Sales on ARC


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There's been an interesting conversation in a sale thread that talks about the difference between selling "online" vs selling here on ARC. I think it's an interesting one and wanted to start a new thread so we didn't take over the particular sales thread. I'll loop in everyone that posted over there at the bottom of this post. From what I can tell, it can be hard to get top dollar for items when they sell on ARC because so many folks give stuff away for free or for very little money. I see why that would be an issue but part of me also believes that an item is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Some of the most active folks on ARC are pretty new and there aren't too many folks that will pay $250+ for a frag much less the items in the $1000 range. I suppose this can be viewed as a problem with ARC but I'm just not sure that's who we really are. I've always though of ARC as a community dedicated to building the reefkeeping hobby and that means bringing in and helping new folks as well as the more experienced reefers. Sometimes it looks like 20% of the threads deal with how to combat various forms of algae and that's a good thing. I'm proud of the fact that we address everyone's issue even if it's been addressed in previous threads because we want to help. I'm getting off the sales topic; I do think it's an interesting conversation and I hope we can continue it here.

@chuck @godawgs24 @wake125122 @rexx1029 @Tanster2 @kimxd @phi79 @hiimsean @Justin
Saw this other post and this one so figured I would say something. If you can't sell it here for top dollar just go sell it elsewhere. No need to get riled up haha. Supply and demand is a real thing.
Saw this other post and this one so figured I would say something. If you can't sell it here for top dollar just go sell it elsewhere. No need to get riled up haha. Supply and demand is a real thing.
Right? That was the point of me replying to the thread too. Most of the time, I buy corals that very little people on here would pay the price I pay, but I buy them with the intent of selling on other forums where I can get my money back. It's simple.
I believe a few folks compared ARC to R2R and other forums like that. I think it is important to make a distinction here; ARC is not just a forum, but rather a community too. Expensive corals are more accessible here because the awesome members of this club make it that way. Wanting to keep coral at high prices for sake of one's own covetousness is unjust in my own opinion. If you want to sell coral, I can totally understand why you'd be a little frustrated with the cheap prices here, but at that point you're better off online selling on other sites anyways. The generosity of this community does not drive reefers away from our club, I can tell you that.
I buy and sale toys on many forums, FB, EBay and other outlets. The difference being is if I want the most money for an item I always sale on Ebay, Marketplace or the likes. The others are communities for like minded people who are just in love with the hobby (in this case being toys). I will always sell lower to someone in those communities,.. but on the same hand I will probably not sell my top end stuff there if I am looking for top end money.

I look at the ARC as the same thing,.. this is a community of like minded people. I have no issues with anyone trying to get top dollar for their hard work, but with that being said I love the community aspect here. I for one will always look for a deal here and I will always provide one to my fellow ARC members. These forums as with the toy forums/groups provide so much more then money,. I just feel we should be helping each other more then being about money. Again with that being said I have no problem with any seller trying to get the most out of their hard work.
I buy and sale toys on many forums, FB, EBay and other outlets. The difference being is if I want the most money for an item I always sale on Ebay, Marketplace or the likes. The others are communities for like minded people who are just in love with the hobby (in this case being toys). I will always sell lower to someone in those communities,.. but on the same hand I will probably not sell my top end stuff there if I am looking for top end money.

I look at the ARC as the same thing,.. this is a community of like minded people. I have no issues with anyone trying to get top dollar for their hard work, but with that being said I love the community aspect here. I for one will always look for a deal here and I will always provide one to my fellow ARC members. These forums as with the toy forums/groups provide so much more then money,. I just feel we should be helping each other more then being about money. Again with that being said I have no problem with any seller trying to get the most out of their hard work.
Thank you
I feel like this is more than a sales topic of lately.

I feel like there’s this mentality that “oh someone questions my pricing they’re an idiot, why are they here, etc”. Like others have said, this is a community. There are a lot of new members who might not know what a CB GMK is and why it’s selling for hundreds of dollars. It feels like a I’m better than you mentality lately. A lot of you haven’t been around to know we’ve been through this sort of thing in the past and it really drove the club apart and club participation took a big hit.

We need to all take a few steps back and realize we might not all be on the same experience level, we might not all be willing to drop a few hundred bucks on a frag.

Also vice versa, some people will take pride in their corals and what they are selling. Who are we to judge what price a person is asking. If it’s too much for you, enjoy the views and move along.

Most of the time people on ARC aren’t selling OG Colorado sunburst nems because one or two people may be buying them.

Loser you if my thoughts are scattered and off tangent. I enjoy this community and lately it has started to become fun again, let’s not ruin a good thing.
The only two people who should he concerned about the price a coral is selling for is the buyer and the seller. Assuming the buyer is happy with the price paid and the seller with the price received, all is good. Set your own prices for your corals and if you don't get the price you want, you don't have to sell.

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The only two people who should he concerned about the price a coral is selling for is the buyer and the seller. Assuming the buyer is happy with the price paid and the seller with the price received, all is good. Set your own prices for your corals and if you don't get the price you want, you don't have to sell.

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This is all that needs to be said.
I'm new, I absolutely LOVE this community. I've purchased several items from several members and each time it has been a wonderful experience. And I'm certain I've asked many questions that have been asked and answered many times (though I do use the forum search feature to try to find answers first). The welcoming and kindness expressed to my husband and me is unsurpassed in ANY group we've been involved with. So thank you ARC community!
So I just tried to read all these comments and still don’t think anyone in this post still understand at all. Yes arc is a group to help people and have slot of new people and all that yes. But that doesn’t mean cut a coral price to a trash price when it’s a high end coral. Like I said before there is millions of coral out there of all different respected prices and those price are like that for reasons and for someone to just go and undercut these big name growers and developers is nonsense and a horrible thing to do. There is plenty of coral that’s in everyone price range and you stick to your price range to enjoy things.
I'm new, I absolutely LOVE this community. I've purchased several items from several members and each time it has been a wonderful experience. And I'm certain I've asked many questions that have been asked and answered many times (though I do use the forum search feature to try to find answers first). The welcoming and kindness expressed to my husband and me is unsurpassed in ANY group we've been involved with. So thank you ARC community!
Yes that’s what the group is here for for sure and where you can get things you need and things. What I’m talking about is selling coral way way under market and killing the pricing and exotic and rarity of coral and that’s just not right.
So I just tried to read all these comments and still don’t think anyone in this post still understand at all. Yes arc is a group to help people and have slot of new people and all that yes. But that doesn’t mean cut a coral price to a trash price when it’s a high end coral. Like I said before there is millions of coral out there of all different respected prices and those price are like that for reasons and for someone to just go and undercut these big name growers and developers is nonsense and a horrible thing to do. There is plenty of coral that’s in everyone price range and you stick to your price range to enjoy things.
When you buy it, you own it, you can sell it for whatever you want. There is no agreement between you and the coral farmer. This is no MAP pricing on corals.
What needs to happen is y’all go spend 2-4K on a piece of coral and the next week see someone selling a piece for 200 then you may know what I’m talking about. Or go breed and cross pollinate some Cora and spend the very long processes time and money to get there, build a name for it out set a price start selling it. Then a few months later some hobby guy is out there selling a 2000 piece of coral for 400 buck. Let all that stuff happen to you then see how you feel. That’s the point I’m trying to explain to y’all. Not trying to be a dick or anything to anyone at all but just wish people could have the WHOLE understanding of what people are doing. And by no means am I saying it’s just arc at all
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When you buy it, you own it, you can sell it for whatever you want. There is no agreement between you and the coral farmer. This is no MAP pricing on corals.
That that’s what needs to change and when I get these that i have going the will be paperwork and all filed and it will hopefully start something to help everyone out there.
That that’s what needs to change and when I get these that i have going the will be paperwork and all filed and it will hopefully start something to help everyone out there.
This is the Monsanto business model. Just saying.

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So I just tried to read all these comments and still don’t think anyone in this post still understand at all. Yes arc is a group to help people and have slot of new people and all that yes. But that doesn’t mean cut a coral price to a trash price when it’s a high end coral. Like I said before there is millions of coral out there of all different respected prices and those price are like that for reasons and for someone to just go and undercut these big name growers and developers is nonsense and a horrible thing to do. There is plenty of coral that’s in everyone price range and you stick to your price range to enjoy things.
So you're saying we're stupid? We understand. Seems more people feel they can do whatever they want with property.
No it’s not. A guy who spends 10a of thousands of dollars to develop a coral or product should not get screwed like this. So a builder can design his or her coral then get paperwork up and build all the documents and all for legal stuff and then have it all ran and basically can put map on a coral. And then when people start selling at undercut pricing people will talk and people get shut down. That’s what needs to happen with everything
So you're saying we're stupid? We understand. Seems more people feel they can do whatever they want with property.
Not saying anyone is stupid at all but why would you sit here and disrespect people buy selling thief design for nothing and kill their product that they put so much money and time and heart into. And still trying to sell and prob get their money back in the first place. How is that right at all.
Not saying anyone is stupid at all but why would you sit here and disrespect people buy selling thief design for nothing and kill their product that they put so much money and time and heart into. And still trying to sell and prob get their money back in the first place. How is that right at all.
I’m beginning to think this guy/girl is just on here trolling. This can’t be serious.