Vodka dosing; the results speaks volumes


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Johns Creek GA
For over a year, I've considered vodka dosing but for various reasons (mostly to busy), I never got the chance to act on it. I did start manual dosing but the issue is, if you break the cycle, you have to start all over and I broke it several times due to travel.

Fast forward a year and the purchase of a dual compartment dosing container (thanks Brett!). I already had the doser so it really wasn't a big deal to program it and press start. It was just a matter of doing it and there was no better time than the present as I wasn't seeing the growth that I wanted and I had issues with a matting algae, both red and green, covering my coraline up on the glass and on rocks plus I couldn't get Nitrates below 20ppm. A purchase of 3 L of the cheapest vodka I could find and I'm in business!!

The dosing has been in place now for a few days shy of 3 weeks. I'm dosing 2.5 ml twice a day into a 180g DT with about 50g in sump but I'm figuring with displacement from my rock that I'm just under 200g TWV. Now according to articles I've read, I'm overdosing for the water volume but again, it's all about proof. I should only be dosing a total of 2 ml/day (according to the articles) and I'm more than twice that.

Now for the proof. Within the first 10 days, my Nitrates reduced to 10ppm (I've yet to test for this week) and the matting algae has diminished in several areas on the back glass and on the rocks to where I can see the coraline behind it. To me, those alone were amazing results but then when I looked at my montis (purple and red) and saw that they have about 1/8" of new rim growth in just 7 - 10 that's proof!

The more I look, the more I can see proof that vodka dosing was my answer. My yellow polyp cabbage leather coral has EXPLODED with growth. It's now 30% bigger than it was. My RBTA babies (I have 2 from splits) have doubled in size to where they are almost as big as the parent which is about 8" when fully extended. My zoa extension is far better than it was. My Orange Super Ricordia are opening back to a normal size (they hadn't been normal in almost a year) and my Japanese Favia has filled in a rock that it hadn't crusted over in almost a year. My Green Acropora (I don't know the exact name) has so many new tips that I can't count them all.

If you are like I was and either doubted that it worked or that there would be any real benefit to vodka dosing, well put those away thoughts and get yourself on the vodka train!!
I can attest to the changes I've seen in your tank Jeff. It's night and day and I can't believe the immeadiate growth I've seen in your tank. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it myself. :). I am going to start dosing as well after I pick up another bottle of Vodka. It seems someone (me) drank the one that was for the tank. Lol.
That's great to hear. Do you attribute the benefits to the diminished nutrients or the increase in bacteria in the water helping to feed the coral? I've tried to track down more information on how the carbon dosing helps our tanks aside from the reduction in nutrients but I can't seem to find a clear answer on how the increase in bacterial load in the system plays a role in coral health. Do you have any thoughts on this?
This is very interesting to me, Ive went from 80 ppm nitrates to 20ppm by WC, better feeding, added 30 gal plant fuge.
I don't know if they will continue to come down lower. If not, wil see how Brett makes out with the volka drinking, I mean dosing.
My tank has just recently rounded the 6 month curve after a move from 75g to 120g. I battled champ pretty ol badly for those 6 months but it seemed overnight that it all sort of disappeared. I haven't done any water tests in a while (shame on me) but, if my nutrients aren't in line I planned to vodka dose. Long story short, it's nice to see someone local who does it and has had some success. Interested to see how your tank does from here forward.

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I'm not sure what to contribute the growth to but I'm leaning toward increased bacteria. My skimmer hasn't really collected that much more so I'm discounting nutrient reduction. I just believe that for whatever reason, I was having a difficult time keeping bacteria in balance with my bioload.

James.....I was as high as 80ppm with a refugium in place. WC's only got me to about 40 and adding Matrix only got me down to 20. Adding vodka got me down to 10 so my next test is to remove the Matrix and see what happens.
Fishlips;1109311 wrote: This is very interesting to me, Ive went from 80 ppm nitrates to 20ppm by WC, better feeding, added 30 gal plant fuge.
I don't know if they will continue to come down lower. If not, wil see how Brett makes out with the volka drinking, I mean dosing.

I'm probably going to start with .75 ml two times a day and slowly increase week over week. I'll build a single dosing box and get started on it this week. I'll do some heavy reading first though. :)

I do love Vodka. Hehe
porpoiseaquatics;1109314 wrote: I'm not sure what to contribute the growth to but I'm leaning toward increased bacteria. My skimmer hasn't really collected that much more so I'm discounting nutrient reduction. I just believe that for whatever reason, I was having a difficult time keeping bacteria in balance with my bioload.

James.....I was as high as 80ppm with a refugium in place. WC's only got me to about 40 and adding Matrix only got me down to 20. Adding vodka got me down to 10 so my next test is to remove the Matrix and see what happens.

Please keep us informed. I'm watching very closely. And thanks.If mine don't come down any in the next month, might consider vodka or pulling afew large tangs out.
It's nice to see you having great results with the vodka dosing Jeff, like another member said it's great to have one locally who can't achieve results with the carbon dosing. Have read some, but not enough, I was more likely afraid of doing this method some day. The point to the raise of bacteria cultures and the maintenence of them alive, thus keeping low nutrients and nice growth. Here's where I find my concerns, what if this bacteria has no source for days, or what if they suddenly die off, is there more risk associated?
Just some food for thoughts.
Bcavalli;1109315 wrote: I'm probably going to start with .75 ml two times a day and slowly increase week over week. I'll build a single dosing box and get started on it this week. I'll do some heavy reading first though. :)

I do love Vodka. Hehe

Brett, I'm scared at this point to try anything like this. But maybe you and Jeff can take the lead.
I was scared of Calcium reactors before I hooked one up. I'm still learning, but I'm so glad I went that route. I'm really hoping that this will work as well as it has for Jeff. Like I mentioned though I have a ton of reading to do before I start.
Bcavalli;1109326 wrote: I was scared of Calcium reactors before I hooked one up. I'm still learning, but I'm so glad I went that route. I'm really hoping that this will work as well as it has for Jeff. Like I mentioned though I have a ton of reading to do before I start.

I'm still afraid of calcium reactors. I need to see them in action, see how they are hooked up.Dont know where to put it, Im out of room in this apartment. Could ask the the wife maybe under the dinning room table.LOL
Fishlips;1109332 wrote: I'm still afraid of calcium reactors. I need to see them in action, see how they are hooked up.Dont know where to put it, Im out of room in this apartment. Could ask the the wife maybe under the dinning room table.LOL

Lol, if there's a will there's a way. :).
Fishlips;1109332 wrote: I'm still afraid of calcium reactors. I need to see them in action, see how they are hooked up.Dont know where to put it, Im out of room in this apartment. Could ask the the wife maybe under the dinning room table.LOL

They do make HOB models!!!
Fishlips;1109332 wrote: I'm still afraid of calcium reactors. I need to see them in action, see how they are hooked up.Dont know where to put it, Im out of room in this apartment. Could ask the the wife maybe under the dinning room table.LOL

nothing to be scared of. good stuff! I'm glad i didn't sell mine at the crazy low price not long ago! a good CaRx setup will help keep things nice and stable :)
Do you know if the benefits from the vodka come from just the ethanol component or if the additives are important too? The reason I'm asking is if it is just the ethanol, then we could buy dilute lab grade ethanol and mix it with the water in your ATO.
blind1993;1109519 wrote: Do you know if the benefits from the vodka come from just the ethanol component or if the additives are important too? The reason I'm asking is if it is just the ethanol, then we could buy dilute lab grade ethanol and mix it with the water in your ATO.

I honestly have no idea and any of the articles that I've read don't spell out the science behind it other than it's a carbon.
Jeff are you dosing anything else or just pure vodka?
Presume you are not using CaRx.

I might try this as it could save me a lot of space