Swu Iii

BTW Todd- there is the Georgia Scuba Show May 19th and 20th - we are going to hit their exhibitors up to exhibit at MACNA. You can find info on them online.
Kevin, thank you for organizing and heading SWU3! :thumbs: Great job! The event ran smoothly! The Speakers had a wonderful time and for the several presentations that I got to see, their information was well presented and informative.

Again, I want to thank our wonderful sponsors for their support in this conference!

Thank you!

SShindell;39390 wrote: They did - thanks as always Todd (I think Kevin won them).

I don't know if people know how much you have helped with raffle prizes, getting people to come last year to the Friday night event, losing in the raffles so the rest of us can win :), etc.

The good news of only having 70 or so people is that with $10K of raffle prizes, it was hard NOT to win!

Thanks Steve....you know I am not looking for at-ta-boys here. Hope it went well but some planning as to when it happens may help next time. I don't know......wish more people would support, but I have said that so many times on the boards till I am blue in the fingers.....

Just seems the club is more about discounts at LFS's than being a true reef club and enjoying everyones common trait.....saltwater tanks... and their company at functions
SShindell;39391 wrote: BTW Todd- there is the Georgia Scuba Show May 19th and 20th - we are going to hit their exhibitors up to exhibit at MACNA. You can find info on them online.

I will do that Steve...my Birthday is the 17th...so maybe I can get some new cool technology.

BTW anyone at the Aquarium this Friday between 7 AM and 11..Look for me in the Ocean Voyager tank!!!
You lucky devil. I am still on the waiting list, cutting up squid in the back.
washowi;39371 wrote: No pictures...?? stories?? Who got drunk and tried to steal some Titanic stuff? there has got be some stuff like that...Come on..not much to tell?

Ya, there are stories believe me. The hang over felt by some was appearent on Sunday. I mean it was Bob Fenner's Birthday and when Bob says "DRINK!" you drink! I think I plead the fifth on telling any story from Saturday night. Although in the first 30 seconds of being in the Titanic exibit, I was sure we would be arrested!
I would love to congratulate all of the winners of the raffle prizes, and thank all of the people who donated products for this.

There are MANY highlights of SaltwaterU... Just wait, more information on that to come soon!
That's better...I would hate to think you guys were just all fish geeks with no other life!! :)
For me, I had several personal goals regarding attending SWU and my top one was the Teen Program. Duh! :D

I was delighted with the entire </em>Teen Program and the impact that it's having on the teens and even the re-energizing effect on their chapperones/science teachers.

At the conference, the teens presented and spoke to the audience about what they did at the St. Simmons and Jekyll Island... things like seining at night and the next afternoon, dissecting a squid and a dog shark, and catching, examining and identifying plankton, taking a boatride to see and learn about the importance of estuaries... While nervous, they shared what they learned as well as what they enjoyed and answered questions from the audience.

Several exhibitors and speakers said that our education outreach program was great and very commendable.

I too want to thank and praise the entire ARC BOD for its leadership and support as well as the entire club.

Discussions are underway about how best to share with the club the Teen Progam presentation.

"THANK YOU" again for your support of this program and for the authorization to do it again in 2008! :up: :thanks: :up:

Bob Lemcke
Wish you were there.. friday morning, maybe i just need to show up to say hello in OV
Todd - I am trying to figure out how to recognize you. I know Alice has a white belly,....but how can I tell you from Norton?
SShindell;39410 wrote: Todd - I am trying to figure out how to recognize you. I know Alice has a white belly,....but how can I tell you from Norton?

Ha...ha...good one Steve!!

Todd....sign up on a Tuesday morning to dive sometime and I'll be your safety diver!!
Todd will be the skinny one, especially since he has lost all the weight!
SShindell;39377 wrote:
Sorry to disappoint you Broreef, but no real controversy this time.

That is three times now that you have thrown fish poop my way and you still dont know me (rest assured though I do know you). why dont you be honest in your thoughts and admit it to the club that you are still ~ still acting like a 13 year old defending his first girlfriend over this post


Look Mr. licensed, board certified professional, I did not know Margi was your wife and meant nothing personal toward either of you, I spoke my mind then and offered my opinion. I pm'ed you in an attempt to give you a chance to get whatever of your chest, your response was you would put it behind us if I would :confused:, and here you go AGAIN. Before I say something to get removed from the forum (cause we both know what your lil game here is) I am going to ask moderator AGAIN (for the THIRD time) to regulate this person's attack on me.

And as I have heard it put so strongly by you before "If you are pissed with someone deal with that person via PM, not on the open forums. Sound familiar ~ Mr Malcontent
washowi;39388 wrote:
any chance on getting Sylvia back? I liked her. Always has so much to tell and talk about. Also loved Scott Micheal....Hope he could get back again.

Bummed that no dive was included this year, maybe next year

We are putting together a "brain strorming speaker list" and Sylvia and Scott are some that we would love to see. A dive trip at the same time is tough - but having more dive trips thru the year is a good goal.
SShindell;39410 wrote: Todd - I am trying to figure out how to recognize you. I know Alice has a white belly,....but how can I tell you from Norton?

I will be the one with no notched lip.!! and my belly is a little larger than Norton's!!
SShindell;39419 wrote: NO! Todd - do we need to force feed you krill or fish eggs?

I prefer Wild Caught Salmon. Never Farmed raised!!
fishwhisperer;39415 wrote: Ha...ha...good one Steve!!

Todd....sign up on a Tuesday morning to dive sometime and I'll be your safety diver!!

I will do that Sally. This is my first dive so once they let me loose...I will try and steal some acro's out of the Topical Diver ;)
Has any one ever tried to understand why more locals don't show at SWU?

I could have gone for Saturday, but not Sunday. In fact I was interested in several of the Saturday programs. But what I gathered is the price was a flat rate for both days. I did not see the price value of attending for just one day at $75. I would have gladly paid a for one day even it was tad more than half the price. I even sent an e-mail mid last week to some one off the SWU site asking about tickets and I just it back yesterday morning saying it was undeliverable.

I even had a talk with an owner of a LFS who said they did not see value or a return in participating in SWU. I thought that conversation was a little unusual.

It actually sounds like there was a decent turn out and that all had a good time.