The server upgrade is tabled. We're working on another solution.


Staff member
Reaction score
Flowery Branch, GA
We will not be moving the server. We have found that the issues are software related. So, unfortunately, there will be no improvements with the posting times. We may attempt to see if disabling some plugins to the site will rectify the issue but working on this site's forum platform will not be our focus at this time.

If the posting times are that bothersome to you, please let us know here and we will see what we can do. But please realize that disabling plugins will likely remove some of the sites functionality. I know some of you aren't getting email notifications, but most are. The ones that aren't seeing those should please look in their spam folder. This plugin would probably be the 1st option that would be disabled to see if there is an issue with it, then move on from there. But we would really like to focus on the following.

What we are working very hard on a partial platform change for the site to handle the forums. One that will function like a forum should and one that will be familiar to you all. Right now, I don't have any further details to share but we want you all to know that this is the primary focus of the BoD currently. The ability to easily communicate is the core foundation of any forum. And that is what we are <del>trying</del> going to make happen.

So, with that, we ask that you have a just a little more patients with us and we will have more information to pass along to you soon. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here and we will do our best to answer them.

Thank you.
I seem to get the notifications without an issue.  I think the posting times are pretty rough... but I guess you can get used to it.  I've learned to just hit submit and open another tab.

Let me know if you need help with the data migration.  It's been a few years since I handled one but as long it is in sql it should come back to me. :)
That you for the offer Jin!

Fortunately, we've got Leo @Lmm1967 working on that part, the man is nothing short of incredible. He's already gotten two tests sites up and running and one of them has a pretty good conversion of our current data. There's still a lot to do but that's a big step. It's flat out amazing what he's gotten done in such a short amount out time!!! But if we need any help I'll hit you up.
Fishy, it can range from anywhere from 5-10 seconds all the way up to about a minute. Anything over a couple seconds is too much. Sure there's going to be an occasional issue where it might take a little longer but that should be the max 99% of the time.

On the test site we're seeing sub second post times, even with pic's. On a live site it will be a little higher, but nothing like it currently is. We'll get there, it won't be tomorrow but we'll get it there soon. Our goal is by the end of September. It's being done on personal time and we want to get it right.