Sick Dogface Puffer Help

As Long As He Eats Something He Should Be Ok .to Help Him Go Buy Some Zoe And Garlic Guard This Will Boost His Imune System
Ok lets see if we can solve the mystery of the disapearing cleaner shrimp.

Dogface puffer.

Cleaner shrimp.

Dogface puffer spies cleaner shrimp. Cleaner shrimp spies dogface puffer.
DF puffer says YUM. Cleaner shrimp soils itself before seeing the last thing it ever saw.........The backside of the puffers beak from its tummy.

Mystery solved.
I just got Garlic Guard yesterday and the puffer is not responding to it. Any helpful ways to use where he will eat it. He has been eating a frized dried shrimp her and there.
Wish I could come up with some more ideas. Unfortunately, our puffer did not make it.

There's a lot of information on WetWebMedia">here</a> and some advice regarding force-feeding. I don't know if you want to try such an extreme measure (we didn't, but in hindsight we probably should have given it a try).

My suggestion is google "[B]sick dog face puffer[/B]" and read read read. Somewhere out there there is bound to be a success story and you might just find it.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Sorry Jordan, I really can not offer any more advice then I already did. Are your trying to feed him real garlic?!? If so, try soaking his food in garlic extract (like Seachem's Garlic gaurd).
Are you still seeing him "shed his skin"? Poor appetite can be a symptom of illness. If this fish is sick, you'll need to treat it. Brandon had mentioned earlier- it is Brook season- a lot of fish are "catching it" recently. I leaning towards this.
The sheeding of the skin has almost all disapered expect for a few small spaces, less than 1.5 cm.
I think this fish is still sick. Rather than trying to get him to eat, I would suggest a very proactive course of treatment for brookynella. I suggest a formalin bath- 1 drop per gallon of tank water- HEAVY AERATED while the fish is in there. It is a very aggressive treatment, but very effective, also.
I am not sure but i think he ment taking the fish out and treating him seperatly not sure just an idea...
Yes take the fish out an place in a 5 gal bucket to dip in, or better yet a hospital tank of about 10 gal (saltwater and formalin). Dip him for 30-50 min and make SURE there is an airstone in the dip. While he is in the dip, this is the perfect time for you to set up a QT tank because you are not going to want him going back to the display tank for a bit.