Sales on ARC

Not saying anyone is stupid at all but why would you sit here and disrespect people buy selling thief design for nothing and kill their product that they put so much money and time and heart into. And still trying to sell and prob get their money back in the first place. How is that right at all.
When you sell your corals you can have the buyer sign an agreement not to re-sell for a price below what you think is fair. We understand what you're saying but your ranting about it on here is not going to change anything.
That that’s what needs to change and when I get these that i have going the will be paperwork and all filed and it will hopefully start something to help everyone out there.

wait... are you suggesting to buy a piece of coral there should be legal binding contracts to sell them at a MAP price down the road?
When you sell your corals you can have the buyer sign an agreement not to re-sell for a price below what you think is fair. We understand what you're saying but your ranting about it on here is not going to change anything.

oh... lol. This has got to be the funniest complaint I ever seen. When you buy an AKC Pure Bred whatever, you can breed that bloodline and sell the pups for whatever you want and they have a whole organization that keeps up with the bloodlines.

Why do you think someone can dictate how much you can sell a coral piece you grew. Are your suggested coral farmers going to replace or fund the growth?
I for one can say that I have received some amazing deals on ARC. I’ve compared prices to LFS prices and online vendors and there is a significant difference in comparison. I’ve also seen prices that don’t make my wallet jump in that person’s direction but i chose to admire the coral and browse other post that were more in my price range. I feel that every one is entitled to set the price as they see fit and if a person feels the price is excessive then they should just keep scrolling along the forum and hope a different member post a similar sized coral for a more reasonable price. I have noticed in past experiences that patience pays dividends. I love this group and couldn’t imagine having some of my nicer pieces without ARC. I experience good fortunes just this past weekend in relation to the topic at hand. I purchased a Neptune bounce with many of bubbles from a member. I also saw a juvenile Neptune with no bubbles for twice the amount I payed for my adult version. I always check here first before making any purchases and I shop quite often.
I’m beginning to think this guy/girl is just on here trolling. This can’t be serious.
Not trolling at all just actually saying what needed to be said for a while and wish you and the rest that don’t understand could get it. It’s a lot to doing what these guys to and not giving them the respect of keeping even close to their price
oh... lol. This has got to be the funniest complaint I ever seen. When you buy an AKC Pure Bred whatever, you can breed that bloodline and sell the pups for whatever you want and they have a whole organization that keeps up with the bloodlines.

Why do you think someone can dictate how much you can sell a coral piece you grew. Are your suggested coral farmers going to replace or fund the growth?
Yep. And how to deal with size variation. If a 1" coral is worth $500, is a 1/2" coral worth 250? The extra 1/2" is probably worth more than 2× the price. Who decides what a nub is worth?

Again, this is very clearly the Monsanto model. Trademark a living organism to set and hold the price and recoup your costs. They also sue anyone found to be using unauthorized versions of their crops. Its 100% the Monsanto business model. I think it might be difficult to pull off without a ton of legal fees and genetics work but if you can make it happen, then I guess good luck.

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Not trolling at all just actually saying what needed to be said for a while and wish you and the rest that don’t understand could get it. It’s a lot to doing what these guys to and not giving them the respect of keeping even close to their price
Thank you so much for joining our club to educate us and save the hobby! (Jk)
Gotta be trolling. Or maybe a prank? Lol
When you sell your corals you can have the buyer sign an agreement not to re-sell for a price below what you think is fair. We understand what you're saying but your ranting about it on here is not going to change anything.
I said my piece earlier then people keep going on about it. So I came back and see that some have no respect and won’t understand until something like this is done to them is all I’m saying but I’m done
First adopters always pay the stiffest price. It used to be a flat screen LED TV was $1000s of dollars. Those that wanted to be cutting edge and had the disposable income paid it. Now you can get a 55" 4K flat screen for like $300. Same thing with phones. I bought a Note 10+ because I love having the best phone (iPhones suck, lol). My 8+ is basically worthless now. There will always be a new named "hot" coral out there for collectors and opportunists. But, invariably, the price will fall as there is more supply. Eventually, you run out of people who want to pay $2000 for a particular coral. This is basic economics

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Not trolling at all just actually saying what needed to be said for a while and wish you and the rest that don’t understand could get it. It’s a lot to doing what these guys to and not giving them the respect of keeping even close to their price

I get it man and I don't think you're trolling. If I were in the market of buying, growing and selling premium corals, I'd want to see the prices stay high but that's not what most ARC members are about. I'm really proud of how much stuff we do give away to new and fellow members. Folks in this community have always be generous with me and I try and return the favor. If I were to grow our a giant colony of, say, Walt Disney Acro, I'd sell it on here at a discounted rate to fellow ARC members because it would make me feel good by making some friends happy. I want to sell coral that I grow at a discount because I'm in it for the hobby and friends. I mean, if not for my fellow ARC members, who else am I going to call when when my brand new Orange Passion frags starts to encrust the plug?

All of that being said, I do sell frags to help offset the cost of the hobby and the only way I feel o.k. about it is to offer them up at a cheap price. But that's just me and I don't fault anyone who tries to make more money doing it. To me, ARC is more about fun and fellowship. I get excited when folks like @Reefchef and @NanCrab spend time on the forum and ask questions and I really hope that I can give both of them some frags one day. Maybe some day ARC evolve out of the standard "what can I do about high nitrate?" questions and start focusing on cultivating high-end sticks and zoas, who knows? Until that happens, I think you'll see the majority of frags offered for sale/sold on ARC will continue to be good deals.
Who cares. If you like a coral and you buy it for 5k, propagate it for a few months/years then sell for a fraction of the price that’s no ones business but your own.

The OG “designer” of this coral has no rights to that coral once it’s sold. It COULD fetch a higher price once sold generations down the road but the seller can sell it for what ever they want that’s their business.

Business just buy each other’s corals and rebrand them or re name them and get a higher price anyways so half the time it’s the hobbies who is suckered into paying these prices by these people.

Things don’t typically happen like this anyways. You think out of the blue rastas or hornets just dropped in price over night. No the market gets flooded then The price drops.

If it’s worth it to you buy it high. If you want sell it low. It’s all on you.
I bought a brand new, never used item from a member of this forum for about 40% of what he paid for it at the retail store. He didnt want it, I did, so we agreed on a price. Does that mean the value of said item went down? No, because the retailer is still going to sell it for list price to a customer who is willing to pay that because they didn't look or couldn't find it for a better price. When I became disabled from nursing I went to Real Estate school because I didnt want to sit around collecting disability (still don't but it is what it is). One of the main things you learn in real estate is that the value of the property is what someone is willing to pay for it. I imagine it is the same with corals. Let's face it, we all spend our money on what we want to spend our money on. What's worth $200 a month to me may seem like a total extravagance to someone else and to yet another it may seem like very little. It's all perspective. I like the "community" aspect of this forum and as a new person it makes me a little sad to see such vile responses to people trying to explain basic capitalist economics.
Free market capitalism at its best on here. List something for X price and someone may buy or work a deal. Sure, I'd like a 1k coral but not willing to spend that. To each their own.
Not trolling at all just actually saying what needed to be said for a while and wish you and the rest that don’t understand could get it. It’s a lot to doing what these guys to and not giving them the respect of keeping even close to their price

I paid full price when I bought my corals but when I grew them out, I sell them at a fraction because its my choice. I don’t think I’m disrespecting or degrading any of the farmers just because I choose to give others an opportunity to own some of the corals. I actually think otherwise, I believe it continues to grow the community and attract more hobbyist this way by making it more affordable for many rather than just a few.
i think that is part of what makes this group so special is that people are willing to sell high end pieces for a reasonable price so everyone can have a slice of the pie and not have to pay an arm and a leg for nice pieces . 90 percent of my pieces i own i bought from people here on the forum . i dont think it is being disrespectful to the farmers at all its all a part of the forum being one big family and helping each other out! to each is own tho . just my 2 opinion on the topic .
I think this has already been said, but I doubt many, if any, sellers are on here to make profit. If so, they probably sell off ARC too. The only reason I would buy a pricey, high end coral is because I can can afford it and I love the coral. I would never spend a bunch on a coral solely in the hopes I can make money on it.

It's not like super high end corals are being sold for cheap in huge quantities here, right? If you find a really good deal on here it feels special and just makes you appreciative of the local community. In the general market it's really just what others have said, natural depreciation.

I've heard the opposite complaints as well, that people were annoyed they gave someone a really good deal because they thought they were just starting out or something and the person turned around and sold it for way more. It can go either way and in the end, as others have said, all that matters is what the seller wants to ask and what the buyer wants to pay.

There's plenty of really useful reasons to selling coral cheap as well! Personally, I have a single nano tank that is my beautiful baby, and no room for anything else. Corals get too big pretty quickly and I don't like a bunch of frags crowding the place. I know if I sell all my frags for cheap I can get them out asap, and having a pristine display tank is the most important thing to me.

Definitely just all about spreading the love when it comes to coral, so obviously I'm one sided on this. I get rexx's point, but just don't agree at all on the importance of keeping prices high. Why shouldn't we all just have nice things if they are things that continually reproduce? Go ahead and call me a reef tank communist. What I think is important is being able to keep a beautiful coral alive. Anybody can get a deal on a fancy frag here and there, but can you keep it growing with excellent, full polyps, and the brightest color that coral can achieve? If I buy a high end coral, it's growing well, and I sell the frags for cheap, I take pride in the fact that I've got the big, beautiful mother colony all these other starters came from. Other times I just can't get a coral to do well in my tank, and I'm happy to let others give it a go at a low price.

To be really frank, if someone is incredibly upset about a coral being devalued, it sounds like maybe they shouldn't have spent that much in the first place (either paid too much or couldn't really afford it). Coral buying is addicting, y'all be careful out there. Do it cause you love it, not cause you're going to strike gold. Buy the most expensive corals cause you want guarantee on exactly what you're getting and/or you want to be the cool kid on the block for having it first.

One more point, to Chuck's original sale post, I think the initial responses were cordial enooough and reasonable. Maybe it would be better to just not comment in some instances, but I personally would love to hear if I put a price on a coral that was way too high for this market, especially if it was from someone that had a good bit of experience selling that coral here.