I had picked up 2x MP40s, 2x Radion XR30 G4 Pros w/diffusers, Ecotech Battery Backup, Reeflink, & AquaticLife 48" Fixture from Thi (
@tqpolo) for a great deal. Thanks!
I sold of the AquaticLife 48" fixture since I have no plans for it, thanks
@Mart1990 & enjoy!
I tried using Reeflink, the second time but I hate it!! It's unresponsive and a pain. 1 of each of the Radion & the MP40 had the old green RF chip, so I ordered the mobius chip for each of them since I prefer the Mobius platform. So, the reeflink will go up for sale as well after I get my Ecotech order.
I have never been a huge fan of Radions, mainly due to price point. As soon as I get the other RF chip, I plan to test it over my RS250 to see how it is and if it's worth keeping or stay with my hydras & OR3 bar. Else, they will go up for sale as well. This is another bad habit, not leaving things alone, and just messing with things.