algae.:D</span></span>

I am sure with the amount of bubble algae in that refug we would all come out winners! Loren is coming over Sunday around 11 just FYI!
After doing some thinking and analyzing the return pump section, this is the newer design. I had the quick disconnect before the ball valve when it first came out if the sump. I changed the valve before the disconnect. If I want to disconnect all the pumps I have to be able to cut off the water flow somehow. That's why I use a CAD program so I can study the design and visualize everything. Amazing how seeing it helps you figure things out, even in a basic format.
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This weekend was a busy one with the 160 Cube. I re-designed the return as mentioned in a previous post. I am now using a LG 4 and LG 3 for returns. The LG 4 pushes some serious flow into the 160, especially with the eductors. Amazing difference compared to the MAG 12. The LG 3 is pushing water to the frag tank and soon it will be "T'd" to the refug. I also added my power management strip. Great way to control pumps while feeding, skimmers, etc. I picked up a 500W titanium heater from Sammy @ Aquabuys with my chiller as the controller. There is no thermostat on the heater, it was designed to plug into a controller. I took my skimmer off to re-seal some small leaks and will put it back on tonight with a MAG 5/MAG 9.5. Not for sure which pump will be needed to drive this skimmer. I bought a Copperband Butterfly and small percula from chrisjet, excellent fish and prices. They are doing well and getting along with all the other inhabitants. Here are a few pictures, and one with the moon lights.
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Thanks Lee...I had to re-drill the bulkhead since this was a bigger bulkhead. I only had a 2 1/4" hole bit so I had to enlarge it with a dremel, not a job for the skiddish! Talking about pucker factor!:wow2:
Question for the Beckett Skimmer Experts:

I switched my pump out that ran my Aquatecture Beckett Skimmer from a Gen-X 3 to a MAG 9.5 and my skimming performance declined drastically. I know the beckett needs a pressure pump. I was thinking about "T'ing" off my LG 4(I need to reduce the return into the tank anyway). Would the LG 4 be enough to drive the beckett skimmer and provide good flow back to the main tank? The LG 4 is rated at 1325GPH. Are there any advantages/disadvantages in doing this? Thanks for the help!
I picked up a MCR CR-1 Calcium Reactor from leveldrummer(previously owned by Tony) for the 160 Cube. This is my first experience with a Calcium Reactor and from what I can see this is a well built simple reactor. Does anyone have any experience with these? And any advice, tips, recommendations in Media? Thanks!
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