nitrate dilemma

DawgFace;1043368 wrote: I've yet to figure out what your talking about.

Oh well, off to do a water change. Yes, I'm that nuts.

ill make sure to dose the stuff you are trying to take out, with the stuff im trying to put in. albeit, less than the $500+ guppy you attempted.

the amount of incorrect information in this thread is laughable. Keep the jokes coming.
Crew;1043373 wrote: the amount of incorrect information in this thread is laughable. Keep the jokes coming.

which part?

calcium carbonate being soluble and a surfactant? (laws of carbonate ions dont work in your tank like mine?)

yes. i think you have said enough.

if it isnt one thing it is always another...

between you, pincone, and jenn thinking potassium nitrate operates differently in fresh water vs salt. im receiving a wealth of knowledge here.

cyano has a silicate composition (better tell the marine biologists this one)
ich doesnt respond to hypo (really?)

yeah. i dont know where to begin with all this fail advice.
these are truly the stupidist things ive ever heard suggested on any site.
Calcium carbonate IS water soluble when CO2 is present.

It's not even worth correcting you anymore. You can continue doing things your way. Whatever man. Have fun. I'm going to go look at my successful reef tank.
Crew;1043385 wrote: Calcium carbonate IS water soluble when CO2 is present.

It's not even worth correcting you anymore. You can continue doing things your way. Whatever man. Have fun. I'm going to go look at my successful reef tank.

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calcium carbonate chemically becomes BICARBONATE in co2 due to acidification. They dont look the same to me. How did you deduce CaCO3 = Ca(HCO3)2 ?

so no. it is NOT soluble. That is like stating nitrite is nitrate due to oxidation.

Also, neither ions are surfactants. They specifically break those properties down. Perhaps you were thinking sodium bicarbonate? NaHCO3 which still does not look like CaCO3 to me. From which, why was it even brought up in the first place?

You would probably be doing me a favor by not adding in your "magic" chemistry class that only applies to your tank.
or you can youtube to all of us how your sand and LR dissolve like little sugar cubes in coffee when placed in your tank, and through evaporation they come back.

brb... gonna throw some aragonite sand in my laundry to gain it's awesome surfactant/ water soluble properties.

Tatertot72;1043386 wrote: I like turtles

Everyone Mind your manners.

If you have a question ask a question. Take the best advice out of all of the replies and discard the rest. There is no need for personal attacks and ridiculing others advice. Even if you don't think it's up to par.

i don't see many scientist on the site but most of us try to talk like one. What works for me may not work for you. And visa versa.
well said Joseph.just because someone doesnt do things the way you think they should be done doesnt mean we have to resort to personal attacks.take advice from those who you know have "done it" and not from those who can read about it all day and regurgitate info.if you havent maintained a successful reef tank for a good long time,then you really shouldnt be giving advice on how to do so no matter how many internet searches youve done.this is not pointing at anyone in particular but to the whole internet reefing scene in general.
im not a marine biologist or chemist but i did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
k after all the entertainment it seems nitrate consumption has plateaued.

i think po4 is limitating further consumption so gfo is offline. no dosing.

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the tank has receding cyano in some areas on the rock, others it is just sitting there, some other places are pure black and withering away.

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reeferman;1043422 wrote: one thing i would like to brought up Ralph and his husbandry methods in your no wc comment. Ralph routinely does huge water changes(30-40%)

didnt mention his husbandry methods.

he also overfed and carbon dosed too by his own account. hardly a candidate for ulns
i wouldnt advocate an ulns myself.ive tried it and my acros were pale.i feed very well but i also use gfo,carbon,wc's and a big skimmer to get acro colors banging.
its all about what works for your two systems are alike.i would strongly disagree with the assertion that skimmers are detrimental to our systems.just because some "experts" on the web claim that,doesnt make it so.take a look at their reefs and judge for yourself.most "experts" reefs dont impress me in the least but then again,ones version of success can vary greatly from my ideas of success.
run your reef the way you want to run it and if you are having success with it,great,but dont go labeling those of us with very successful reefs using our methods as fools who buy into unvalidated methods.
Just curious: What competing bacteria did you choose to dose? I did that a few years ago w reasonable success, but I needed to have done it at the startup of the tank.

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SnowManSnow;1043426 wrote: Just curious: What competing bacteria did you choose to dose? I did that a few years ago w reasonable success, but I needed to have done it at the startup of the tank.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

mb7 and stability.

100 ml each first dose.
50 ml every "evening" after.

cyano competes best during the day, i doubt dosing in the morning would give it a fair chance.

reeferman;1043425 wrote: i wouldnt advocate an ulns myself.ive tried it and my acros were pale.i feed very well but i also use gfo,carbon,wc's and a big skimmer to get acro colors banging.
its all about what works for your two systems are alike.i would strongly disagree with the assertion that skimmers are detrimental to our systems.just because some "experts" on the web claim that,doesnt make it so.take a look at their reefs and judge for yourself.most "experts" reefs dont impress me in the least but then again,ones version of success can vary greatly from my ideas of success.
run your reef the way you want to run it and if you are having success with it,great,but dont go labeling those of us with very successful reefs using our methods as fools who buy into unvalidated methods.

I think we can agree that every system is different, however no one called anyone a fool for running a skimmer.
I stated that IME/IMO it is a placebo. There was no nitrate increase when i used one vs when i pulled it ALL offline.... bio pellets and all (except in the first 3 months of reestablishment).

I'd appreciate if you didnt put words in my mouth.