~New to saltwater - 29gal w/15 gal sump~

You still could pull that DIY rock out and throw in a bunch of cured rock! People are always selling good cured stuff on here for cheap ($2-3/lb). Thats just me, but I'm so impatient haha.
Have you added a bit of vinegar to the water? A slightly acidic water would help leach the alkali from the rock quicker.

Just a bit, you don't want to dissolve the rock!
Yeah we've added 2 big bottles to it over the past couple months, even a couple caps of muriatic acid. It'll make the ph stay down for a bit but then in a day or 2 it's back up to high 9's.
So, I think our diy rock is pretty much cured. It's been in the 8.2-8.5 range this past week, we changed the water & cleaned the rock and the water is still the same. Our tap water tests at 8.2 :)

Question: What do you do with diy rock when it's finished curing? Do we just set it out to dry or do we keep it in water with aeration?

~We decided to go with a 55gal w/ a 20gal long sump.. just haven't bought the 55 yet. We don't have our RO/DI yet either.~
Where did you get the baffles and glass overflow?

And avoid using tap water it will only hurt you in the long run.
Tbrennan;731217 wrote: Where did you get the baffles and glass overflow?

And avoid using tap water it will only hurt you in the long run.

My bf made the baffles out of an acrylic sheet & the overflow is from an old acrylic beta tank.

We read online & the videos say you just use tap water for diy rock.
Title Edit: 55 gal w/ 20 gal sump :D

If we're gonna start saltwater....might as well go bigger! Plumbing is put together, acrylic internal overflow is built, sump is almost ready! Buying my bf's sisters tank that has a wooden stand.. sanding that and staining it, also building a canopy and staining that too!
Wow! You guys are rally taking your time. No way I could have lasted that long. But you are going to happy you did. :-)
rdnelson99;732161 wrote: Wow! You guys are rally taking your time. No way I could have lasted that long. But you are going to happy you did. :-)

It took us 4mo for our diy rock to cure so that gave us time to think about what we really wanted.. had to choose a 55! Well, we had it all setup and ready to go. This time it's going to be better than the last, he went a new direction w/ the plumbing and built an overflow from top to bottom of the tank. Patience is key.. we love diy'ing it's fun ;)
Did LOTS of sanding on the stand last night.. thinking about staining "ebony" tonight/tomorrow. Put a coat on one of the doors.. it looks really good, maybe 2 coats will do the trick. Possibly getting the wood for the outside of the canopy frame this weekend, then staining. I think it's going to look awesome!
Just a preview, w/ 1 coat on door (back of door)
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Painted black (not sure why the left side looks like that.. maybe another coat?)
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*the clear hoses on the bulkheads were for when we were giving it a test run*
Canopy frame
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Will be like this one
Finished stand.. 2 coats of ebony. Next: finish building canopy then staining to match
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Just finished building canopy and added some trim (staining will be our next step)

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Jfb3;737481 wrote: Looks great. Hope mine turnes out as well.

Thanks! My bf and I are not even close to carpenters.. so I'm sure yours will be great if you have any handiness with wood :)