Updated: Light Friendly Clear Mesh Screen Cover for Open Top Tanks-Standard/Rimless

Acroholic;521138 wrote: Here's a picture of my latest mesh top. This one is on my new Marineland DD 150, 36" x 36" x 27" which replaced my 30 x 30 Rimless. It has a feeding door on the front, with hinges made of zip ties. Basically for frozen food. Pellets go right thru the screens.

Stole that innovation from Oz. I think the zip tie hinges are my original addition to the door idea.

Dang! Now I have to do another center section. I didnt think about the feeder door thinky man...How are the zip ties working out? I am thinking a couple of small stainless hinges might fit there too.
BASSCYN;520922 wrote:
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may i suggest adding a bit of acrylic to the fronts to fill the gap with the curved part. They will find any hole!

and Im SOOO doing the feeding door, thats awesome!

Thanks again for the Mesh, and LMK when you have some time to talk fish and allow company over to see the tanks.

BASSCYN;521227 wrote: Dang! Now I have to do another center section. I didnt think about the feeder door thinky man...How are the zip ties working out? I am thinking a couple of small stainless hinges might fit there too.

Zip ties are working great. You just ned to leave them loose a bit; don't pull the zip too tight. You could use SS hinges, just make sure they are marine grade stainless and you'd have to use marine grade stainless nuts/bolts as well. Not really anything for self threading screws to bit into.

Just use zip ties...lots easier and less expensive!:D
Dave, at the next meeting I'd like a piece 20x25 for my frag tank if you don't mind.
Acroholic;521332 wrote: Just use zip ties...lots easier and less expensive!:D

well if thats what youre going for, a peice of duct tape is an even easier and cheaper hing!
EnderG60;521740 wrote: well if thats what youre going for, a peice of duct tape is an even easier and cheaper hing!

That would work, but the zips look halfway decent. I don't have a hi-zoot full canopy like some people have on their 300 gallon peninsula tank.:D
Ever thought about trying to incorporate glass top hinge? That's what my plan is for the frag tank.
cr500_af;521749 wrote: Ever thought about trying to incorporate glass top hinge? That's what my plan is for the frag tank.

You could do anything really. Only thing about the glass hinge is that it is pretty stiff and the screen tops are really light. You might not be able to keep the feeding door open when you open it because of the hinge stiffness. And I'm not sure how you would attach it to the hinge material. The channel is at least 1/4" thick. If you can't use it as is, then I guess liquid epoxy or silicone.

I always try to look for the simplest answer to anything. The zip ties are pretty bullet proof for me.
Just came back from HD and Lowe's thinking I needed plastic framing. I thought no metal was supposed to be near a saltwater tank. No issues with the aluminum then?
The frame is not submerged and sits on the outside of the tank, so salt exposure is minimal.
FWIW. I have sourced some flanged screen tube that might just be the ticket for rimless tanks
johnr2604;540441 wrote: FWIW. I have sourced some flanged screen tube that might just be the ticket for rimless tanks

If only we could find some clear acrylic type frame material...that would be da bomb!
Acroholic;540488 wrote: If only we could find some clear acrylic type frame material...that would be da bomb!

I can make it but it would not be cheap!
You donate the screen and I will the acrylic , we will make one for your chalice tank
grouper therapy;540504 wrote: I can make it but it would not be cheap!
You donate the screen and I will the acrylic , we will make one for your chalice tank

Hehe...My chalice tank is now a 150 gallon Deep Dimensions tank with top trim. The cheapo screen frame material is fine.
grouper therapy;540508 wrote: I would have to match the spline chord to the saw kerf or vice versa

Now where can we get clear spline?:confused2: