What salt do you use?

I have been using RC's since I start and have just about run out so its time for me to get some more. Looks like I will be trying Seachem this time.

since I have a small nano tank I only mix my saltwater 1 day before I change it and I heat it up to about 80-81 degrees which is the temp I keep my tank at. However I notice that even after 24hrs it appears that I still have some salt crystals in my water. I use a pump to mix the solution; my question is how long should I let the water mix for it to be totally dissolved? I run my SG between 1.025-.026.
24 hours should be enough time with a pump & heater. Of course, if u can, more time.
One thing I do to ensure that my salt it completely mixed is, I take a paint mixer, the kind that can be used in a drill and I run it in my bucket, trash can or whatever. Then let it run with a powerhead for a day or so. There is never really any residual left while doing this. I found out about this from a guy on RC. Can't remember the thread, but a quick search would probably find it.
I recently switched from oceanic to RC and have had great results. I have similar results with the seachem salt, may have to try it again though.
Snowman733;264623 wrote: What was wrong with the Petco Brand?

I could not get it to a proper PH, even after I mixed it it would have a PH below 8. It was before I tested for anything else, so I cannot say where it was on the other stuff. Because it was not in a bucket, it was a big brick before I was half way through using it (which is not a fault of the salt, but it just made it less appealing).

I already have a problem with dropping PH, so starting off with a low PH made things even worse.
I have been out of the reef hobby for 10 years and just set up a new Cardiff this week. My plan was to stick as close as I can to one brand of salt, buffer and additives. My not quite solid reasoning is that they will work "better" together. My choice at this time is Seachem because 1) I used their stuff 10 years ago, 2) they write good ad copy and 3) they are a Georgia company. See what I meant by "not quite solid reasoning?"

Anyway, my freshly mixed up Seachem reef salt shows a calcium of 400, alkalinity of 2.5 and pH of 8.1. This was with RODI water with 0 TDS. I tested using Seachem test kits. A few doses of Seachem reef buffer brought the pH and alkalinity up to 8.3 and 10 respectively.

I find this rather strange. I either have a bad bag of salt, poor Seachem test kits, or poor water testing skills.

I have a another bucket of Seachem reef salt from another batch so I'll test that one. Any other ideas?
might have been a bad batch or your bucket wasnt mixed up.

my seachem reef salt mixes to 520 calc, 3 alk(mg/L) and 8.3 ph

your numbers look more like the marine salt.
EnderG60;266132 wrote: might have been a bad batch or your bucket wasnt mixed up.

my seachem reef salt mixes to 520 calc, 3 alk(mg/L) and 8.3 ph

your numbers look more like the marine salt.

I agree! or his test kits/testing no bueno.
Does Instant Ocean have a brand geared more towards a reef tank? Or is it formulated that way period? I have been using Reef Crystals so i want to know which is the best for the reef between RC, IO, and Seacheam?
I believe IO is their gear toward FO, or general SW, while they make RC for reef. (same company)
Ya cabtvo wrong with any of them, it's all opinion and all with work. It depends on how much and what method u want to dose? TMPR or Seachem Reef I find excellent for what I want. Seachem has higher ph, calcium, mag, and overall alk. Carbonate all is average.
I just switched to reef crystals fron seachem reef. We'll see what happens....
I started out with Kent then switched to Oceanic,Now on Seachem I think it the best of these 3
I have used IO for 35+ years. I have tried other brands but IO seems to always be the most consistant. I do dose, about 3 times a week. I am also the one that had the ammonia disaster with Oceanic. They still have not even replied to my pwoblem.I would not use Oceanic again if they gave me the salt and a tank to put it in. (see posts (in the Lounge "Ammonia Gone Wild" and "Killer Salt".
Has anyone tried the new salt out by Brightwell called Neomarine, I have heard some really good reviews on it. It came out earlier this month. Although I have seen the prices and it is up their with tropic marin ...actually it is a few dollors more I belive. Anyway just wondering if anyone has treid it.
o and I didn't read the tread before posting so i hope no one has already said this.