My Dream: 160 Oceanic Cube Build!

looks good mark cant wait to see it finished...I need to stop by sometime soon
I can't wait to get it wife saw it for the first time and absolutely loved it. She wished we could have put it upstairs, she misses Puffy!

Here is what I currently have in the 160:
-7" PP Puffer
-5" Maroon Clown
-2" Green Damsel
-2" Seabae Clown
-2.5" Seabae Clown
-6" Tiger Cuc
-8" Serpent Star
-9" Brittle Star
-2 each Peppermint Shrimp
-3 each Emeralds
-Assorted Snails
-Assorted Hermits

Future Inhabitants:
-5" Coral Beauty
-4" Purple Tang
-4" Lawnmower Blenny
-2" True Percula
-Hector Goby
-3 each Green Damsels
Bleedingthought;98245 wrote: Looking good. I can only spot one sebae clown, though. :)

They love the xenia. Not only a great nitrate remover and asthetically pleasing but a excellent place for the Seabaes to host!
LorenK;98285 wrote: Mark,
THe puffer doesn't eat your corals?

Nope..puffy likes the big dried krill. He doesn't mess with the corals. A well fed fish will leave things alone. I did think he was going to take a bite out of one of my Pep Shrimps but it looked like he thought it was a cleaner and turned sidways to the shrimp as if to let it clean him. Puffy has been with anemones and other softies before with no issues.
After some considerations I think this is how I'll place my refug. I'll plumb it directly into my sump allowing it to overflow down to my sump by gravity. Ill just keep the water level in the overflow section low as not to overflow the sump if everything shuts down.
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Yeah...and a bunch of other stuff too. I want to keep the computer down there so I can set up a webcam server and hopfully be able to see the tank from the web. My top-off is going in that corner too, but its a tall cylindrical trashcan so it will fit right next to the fuge. I have a feeling all this plumbing will one day cause me some issues. I guess I'll find out once I have it all hooked up.:doh:
This is awsome! I love watching these types of threads. Keep up the good work and keep us informed.
Current update:

I transfered everything from the frag tank (except smaller frags) to the 160 last night. I didn't move the Coral Beauty or Purple Tang yet, might do that tonight. It was nerve racking trying to get corals to stay where I wanted them. I didn't want to epoxy them in place since I'll be adding some more LR in the future. The only coral I am having trouble placing is my tan w/purple rim monti cap(shaped like a cup). I want to wait to epoxy it once all the LR is in place. I wanted to get all the corals out of the frag tank since my MH bulb has declined (bought new XM 150W 10K, being shipped) and I think my corals were paying the price. My sunset this morning was showing signs of recovery. Installed the auto top-off using a aqua lifter pump. Here are a few pictures, even my clams were happy this morning!
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Last night I finally added my Coral Beauty and Purple Tang to the 160. They both are doing well and coexisting with the other inhabitants. These 2 fish have been together for over 5 years and are inseparable. That leaves only a Algae Goby in my frag tank for now(which is starting to look quite empty). I installed some excellent Blue Moon lights last night, ended up not using the xmas blue rope lights I bought. I also used some epoxy to glue some of my more expensive frags from being thrown around by my hermits and snails. I found my recovering SS monti behind a rock last night and that was the last straw! Current picture below!
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fantastic! I'll have to come over and see it in person, this tank is amazing! You really cant get the feel for how LARGE this thing is in pictures.
One issue I am having is my "Zoanthid Island" keeps being raided by the neighboring Islands of Snailingus and Hermitatious. They rape, pillage and burn everything is site. Ok, they just knock all my zoas and palys off the island into the sand. I want to secure them to the rock but not use epoxy or superglue. What does everone think about drilling LR for plugs? Or are there any other suggestions that would work to save "Zoanthid Island"?