My Dream: 160 Oceanic Cube Build!

<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">One of the build threads: </span>"><span style="font-family: Verdana;"><span style="color: #606420;"></span></span></a></span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Look at page 3.</span></span>
Wow...excellent design! Now the issue there is, as roundman knows, I'd have to find all my drill bits, tape measure and other tools to even get started on making one of those! Much easier to buy and less stressful!
Last nights update:

After another trip to Lowe's (bought the wrong size parts at lunch) I finally installed my overflow and return. The return turned out nice. I had to remove 2 teeth for each locline but it shouldn't be an issue with skimming. They have nozzles on the ends right now but I'll be using the eductors I ordered once they arrive. After some fancy footwork with one of the bulkheads it's now ready to get the water moving...but wait. I installed the skimmer in the sump, I knew it was going to be a tight fit but after trying different configs I think I am going to have some major issues with microbubbles getting sucked back up into the return. There are 2 baffles that aren't really baffles. They are acrylic pieces that have openings, I think maybe they served as flow through filter media at one time. I think tonight I am taking out the dremel and removing the last baffle and then weld a piece of lexan right behind the other one making a small bubble trap and to create a section for the skimmer & return pump. Its a tight fit but hopefully the redesign of the return section will be a success. roundman had a gret idea with using xmas blue lights in the canopy for moon lights. I bought a 18ft. blue rope light that I am going to install in the canopy tonight. Beats paying $78 for a 1W moon light! Great idea Rawn! I also picked up a ECO Mod from Lee and that MJ now moves some water. Little noisy, but I trim some parts and see if that helps. Hopefully tonight will be the night that I get it all moving.
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Todays Update:

Last night I leveled the tank. Not a job for the timid! I used a screw jack, (2000lbs rated) and a board. I slowly, and I mean slowly, raised the whole right side up 3/4". Talking about a few butt puckering intense minutes. I was just waiting to hear that cracking sound and wood splinters shooting everywhere with the 160 either sloshing out 50GAL of water or shattering the whole stand and spilling the entire contents into my garage. But thankfully the reef gods were watching out for me last night. I used 3 pieces of 1/2" plywood, one on each corner and one under the center side. I slowly lowered the jack and wha-la! Instant level! Lee came over last night and I picked up another ECO MOD for a MJ so now I'll have one in each front corner. I am still going back and forth about the return pump, but I think that will end up being trial and error to see which pump works best. I hooked up a canister filter I had on my FO tank and help jump start the bio-system. I am also picking up some LS from Lee since he is going bare-bottom with his new tank. I filled the tank up with another 35GAL of SW. Its starting to look like a tank. Just have to aquascape it, get the LS in and add the inhabitants! Here is a curent picture.
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After some horse trading with EANDREWS I plumbed my new Aquatecture skimmer into the sump. I learned a great lesson, the return must be lower than the collection cup or it will definitely overflow. I had to place it on some raised foam board to get it high enough. It produced a "plethera" of bubbles and will definitely skim the heck out of the 160. I am currently driving it with a Iwaki 30 and it is alomost too much pressure. Bought a additional CUC from Tim and Lee brought over his sand from his 55 & fuge since he now is going BB. All will be going in this weekend...finally! I also installed these on the canopy:"></a>. Found it at HD, works like a charm. Only put one on for now but have another in case this one doesn't move enough air. I still need to install the blue rope lights for moon lighting and the canopy wil be complete. Hopefully I'll have completed pictures this weekend to share!
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haha good deal mark, I was wondering what was going to happen there. Looks like it came together nicely tho. Awesome lil links about the educators and how to DIY them, maybe one of these days I'll play around and make a few....just more flow for the BB :) Thanks again for the water, didnt get to do anything lastnight tho, passed out without even knowing, lol.
glxtrix;97006 wrote: haha good deal mark, I was wondering what was going to happen there. Looks like it came together nicely tho. Awesome lil links about the educators and how to DIY them, maybe one of these days I'll play around and make a few....just more flow for the BB :) Thanks again for the water, didnt get to do anything lastnight tho, passed out without even knowing, lol.

No problem Lee! Thanks for the sand, it will be a great bio diverse addition to the 160.:fish:
Mark, looks good man. I can't wait to see those lights again with that sucker filled up. It's going to be nice. That skimmer is perfect for the setup!
oh btw Mark, I have a cluster of zoos i want to give to you, they are dark green centered with purple rims....I think. Like I said before zoos just dont like my tank, lol. I know you can raise these guys very well, soooo they are yours. I'll bring them by next time I stop over....or remind me to give them to you if you stop by the hizzy.
glxtrix;97061 wrote: oh btw Mark, I have a cluster of zoos i want to give to you, they are dark green centered with purple rims....I think. Like I said before zoos just dont like my tank, lol. I know you can raise these guys very well, soooo they are yours. I'll bring them by next time I stop over....or remind me to give them to you if you stop by the hizzy.

Excellent Lee...

Take a look through my frag tank I am sure we can find something to trade for them!
cool man, if not no long as they goto good hands, errrr water, lol.
hey mark what program are you using to create those sketches of your setup?
Its Google Sketch-up. A free mini-cad program. Works great to help me visualize my set-ups."></a>

If you need some of my files to help you get going let me know and I'll email them to you. Much easier to start with something that created and adjust from there!
After a long weekend of nothing but pure "aqua pandemoneum", I finally moved everything out of the 40 & 30 into the 160. I know you are thinking, 40 + 30 = 70 not 160 but after picking up a 65 this weekend and am only 25 short!;) My basement and fishroom looks like a tornado went through a LFS!

:thumbs: Thanks to jwils27 and pnguye3 for buying my other cubes. I hope you enjoy the great equipment, esp. the 30 Cube. It wil always be my favorite!

The 160 is up and running. After some advice from Patrick I tuned my becket skimmer and this morning there was already some nice brown skimminent(sp). I still need to hook up my top-off using a 15 GAL trashcan with kent float valve and aqualifter pump. It's fed from my 280 GAL RO/DI storage in the garage. I still haven't hooked up my chiller, so far the temps are staying cool since the tank is in the basement. I'll keep an eye out and if needed I'll throw it on the system. I have a PH meter and media reactor (phosban/carbon) that will go on next and I am thinking about using a fluidized bed reactor also just to help break nitrates down. I can use the same pump for the media reactor since its a low flow requirement. The frag tank is plumbed but its was a jury-rig since I ran out of time last night. I'll need to buy some longer hose to run around the corner of the room. I didn't take any pictures but keep an eye out some will be coming this week! Thanks for reading my "saga"!:thumbs:
****it man there better be pics!!! lol. I need to swing by sometime and check out how it all went together :) You'll have to check mine out too, its finally all done.
glxtrix;97902 wrote: ****it man there better be pics!!! lol. I need to swing by sometime and check out how it all went together :) You'll have to check mine out too, its finally all done.

Sweet Lee! Can't wait to see it all set up. I just ran out of time to take pictures. I haven't moved anything from my frag tank over yet either. The 2 clams, coral beauty, purple tang, green plate, all the monti, digitata and zoas are still in there. Jesse brought me a beautiful SPS this weekend also, nice colony!
awesome man, hope you have better luck transfering than I did....lost a few corals...7 to be exact. Tho I'm sure your 10 second move versus my 35 minute drive to my new place is a lil bit different, lol. Fortunately all my large colonies survived :)
I finally got the camera out and took some pictures of the 160. The tank looks a little bare but I haven't put all my corals or clams in it yet and still have around 80lbs of LR I will be adding. The canopy has a front piece that I took off for now to help with air flow. These pictures were also only taken with the VHOs on and not the 400W MH. I have some work to do on it tonight, top-off, PH meter and automate the electronics(lights, pumps etc.). The last picture is the refug that will be plumbing into the system once its bubble algae free.
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