Need QT guidance, please


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I'm expecting a little tomini tang from NYAquatic tomorrow, and I have to set up a QT tank, pronto! Unfortunately, the only tank I have on hand is a 10 gallon. Yes, I know I should have been better prepared, but hindsight is always 20/20, so I'm working with what I have. He's supposed to be a small one, only 1", so I'm hoping that will work in my favor. What do I absolutely need to set up this QT tank for him? What procedures/treatments are a must? I know tangs are prone to ich. What else do I watch for? Ironically, although I've been wanting this fish for quite a while, this was somewhat an impulse buy 😅. Now I really need help! Thanks in advance.
Here is an overview of various ways of doing QT:

And here's a video about how to set up a QT tank:
Humblefish is a great resource. I do a simplified/accelerated process though that has yet to fail me (30+ fish):

Preliminary steps:
  1. Set up tank with seeded filter media or live sand. Make sure water is the right temp and is well-oxygenated (I use a hang on back filter AND a large air stone).
  2. Observe the fish and make sure it is eating well before starting medication. This usually takes me 3-7 days. If the fish shows signs of disease, skip this step and start treatment immediately.
Day 1: 25% of total copper dose and a full dose of PraziPro.
Days 2-4: 25% of total copper dose each day. On day 4 you should make sure the desired level is achieved using a Hanna Copper Checker.
Day 7: Full dose of PraziPro.
Day 18: Done. The fish has now been in copper for 2 weeks and has been dewormed. "Rinse" the fish in a bucket of tank water, then place directly into tank. Most people would recommend transferring to an observation tank at this point, but as long as you didn't mess up the medication dosages and the temperature stayed above 78° the whole time that shouldn't be necessary.
I would agree with above only if you see something wrong. My fish sits in tank water with pvc rungs for 2 -4 weeks in observation. I usually do not just throw in copper right off the bat, especially for entities species.
Humblefish is a great resource. I do a simplified/accelerated process though that has yet to fail me (30+ fish):

Preliminary steps:
  1. Set up tank with seeded filter media or live sand. Make sure water is the right temp and is well-oxygenated (I use a hang on back filter AND a large air stone).
  2. Observe the fish and make sure it is eating well before starting medication. This usually takes me 3-7 days. If the fish shows signs of disease, skip this step and start treatment immediately.
Day 1: 25% of total copper dose and a full dose of PraziPro.
Days 2-4: 25% of total copper dose each day. On day 4 you should make sure the desired level is achieved using a Hanna Copper Checker.
Day 7: Full dose of PraziPro.
Day 18: Done. The fish has now been in copper for 2 weeks and has been dewormed. "Rinse" the fish in a bucket of tank water, then place directly into tank. Most people would recommend transferring to an observation tank at this point, but as long as you didn't mess up the medication dosages and the temperature stayed above 78° the whole time that shouldn't be necessary.
What happens if temp gets below 78ºF? My home stays about 68ºF year round, and correctly-sized or automatic heaters seem to struggle a bit.

I take it then that this is important, and I should perhaps not be using a cheaper heater on the QT tank? Or at least one with manual controls, and set a bit higher than 78 to make sure it stays there?
What happens if temp gets below 78ºF? My home stays about 68ºF year round, and correctly-sized or automatic heaters seem to struggle a bit.

I take it then that this is important, and I should perhaps not be using a cheaper heater on the QT tank? Or at least one with manual controls, and set a bit higher than 78 to make sure it stays there?
QT treatment timelines are based on the lifecycles of common parasites like ich and velvet. At lower temperatures, their lifecycle is slower and thus the required treatment time is longer. Definitely use a heater that can maintain a temp in the 78-80° range
Humblefish is a great resource. I do a simplified/accelerated process though that has yet to fail me (30+ fish):

Preliminary steps:
  1. Set up tank with seeded filter media or live sand. Make sure water is the right temp and is well-oxygenated (I use a hang on back filter AND a large air stone).
  2. Observe the fish and make sure it is eating well before starting medication. This usually takes me 3-7 days. If the fish shows signs of disease, skip this step and start treatment immediately.
Day 1: 25% of total copper dose and a full dose of PraziPro.
Days 2-4: 25% of total copper dose each day. On day 4 you should make sure the desired level is achieved using a Hanna Copper Checker.
Day 7: Full dose of PraziPro.
Day 18: Done. The fish has now been in copper for 2 weeks and has been dewormed. "Rinse" the fish in a bucket of tank water, then place directly into tank. Most people would recommend transferring to an observation tank at this point, but as long as you didn't mess up the medication dosages and the temperature stayed above 78° the whole time that shouldn't be necessary.
Are you using any additional lighting on your QT tanks, or just room/outside lighting the whole time?
Are you using any additional lighting on your QT tanks, or just room/outside lighting the whole time?
Technically not necessary but I do use a light on it, usually just a cheap led shop light from Walmart. Sometimes I throw some macroalgae in there so I don't need to change the water at all throughout the treatment, even for a messy fish. Plus it makes the fish more comfortable and provides extra food for picky eaters (amphipods and copepods). The macroalgae does fine in copper and I haven't found it to interfere with the levels at all. I just throw it away when the QT is done.