VOTE for GAI Beluga Whale program!

I sit in an office with four walls and I'm almost intelligent...arg...everything is closing in...:aargh4:
rjrgroup;940030 wrote: I sit in an office with four walls and I'm almost intelligent...arg...everything is closing in...:aargh4:

then again some animals should be
leveldrummer;940049 wrote: There is a big difference between keeping a pet, especially dumb fish, then keeping a large intelligent animal that is use to roaming thousands of square miles in a tiny pool.

Im on the fence on this one, but Im certianly leaning strongly to the side that these whales should be left in the ocean. dolphins and other intelligent animals too, is tough to rationalize keeping a few fish from the reef in a tiny box in my living room, but these whales are a different type of animal, and this just isnt right.

I knew there was something about you I it's about being a good steward at the very least.
teach your children that whales are to sacred to be hunted down and mistreated.
So, I get why people are voting "for", obviously I did, and I already knew this would be a polarizing subject...what I'm not quite understanding is that the reason you should vote no is based almost exclusively on our perceived judgement of the creatures intelligence?

Oh, and I believe my Grandaughter in my photos up there is getting a little more learning and absolute bonding with Ocean creatures than "watching it swim in a circle", lol
mysterybox;940068 wrote: So, I get why people are voting "for", obviously I did, and I already knew this would be a polarizing subject...what I'm not quite understanding is that the reason you should vote no is based almost exclusively on our perceived judgement of the creatures intelligence?

Oh, and I believe my Grandaughter in my photos up there is getting a little more learning and absolute bonding with Ocean creatures than "watching it swim in a circle", lol

you're right Ralph they're dumb animals......
Its much more than their intelligence that makes me not support something like this. Its the fact that , as a species, we should be past the point where we keep intelligent and large sea mammals like this locked up for amusement and profit. <span style="font-size: 12px">And im absolutely positive that the whales enjoy performing for kids and their accommodations they are given for that service. Whales also dont have a "perceived intelligence". Its been thoroughly researched and documented that whales have complex forms of communication that are specific to family groups. And by the very definition of the word they posses a culture. We should be acting a little more civilized when it comes to these creatures then we are. Its not worth getting more and putting them through that life so that kids can see them because in the end thats what its all about. the ability to charge more and not responsible ecological preservation like ARC supports. </span>
Some say NO altogether!
Some say YES no matter what!
Some do not care one way or the other!
Some think everyone should think like them!

Which do you fit in?


I'm not an activist but just as a Dog living in a crate 23 hours a day I do not think a whale living in that environment is ok.... WAY bigger, probably unattainable but if doable I'm all for it.

Don't agree with me? Fine.

Don't expect me to change my opinion because you don't agree. I will however entertain any fact based sources that could....

Just saying.
I look at it like this. Will help increase the population of the endangered species potentially? There are obvious reasons as to why any species becomes endangered, weather it be by nature or by we as humans. If it's by nature, then I do think something drastic like captivity needs to happen to make an ATTEMPT at saving a species. If the problem is we the humans, then education, laws and involvement I think is key. However, in the wild the weak do not survive and that is nature...

Now, lets look at humane angels of this. It's no secret, with every action is a re-action weather it be positive or negative. I for one agree with animals that have been injured or otherwise wouldn't have survived in the wild (for whatever reason or circumstance) are preserved in our local zoo's. However, to capture a WILD animal for sheer gratification for us humans, I feel this is wrong. There are books, video's and travel destinations that can just as well fulfill this...

So I leave you to ponder this (considering everything I've mentioned above), YOUR MOTHER has three arms, solid red eyes, and is COMPLETELY normal otherwise (normal being whatever level of sanity you accept as normal LOL), and the human race is perfectly intact. Do you place her in captivity for study or amusement? Now let's say, the human race is most certainly endangered and there are only 1,000 females known to exist on planet earth... What would happen next? Naturally, I think self preservation would be THE goal!

I base my decision on the motivation, intent and overall interest for what's best. Topics like these IMO are never cookie cutter topics and are very difficult to debate.
Akopley;940117 wrote: Ralph, please explain to me what your granddaughter learned form this experience that she could not have learned from a book, video or experience in the wild? If anything her acquired knowledge of these animals is skewed because they are behaving abnormally in a captive environment.

It's not possible to convince people they are wrong in this situation, because it takes a certain level of ignorance to even consider voting for this. Just the wording of the petition alone is deceptive enough to make many people think this is about sustainability in the wild when in fact it is referring to extinction in a captive environment...which I am not sure qualifies as extinction in the first place.

well, if you cannot see nor understand the emotional connect (obviously a guy) just from those few photos with that experience (and that is an understatement, as being there was a human bond to another creature warp 10), you must have no emotional understanding at all...sorry....
So the few minutes of joy justifies the taking of more belugas from the wild? You could've taken her to a petting zoo of farm animals for the same effect

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Akopley;940117 wrote: Ralph, please explain to me what your granddaughter learned form this experience that she could not have learned from a book, video or experience in the wild? If anything her acquired knowledge of these animals is skewed because they are behaving abnormally in a captive environment.

It's not possible to convince people they are wrong in this situation, because it takes a certain level of ignorance to even consider voting for this. Just the wording of the petition alone is deceptive enough to make many people think this is about sustainability in the wild when in fact it is referring to extinction in a captive environment...which I am not sure qualifies as extinction in the first place.

do you have a dog?
if yes (many do, maybe not you specifically)

do you have all the parents & siblings to your dog? and puppies? now? lol
We all have made our points...let's just vote to help maintain this incredible species that bonds with humans as if they are one and the same!

Top 5 experiences in my lifetime for sure, and I have seen sooo much...but never enough...:)"></a>

...and everyone here has small square boxes of ocean in there home...
oops, one more....

Penguin encounter...since this is a bird, those people with small square tanks containing animals & dogs without their families should approve of

Question? are all of you vegetarians?

Akopley;940117 wrote: Ralph, please explain to me what your granddaughter learned form this experience that she could not have learned from a book, video or experience in the wild? If anything her acquired knowledge of these animals is skewed because they are behaving abnormally in a captive environment.

It's not possible to convince people they are wrong in this situation, because it takes a certain level of ignorance to even consider voting for this. Just the wording of the petition alone is deceptive enough to make many people think this is about sustainability in the wild when in fact it is referring to extinction in a captive environment...which I am not sure qualifies as extinction in the first place.

Well said
mysterybox;940175 wrote: oops, one more....

Penguin encounter...since this is a bird, those people with small square tanks containing animals & dogs without their families should approve of

Question? are all of you vegetarians?"></a>[/QUOTE]

All of your trying to do is justify something by comparing it to totally different situations. It doesn't help your argument much.
Until somebody ask the whales what they think, you're all whining morons...:tongue:
A number of years ago I voted for a bill in FL to ensure pregnant pigs had enough space to turn around in their cages. It passed with very wide margins. Just before the bill went into affect a large number of pregnant pigs were reportedly slaughtered to avoid fines.

My biggest lesson was that life is complicated and there are many facets to discussions of this nature. I personally have not been close enough to this program nor have I done enough research to confidently vote either way.

I will say I go to the GA aquarium at least once a year and of all of the exhibits the Beluga Whale tank is the most depressing for me.