My kitchen tanks

Still seeing some coral recession damage from the experience, but overall only lost one salt Molly fish wise. Hopefully, the corals will come back, because won’t be able to afford any new purchases as this generator is expensive!!!!!
Girl I’ve “killed” a lot that’s bounced back. Lol. I bet you’ll be golden in no time :-)
Our power went out tonight- whole neighborhood out. But what makes this a non-event for us is our generator, came on automatically like a champ and is running the entire system and house no worries for us. Just noticed a little light flicker for a second with a loud boom, and the tank kept running.
Our power went out tonight- whole neighborhood out. But what makes this a non-event for us is our generator, came on automatically like a champ and is running the entire system and house no worries for us. Just noticed a little light flicker for a second with a loud boom, and the tank kept running.
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Nice, I had some power flickering yesterday too. Power company notified seven hills Neighborhood about outage Friday and Saturday midnight this week. How people are prepared like you! Well done!
Sadly, one of the new clams did not last the day. The hermits started on the shell and worked their way through the clam. I know that this behavior is seen when a clam is sick or injured or damaged. The clam did seem a little off after shipping, and it was super small for such a long trip. Will look for a larger specimen locally if possible.
Sadly, one of the new clams did not last the day. The hermits started on the shell and worked their way through the clam. I know that this behavior is seen when a clam is sick or injured or damaged. The clam did seem a little off after shipping, and it was super small for such a long trip. Will look for a larger specimen locally if possible.
Where did you order it from? Sorry to hear
Clammania has credited me for the deceased clam- even though it arrived alive- and will be sending me a replacement. The other clam seems happy and attached to the tile instead of the clam rock lol 924AA56A-7CC2-4F8C-A4BF-732880399785.jpeg