My kitchen tanks

Worked on the pest tank to help reduce nutrients, Removed one of the aquaclear filters that was doubling as a refugium, added the hob overflow and trigger sump. Need to fix a slow leak in the return plumbing and it should start improving the water quality in the pest tank soon. :)
Update on pest tank: GCE came through on the replacements now that the weather has cooled down a little. The macro and gorgonians look good so far in the pest tank. Salt mollies are loving life as usual.
Watched a BRS video on Reefbrite XHO and trying a few out over the pest tank. Our RBTA keeps reproducing and my favorite monti encrusting nicely. 423EA21E-7F3A-4C28-AFFF-CCA3623E9158.jpeg0FE99916-1283-402E-B096-D5DF00D8EFCF.jpeg3159B578-39AA-402F-8751-99ADEAAEF5BA.jpeg
Display tank tonight, dada clownfish caring for his familia aka food for the other inhabitants sadly :(
C1627588-C35C-487C-BB7C-49C9EFFB11AB.jpegUpgrading the flow in the pest tank :) was going to get the Nero 5’s, but read that these were the same and that the Neros were a knock off of these instead of vice versus surprisingly.